最近要做一个检圆的工作,大概看了一下opencv4的新函数HoughCirclesAlt 粗略写了一些注释
static void HoughCirclesAlt(const Mat& img, std::vector& circles, double dp, double rdMinDist,
double minRadius, double maxRadius, double cannyThreshold, double minCos2)
const int MIN_COUNT = 10;
const int RAY_FP_BITS = 10;
const int RAY_FP_SCALE = 1 << RAY_FP_BITS; //1024 感觉是在参数空间放大的一个比例,我猜是更好保留精度
const int ACCUM_FP_BITS = 6; //
const int RAY_SHIFT2 = ACCUM_FP_BITS / 2; //3 后面做一个位移运算
const int ACCUM_ALPHA_ONE = 1 << RAY_SHIFT2; //8
const int RAY_SHIFT1 = RAY_FP_BITS - RAY_SHIFT2; //7
const int RAY_DELTA1 = 1 << (RAY_SHIFT1 - 1); //64
const double ARC_DELTA = 80;
const double ARC_EPS = 0.03;
const double CIRCLE_AREA_OFFSET = 4000;
const double ARC2CLUSTER_EPS = 0.06;
const double CLUSTER_MERGE_EPS = 0.075;
const double FINAL_MERGE_DIST_EPS = 0.01;
// 把最大半径和最小半径做了一下边界判断和修正,最小保证要大于1,最大不超过图片短边的一半
if (maxRadius <= 0)
maxRadius = std::min(img.cols, img.rows)*0.5;
if (minRadius > maxRadius)
std::swap(minRadius, maxRadius);
maxRadius = std::min(maxRadius, std::min(img.cols, img.rows)*0.5);
maxRadius = std::max(maxRadius, 1.);
minRadius = std::max(minRadius, 1.);
minRadius = std::min(minRadius, maxRadius);
// 对cannyThreshold和dp做了一下修正,最小保证要大于1
cannyThreshold = std::max(cannyThreshold, 1.);
dp = std::max(dp, 1.);
Mat Dx, Dy, edges;
Scharr(img, Dx, CV_16S, 1, 0); // 求img在x方向的梯度。kernel为3x3
Scharr(img, Dy, CV_16S, 0, 1); // 求img在y方向的梯度。kernel为3x3
Canny(Dx, Dy, edges, cannyThreshold / 2, cannyThreshold, true); //用L2norm的canny边缘检测
Mat mask(img.rows + 2, img.cols + 2, CV_8U, Scalar::all(0));
double idp = 1. / dp; //dp:像素空间分辨率/参数空间分辨率
int minR = cvFloor(minRadius*idp); //参数空间下最小半径
int maxR = cvCeil(maxRadius*idp); //参数空间下最大半径
int acols = cvRound(img.cols*idp); //参数空间下图片宽
int arows = cvRound(img.rows*idp); //参数空间下图片高
Mat accum(arows + 1, acols + 1, CV_32S, Scalar::all(0));
int* adata = accum.ptr();
int astep = (int)accum.step1();
minR = std::max(minR, 1);
maxR = std::max(maxR, 1);
// edges,Dx,Dy,mask四个Mat的数据,这个时候mask还是全0
const uchar* edgeData = edges.ptr();
int estep = (int)edges.step1();
const short* dxData = Dx.ptr();
const short* dyData = Dy.ptr();
int dxystep = (int)Dx.step1();
uchar* mdata = mask.ptr();
int mstep = (int)mask.step1();
circles.clear(); //这是要传出去的那个circles
std::vector nz; //会存一些四元中间变量(点p的x坐标,点p的y坐标,dx梯度在点p的值,dy梯度在点p的值)
std::vector stack; // 存一些符合标准的点
const int n33[][2] = { { -1, -1 },{ -1, 0 },{ -1, 1 },{ 0, 1 },{ 1, 1 },{ 1, 0 },{ 1, -1 },{ 0, -1 } };
// 这里mask赋值
for (int x = 0; x < mask.cols; x++) mdata[x] = mdata[(mask.rows - 1)*mstep + x] = (uchar)1;
for (int y = 0; y < mask.rows; y++) mdata[y*mstep] = mdata[y*mstep + mask.cols - 1] = (uchar)1;
mdata += mstep + 1;
for (int y = 0; y < edges.rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < edges.cols; x++)
if (!edgeData[y*estep + x] || mdata[y*mstep + x]) // 这里表示 非canny找到的边缘点 或者 mask上同位置上值非0 这个点就略过
mdata[y*mstep + x] = (uchar)1;
stack.push_back(Point(x, y));
bool backtrace_mode = false; // 这是啥
Point p = stack.back();
int vx = dxData[p.y*dxystep + p.x]; //原图在x方向梯度图在p点上的值
int vy = dyData[p.y*dxystep + p.x]; //原图在y方向梯度图在p点上的值
float mag = std::sqrt((float) vx*vx +(float)vy*vy); //magnitude?
nz.push_back(Vec4f((float)p.x, (float)p.y, (float)vx, (float)vy)); //那个四元变量
CV_Assert(mdata[p.y*mstep + p.x] == 1); //确保mask上p点值为1(?)
int sx = cvRound(vx * RAY_FP_SCALE / mag); //sx=vx*1024/√(vx^2+vy^2)
int sy = cvRound(vy * RAY_FP_SCALE / mag);
int x0 = cvRound((p.x * idp) * RAY_FP_SCALE); //x0=x/dp*1024 这是原图上点坐标在参数空间的对应坐标,1024感觉是放大的一个比例,可能是为了保留精度
int y0 = cvRound((p.y * idp) * RAY_FP_SCALE);
// Step from min_radius to max_radius in both directions of the gradient
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 2; k1++)
int x1 = x0 + minR * sx;
int y1 = y0 + minR * sy;
for (int r = minR; r <= maxR; x1 += sx, y1 += sy, r++)
//x2a= (x1 +(1<<6) )>>7, 算x1/2^7的整数部分,但是是每个2^7的区间对半分,大的那一半就近到+1的那个值,小的那一半就近到+0的那个值
int x2a = (x1 + RAY_DELTA1) >> RAY_SHIFT1, y2a = (y1 + RAY_DELTA1) >> RAY_SHIFT1;
// x2 = x2a>>3
int x2 = x2a >> RAY_SHIFT2, y2 = y2a >> RAY_SHIFT2;
if ((unsigned)x2 >= (unsigned)acols ||
(unsigned)y2 >= (unsigned)arows) //如果求的这个x2和y2超过边界就跳过这个循环
// 这里对accum赋值,做了一个插值
// instead of giving everything to the computed pixel of the accumulator,
// do a weighted update of 4 neighbor (2x2) pixels using bilinear interpolation.
// we do it to reduce the aliasing effect, even though it's slower 减少混叠/漂移效果(?)
int* ptr = adata + y2*astep + x2;
int a = (x2a & ACCUM_ALPHA_MASK), b = (y2a & ACCUM_ALPHA_MASK); //a和b是x2a和y2a的后三位,保证小于8
ptr[0] += (ACCUM_ALPHA_ONE - a)*(ACCUM_ALPHA_ONE - b);
ptr[1] += a*(ACCUM_ALPHA_ONE - b);
ptr[astep] += (ACCUM_ALPHA_ONE - a)*b;
ptr[astep + 1] += a*b;
sx = -sx; sy = -sy;
int neighbors = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
int dy = n33[k][0], dx = n33[k][1];
int y_ = p.y + dy, x_ = p.x + dx;
if (mdata[y_*mstep + x_] || !edgeData[y_*estep + x_])
mdata[y_*mstep + x_] = (uchar)1;
stack.push_back(Point(x_, y_));
if (neighbors == 0)
if (backtrace_mode)
backtrace_mode = true;
backtrace_mode = false;
} while (!stack.empty());
// insert a special "stop marker" in the end of each
// connected component to make sure we
// finalize and analyze the arc segment
nz.push_back(Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); //这是一个停止标志(?)
if (nz.empty())
// use dilation with massive ((rdMinDisp/dp)*2+1) x ((rdMinDisp/dp)*2+1) kernel.
// this trick helps us quickly find the local maxima of accumulator value
// that are at least within the specified distance from each other.
Mat accum_f, accum_max;
accum.convertTo(accum_f, CV_32F);
int niters = std::max(cvCeil(rdMinDist*idp), 1); //保证圆间最小距离不能小于1,然后根据这个值把accum做个膨胀(形态学)
dilate(accum_f, accum_max, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), niters, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
std::vector centers;
// 找到符合要求的圆中心点find the possible circle centers
for (int y = 0; y < arows; y++)
const float* adataf = accum_f.ptr(y);
const float* amaxdata = accum_max.ptr(y);
int left = -1;
for (int x = 0; x < acols; x++)
if (adataf[x] == amaxdata[x] && adataf[x] > adataf[x + astep])
if (left < 0) left = x;
else if (left >= 0)
float cx = (float)((left + x - 1)*dp*0.5f); //(left、x都是参数空间的值)left + x - 1是
float cy = (float)(y*dp);
centers.push_back(Point2f(cx, cy));
left = -1;
if (centers.empty())
float minR2 = (float)(minRadius*minRadius);
float maxR2 = (float)(maxRadius*maxRadius);
int nstripes = (int)((centers.size() + HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_BLOCK_SIZE); //把候选圆10个10个的打包成批次
const int nnz = (int)nz.size();
Mutex cmutex;
// Check each possible pair (edge_pixel[i], circle_center[j]).
// For each circle form the clusters to identify possible radius values.
// Several clusters (up to 10) are maintained to help to filter out false alarms and
// to support the concentric circle cases. 支持同心圆
// 这里对打包成批次的10个10个的圆做并行处理
// inside parallel for we process the next "HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_BLOCK_SIZE" circles
parallel_for_(Range(0, nstripes), [&](const Range& r)
std::vector local_circles;
const Vec4f* nzdata = &nz[0];
const Point2f* cc = ¢ers[j0];
int nc = std::min((int)(centers.size() - j0), (int)HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (nc <= 0) break;
// reset the statistics about the clusters
for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_BLOCK_SIZE; k++)
cdata[j*HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS + k] = CircleData();
arc[j] = CircleData();
arc[j].weight = 1; // avoid division by zero
prev_idx[j] = -2; // we compare the current index "i" with prev_idx[j]+1
// to check whether we are still at the current Canny
// connected component. so we initially set it to -2
// to make sure that the initial check gives "false".
for (int i = 0; i < nnz; i++)
Vec4f v = nzdata[i];
float x = v[0], y = v[1], vx = v[2], vy = v[3], mag2 = vx*vx + vy*vy;
bool stop_marker = x == 0.f && y == 0.f && vx == 0.f && vy == 0.f;
for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++)
float cx = cc[j].x, cy = cc[j].y;
float dx = x - cx, dy = y - cy;
float rij2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
// check that i-th pixel is within the specified distance range from the center
if ((rij2 > maxR2 || rij2 < minR2) && i < nnz - 1) continue;
float dv = dx*vx + dy*vy;
// check that the line segment connecting the edge pixel and the center and
// the gradient at the edge pixel are almost collinear
if ((double)dv*dv < (double)minCos2*mag2*rij2 && i < nnz - 1) continue;
float rij = std::sqrt(rij2);
CircleData& arc_j = arc[j];
double r_arc = arc_j.rw / arc_j.weight;
int di0 = 0;
int prev = prev_idx[j];
prev_idx[j] = i;
// update the arc statistics if it still looks like an arc
if (std::abs(rij - r_arc) < (r_arc + ARC_DELTA)*ARC_EPS && prev + 1 == i && !stop_marker)
arc_j.rw += rij;
di0 = 1;
r_arc = arc_j.rw / arc_j.weight;
if (i < nnz - 1)
// otherwise (or in the very end) store the arc in the cluster collection,
// if the arc is long enough.
if (arc_j.weight >= MIN_COUNT && arc_j.weight >= r_arc*0.15)
// before doing it, compute the angular range coverage (the mask).
uint64 mval = 0;
for (int di = 0; di < arc_j.weight; di++)
int i1 = prev + di0 - di;
Vec4f u = nz[i1];
float x1 = u[0], y1 = u[1];
float dx1 = x1 - cx, dy1 = y1 - cy;
float af = fastAtan2(dy1, dx1)*(64.f / 360.f);
int a = (cvFloor(af) & 63);
int b = (a + 1) & 63;
af -= a;
// this is another protection from aliasing effects
if (af <= 0.25f)
mval |= (uint64)1 << a;
else if (af > 0.75f)
mval |= (uint64)1 << b;
mval |= ((uint64)1 << a) | ((uint64)1 << b);
double min_eps = DBL_MAX;
int min_mval = (int)(sizeof(mval) * 8 + 1);
int k = 0, best_k = -1, subst_k = -1;
CircleData* cdata_j = &cdata[j*HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS];
CircleData& cjk = cdata_j[k];
if (cjk.weight == 0)
break; // it means that there is no more valid clusters
double rk = cjk.rw / cjk.weight;
// Compute and use the weighted "cluster with arc" area instead of
// just cluster area or just arc area or their sum. This is because the cluster can
// be small and the arc can be big, or vice versa. Weighted area is more robust.
double r2avg = (rk*rk*cjk.weight + r_arc*r_arc*arc_j.weight) / (cjk.weight + arc_j.weight);
// It seems to be more robust to compare circle areas (without "pi" scale)
// instead of radiuses. When we compare radiuses, when depending on the ALPHA,
// different big circles are merged too easily, or different small circles stay different.
if (std::abs(rk*rk - r_arc*r_arc) < (r2avg + CIRCLE_AREA_OFFSET)*ARC2CLUSTER_EPS)
double eps = std::abs(rk - r_arc) / rk;
if (eps < min_eps)
min_eps = eps;
best_k = k;
// Select the cluster with the worst angular coverage.
// We use the angular coverage instead of the arc weight
// in order to protect real small circles
// from "fake" bigger circles with bigger "support".
int pcnt = circle_popcnt(cjk.mask);
if (pcnt < min_mval)
min_mval = pcnt;
subst_k = k;
if (best_k >= 0) // if found the match, merge the arc into the cluster
CircleData& cjk = cdata_j[best_k];
cjk.rw += arc_j.rw;
cjk.weight += arc_j.weight;
cjk.mask |= mval;
subst_k = k; // if we have empty space, just add the new cluster, do not throw anything
CircleData& cjk0 = cdata_j[subst_k];
// here was the code that attempts to merge the thrown-away cluster with others,
// but apparently it does not have any noticeable effect,
// so we removed it for the sake of simplicity ...
// add the new cluster
cjk0.rw = arc_j.rw;
cjk0.weight = arc_j.weight;
cjk0.mask = mval;
// reset the arc statistics.
arc_j.rw = stop_marker ? 0. : rij;
arc_j.weight = 1;
// do not clean arc_j.mval, because we do not alter it.
// now merge the final clusters for each particular circle center (cx, cy)
for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++)
CircleData* cdata_j = &cdata[j*HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS];
float cx = cc[j].x, cy = cc[j].y;
for (int k = 0; k < HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS; k++)
CircleData& cjk = cdata_j[k];
if (cjk.weight == 0)
// Let in only more or less significant clusters.
// Small clusters more likely correspond to a noise
// (otherwise they would grew more substantial during the
// cluster construction phase).
// Processing those noisy clusters takes time and
// potentially decreases accuracy of computed radiuses
// of good clusters.
double rjk = cjk.rw / cjk.weight;
if (cjk.weight < rjk || circle_popcnt(cjk.mask) < 15)
cjk.weight = 0;
// extensive O(nclusters^2) cluster merge algorithm, but since the number
// of clusters is limited with a modest constant HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS,
// it's still O(1) algorithm :)
for (int k = 0; k < HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS; k++)
CircleData& cjk = cdata_j[k];
if (cjk.weight == 0)
double rk = cjk.rw / cjk.weight;
int l = k + 1;
CircleData& cjl = cdata_j[l];
if (l == k || cjl.weight == 0)
double rl = cjl.rw / cjl.weight;
// Here we use a simple sum of areas (without "pi" scale) instead of weighted
// sum just for simplicity and potentially for better accuracy.
if (std::abs(rk*rk - rl*rl) < (rk*rk + rl*rl + CIRCLE_AREA_OFFSET)*CLUSTER_MERGE_EPS)
cjk.rw += cjl.rw;
cjk.weight += cjl.weight;
cjk.mask |= cjl.mask;
rk = cjk.rw / cjk.weight;
cjl.weight = 0;
l = -1; // try to merge other clusters again with the updated k-th cluster
for (int k = 0; k < HOUGH_CIRCLES_ALT_MAX_CLUSTERS; k++)
CircleData& cjk = cdata_j[k];
if (cjk.weight == 0)
double rk = cjk.rw / cjk.weight;
uint64 mask_jk = cjk.mask, mask_jk0 = (mask_jk + 1) ^ mask_jk;
int count = 0, count0 = -1, runlen = 0, max_runlen = 0;
int prev_bit = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 64; b++, mask_jk >>= 1, mask_jk0 >>= 1)
int bit_k = (mask_jk & 1) != 0;
count += bit_k;
count0 += (mask_jk0 & 1) != 0;
if (bit_k == prev_bit) { runlen++; continue; }
if (prev_bit == 1)
max_runlen = std::max(max_runlen, runlen);
runlen = 1;
prev_bit = bit_k;
if (prev_bit == 1)
max_runlen = std::max(max_runlen, runlen + (count < 64 ? count0 : 0));
// Those constants are the results of fine-tuning.
// Basically, by lowering thresholds more real circles, as well as fake circles, are accepted.
// By raising the thresholds you get less real circles and less false alarms.
// A better and more safe way to obtain better detection results is to regulate
// [minRadius, maxRadius] range and to play with minCos2 parameter.
// May be some classifier can be trained that takes the weight,
// circle radius and the bit mask as inputs and produces the verdict.
bool accepted = (cjk.weight >= rk * 3 && count >= 35 && max_runlen >= 20) || count >= 55;
//printf("[%c]. cx=%.1f, cy=%.1f, r=%.1f, weight=%d, count=%d, max_runlen=%d, mask=%016llx\n",
// (accepted ? '+' : '-'), cx, cy, rk, cjk.weight, count, max_runlen, cjk.mask);
if (accepted)
local_circles.push_back(EstimatedCircle(Vec3f(cx, cy, (float)rk), cjk.weight));
if (!local_circles.empty()) //如果local_circles非空就在circles后面加入local_circles
std::copy(local_circles.begin(), local_circles.end(), std::back_inserter(circles));
// 这里把并行操作得到的一堆圆做个排序还有改一下值,但是这些圆其实就已经是最后输出的圆了没有做增删
// 计算复杂度O(n^2)
// The final circle merge procedure.
// This is O(ncircles^2) algorithm
// and it can take a long time in some specific scenarious.
// But most of the time it's very fast.
size_t i0 = 0, nc = circles.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nc; i++)
if (circles[i].accum == 0) continue;
EstimatedCircle& ci = circles[i0] = circles[i];
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < nc; j++)
EstimatedCircle cj = circles[j];
if (cj.accum == 0) continue;
float dx = ci.c[0] - cj.c[0], dy = ci.c[1] - cj.c[1];
float r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
float rs = ci.c[2] + cj.c[2];
if (r2 > rs*rs*FINAL_MERGE_DIST_EPS)
if (std::abs(ci.c[2] * ci.c[2] - cj.c[2] * cj.c[2]) <
(ci.c[2] * ci.c[2] + cj.c[2] * cj.c[2] + CIRCLE_AREA_OFFSET)*FINAL_MERGE_AREA_EPS)
int wi = ci.accum, wj = cj.accum;
if (wi < wj) std::swap(ci, cj);
circles[j].accum = 0;