weebly_WordPress vs Weebly –哪个更好? (比较)

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Are you trying to decide between WordPress vs Weebly to build your site? WordPress is a popular choice and powers 23% of all websites on the internet, but Weebly is another solution that allows you to build your website, blogs, and eCommerce stores. If you are wondering what’s the difference between Weebly and WordPress, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will compare WordPress vs Weebly by listing the pros and cons of each, so you can decide which one is better for you.

您是否要在WordPress和Weebly之间做出选择来构建网站? WordPress是一个流行的选择,可以为Internet上所有网站的23%提供支持,但是Weebly是另一种解决方案,允许您构建网站,博客和电子商务商店。 如果您想知道Weebly和WordPress有什么区别,那么您来对地方了。 在本文中,我们将通过列出WordPress和Weebly的优缺点进行比较,以便您可以确定哪个更适合您。

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Note: this article compares Weebly with self hosted WordPress.org sites not WordPress.com blogs. See our guide on what’s the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

注意:本文将Weebly与自托管的WordPress.org网站(而非WordPress.com博客)进行了比较。 请参阅我们的指南,了解WordPress.com与WordPress.org之间的区别 。

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托管平台与自托管 (Hosted Platform vs Self-Hosted)

Weebly is a completely hosted service. This means that your website resides on their servers, and you have to abide by their terms of service. Should you decide to switch platforms, the migration process is extremely difficult. Their admin area has all the tools that you can use to build, edit, and manage your Weebly site.

Weebly是一项完全托管的服务。 这意味着您的网站位于他们的服务器上,并且您必须遵守他们的服务条款。 如果您决定切换平台,则迁移过程非常困难。 他们的管理区域提供了可用于构建,编辑和管理Weebly网站的所有工具。

WordPress on the other hand is a free software that you can install on your own web hosting account. This means that you own 100% of all your content, and WordPress makes it very easy to switch to a different platform should you choose to do so.

另一方面,WordPress是免费的软件,您可以将其安装在自己的虚拟主机帐户上。 这意味着您拥有所有内容的100%,并且WordPress使您可以轻松切换到其他平台(如果您选择这样做)。

See our guide on how to start a WordPress blog (step by step).

请参阅有关如何启动WordPress博客的指南(逐步指南) 。

Winner: WordPress


功能和插件 (Features and Plugins)

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Weebly comes with a good selection of tools built-in with their platform. This includes the ability to add an online store, blog, contact form, photos, etc. The best part about built-in features is that you do not have to install an extension or an application.

Weebly带有大量内置于其平台的工具。 这包括添加在线商店,博客,联系表,照片等的功能。关于内置功能的最好部分是,您不必安装扩展程序或应用程序。

However if you need a feature that is not available in Weebly, then you are in trouble because you cannot hire a designer or developer to add it for you.


On the other hand, WordPress has all the features you can dream of: online stores, contact forms, galleries, portfolio, SEO etc. However most of these features doesn’t come pre-installed, and you have to add them with plugins.


There are over 37,000 free plugins available in the official WordPress plugin directory. Not to mention countless other premium plugins available from third party websites. If you can think of a feature, then there is a good chance that a plugin already exists for that. Plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast makes WordPress more SEO friendly that Weebly.

官方WordPress插件目录中提供了37,000多个免费插件。 更不用说来自第三方网站的无数其他高级插件。 如果您能想到某项功能,那么很有可能已经有用于该功能的插件。 Yoast的WordPress SEO之类的插件使WordPress比Weebly对SEO更友好。

The best way of thinking about features in WordPress vs Weebly is by looking at feature phones vs smartphones (iPhone or Android). WordPress is a smartphone that comes with all the essentials, but you can install an app to add new functionality. Weebly is a feature phone that doesn’t allow you to install apps. You get what it comes with.

考虑WordPress vs Weebly功能的最佳方法是查看功能手机与智能手机(iPhone或Android)。 WordPress是一款具有所有必备功能的智能手机,但是您可以安装应用程序以添加新功能。 Weebly是功能性手机,不允许您安装应用程序。 您得到了它附带的东西。

Winner: WordPress


设计和布局选择 (Design and Layout Choices)

Weebly excels at design, and the most desired feature of Weebly is their drag and drop page builder. Currently they have nearly 100 themes which you can customize using their drag and drop tools. It is very easy to use and extremely beginner friendly.

Weebly擅长设计,并且Weebly最想要的功能是其拖放页面生成器。 目前,他们有近100个主题,您可以使用其拖放工具自定义主题。 它非常易于使用,对初学者非常友好。

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WordPress does not come with a built-in drag and drop page builder. However there are thousands of pre-made templates available some that offer drag-drop functionality. Many of them are available for free in the official WordPress.org themes directory. Other themes can be purchased from theme shops like StudioPress, Themify, and ThemeLab.

WordPress没有附带内置的拖放页面构建器。 但是,有数千种预制模板可用,其中一些模板提供拖放功能。 其中许多都是在官方WordPress.org主题目录中免费提供的。 可以从StudioPress , Themify和ThemeLab等主题商店购买其他主题。

WordPress also has drag and drop themes created by Themfiy which make it super easy to create your own layouts.


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Winner: Weebly


电子商务与商业 (eCommerce and Business)

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Weebly allows you to open your own online store. However their features are very basic, and there is not much you can do to customize your store the way you want.

Weebly允许您打开自己的在线商店。 但是,它们的功能是非常基本的,您无法做很多事情来按自己的方式自定义商店。

Weebly charges 3% transaction fee on top of the fee that you will be charged by the payment processor such as Stripe and PayPal. This means that you are paying double in transaction fees. You can upgrade to their Business plan $25 per month to remove the additional transaction fee.

Weebly会在付款处理器(如Stripe和PayPal)向您收取的费用之外,再收取3%的交易费用。 这意味着您要支付双倍的交易费。 您可以升级到他们的每月25美元的业务计划,以免除额外的交易费用。

WordPress has several robust eCommerce plugins that allows you to create your own online store like WooCommerce, EasyDigitalDownloads, iThemes Exchange, WP eCommerce and several others.

WordPress有几个功能强大的电子商务插件,可让您创建自己的在线商店,如WooCommerce , EasyDigitalDownloads , iThemes Exchange , WP eCommerce等。

Most of these comes with dozens of pre-made themes, you can add coupons, customize receipts, and basically everything that you want to do.


Also there are no additional transaction fees. All you pay is the payment processor fees which you will have to pay with any platform.

也没有额外的交易费用。 您所支付的只是在任何平台上必须支付的付款处理器费用。

Winner: WordPress


数据可移植性 (Data Portability)

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Weebly allows you to download your site as a zip file, but this will only contain your HTML pages and images. If you had a blog, then it will not be exported. If you had sliders, then they would not work in the exported site. Basically it is very difficult to move a site away from Weebly.

Weebly允许您以zip文件的形式下载网站,但这仅包含HTML页面和图像。 如果您有博客,则将不会将其导出。 如果您有滑块,则它们将无法在导出的站点中工作。 基本上,将站点移离Weebly非常困难。

When you host your own website on an open source platform like WordPress, you can easily export your data into many formats. You can export your WordPress site as an XML file, database export, download your files and content. You can easily migrate your WordPress site to any other platform that you like.

当您在WordPress之类的开源平台上托管自己的网站时,您可以轻松地将数据导出为多种格式。 您可以将WordPress网站导出为XML文件,可以导出数据库,下载文件和内容。 您可以轻松地将WordPress网站迁移到您喜欢的任何其他平台。

This freedom gives you full control of your website, and this control brings peace of mind to many site owners.


Winner: WordPress


结论 (Conclusion)

Weebly is a beautiful service more suitable for small websites. It is not an ideal solution to create a blog, or run an online store. The shiny design builder may look attractive, but not everything that shines is gold.

Weebly是一项更适合小型网站的精美服务。 创建博客或运行在线商店不是理想的解决方案。 闪亮的设计生成器可能看起来很吸引人,但并非所有闪亮的东西都是金子。

WordPress offers more tools, freedom, and flexibility. All of these things make it possible for you to build a website the way you want it.

WordPress提供了更多的工具,自由度和灵活性。 所有这些使您可以按照自己的方式构建网站。

We hope this article helped you compare WordPress vs Weebly and pick a platform for your next website. You may also want to check out our comparison of Squarespace vs WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您比较WordPress和Weebly,并为您的下一个网站选择一个平台。 您可能还想看看我们对Squarespace和WordPress的比较。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/wordpress-vs-weebly-which-one-is-better-comparison/

