

You may have heard that WordPress is the most popular website builder platform, but maybe you aren’t sure if WordPress is the right choice for you. Unlike Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace, WordPress is actually 100% free. This is why if you searched for “WordPress review”, you would hardly find anything useful because bloggers often tend to write reviews for products that they earn a referral commission from. To help you make the right business decision, we have created the ultimate WordPress software review with pros and cons of using WordPress, so you can decide if WordPress is the right choice for your website.

您可能听说过WordPress是最受欢迎的网站构建器平台,但是您可能不确定WordPress是否适合您。 与Wix , Weebly或Squarespace不同,WordPress实际上是100%免费的。 这就是为什么如果您搜索“ WordPress评论”,您几乎找不到任何有用的东西的原因,因为博主经常倾向于为获得推荐佣金的产品撰写评论。 为了帮助您做出正确的业务决策,我们创建了终极的WordPress软件评论,并介绍了使用WordPress的优缺点,因此您可以确定WordPress是否是您网站的正确选择。


Because our WordPress review is extremely detailed, we have added a table of contents, so you can jump between different sections.


  1. What is WordPress?什么是WordPress?
  2. What Kind of Websites You Can Make With WordPress?您可以使用WordPress创建哪种类型的网站?
  3. How Does WordPress Really Work?WordPress如何真正起作用?
  4. What Are The Pros and Cons of WordPress?WordPress的优点和缺点是什么?
  5. Who Should Use WordPress? Is WordPress Right For You?
  6. 谁应该使用WordPress? WordPress适合您吗?
  7. How to Get Started with WordPress – The Right Way如何开始使用WordPress –正确的方法
  8. Mastering WordPress Skills掌握WordPress技能

1.什么是WordPress? (1. What is WordPress?)

WordPress is the world’s most popular site builder. It powers more than 33% of all websites on the internet, that’s millions of websites all over the world.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器。 它为Internet上所有网站的33%以上提供了强大的动力,也就是说,全世界有数百万个网站。

It’s important that you don’t confuse the WordPress.org content management system (CMS) with the WordPress.com blog hosting service.


Our WordPress review is for the popular self-hosted WordPress software that everyone loves and use (not the WordPress.com hosting service). We recommend WordPress.org because it gives you full access to all WordPress features out of the box. For more details, see our side by side comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

我们的WordPress评论适用于每个人都喜欢和使用的流行的自托管WordPress软件(不是WordPress.com托管服务)。 我们建议使用WordPress.org,因为它使您可以直接使用所有WordPress功能。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅WordPress.com与WordPress.org的并排比较。

From now onwards, when we say WordPress, we are talking about the free WordPress.org software.


WordPress started as a simple blogging platform back in 2003. Since then it has evolved to become a content management system and an application development framework. In simple words, you can easily build any type of website using WordPress. To see how WordPress changed over the years, please see our article on the evolution of WordPress user interface.

WordPress始于2003年,当时是一个简单的博客平台。从那时起,它就发展成为内容管理系统和应用程序开发框架。 简而言之,您可以使用WordPress轻松构建任何类型的网站。 要了解WordPress多年来的变化,请参阅有关WordPress用户界面演变的文章。

WordPress is an open source software which means it is free for everyone and anyone can download and install it. Now you may be thinking, why is WordPress free? What’s the catch?

WordPress是一个开源软件,这意味着它对所有人免费,任何人都可以下载并安装它。 现在您可能在想, 为什么WordPress免费? 有什么收获?

It is free as an in freedom. You can use it for any purpose, and no one can suspend your website due to censorship or a terms of service violation. You also have the freedom to customize WordPress to your needs without any restriction.

作为自由,它是自由的。 您可以将其用于任何目的,由于审查制度或违反服务条款,没有人可以暂停您的网站。 您还可以自由地根据需要自定义WordPress,而没有任何限制。

But like all websites, you will need to register a domain name and web hosting.


Based on your needs, you may have to purchase premium WordPress themes or extensions that will have additional costs. For a complete cost breakdown, see our article on the real cost of making a WordPress site.

根据您的需求,您可能需要购买高级WordPress主题或扩展,这将需要额外的费用。 有关完整的费用明细,请参阅有关制作WordPress网站的实际费用的文章。

That being said, now let’s take a look at what you can do with WordPress and how does it actually work.


2.您可以使用WordPress建立哪种类型的网站? (2. What Kind of Websites You Can Make With WordPress?)

WordPress is extremely flexible which is the main reason why it is a popular choice to build a website. You can use WordPress to build almost any kind of website imaginable!

WordPress非常灵活,这就是为什么它是构建网站的流行选择的主要原因。 您可以使用WordPress建立几乎任何可以想象的网站!

You can use it to start a blog, make a small business website, create an online store, build a membership site, sell online courses, run a marketplace, and more.

您可以使用它来创建博客 , 创建小型企业网站 , 创建在线商店 , 建立会员网站 , 出售在线课程 , 运营市场等等。

No matter what kind of website you want to build, chances are that there is probably an existing WordPress plugin (extension) for that. In case, you don’t find a plugin, you can easily hire from thousands of developer to make it for you.

无论您要建立哪种类型的网站,都有可能存在一个现有的WordPress插件(扩展名)。 万一您找不到插件,可以轻松地从成千上万的开发人员那里聘请插件。

Here’s a list of the most popular types of websites people are making with WordPress.


3. WordPress如何真正起作用? (3. How Does WordPress Really Work?)

Unlike other website builders, WordPress keeps design, content, and functionality separated from each other. This allows for data portability.

与其他网站建设者不同,WordPress使设计,内容和功能彼此分离。 这允许数据可移植性。


In other words, you can add content regardless of the design you are using, modify the design without changing your content, and add new features without affecting the other areas.


Let’s dig deeper into that.


1. Adding Content in WordPress


WordPress stores content in a database and media files like images in a separate folder. Mainly you will be adding content to your website using the post editor.

WordPress将内容存储在数据库中,而媒体文件(如图像)存储在单独的文件夹中。 主要是您将使用帖子编辑器将内容添加到您的网站。


Post editor is a simple WYSIWYG editor with some basic formatting features. It comes in two forms.

帖子编辑器是一个简单的所见即所得编辑器,具有一些基本的格式设置功能。 它有两种形式。

First, you have the Visual editor, which is a WYSIWYG style editor, and then you have the Text editor which is a plain text editor where you can add formatting by writing HTML in your content.

首先,您具有Visual编辑器 (即所见即所得样式编辑器),然后具有Text编辑器(即纯文本编辑器),您可以在其中通过在内容中编写HTML来添加格式。

By default, WordPress content editor does not have any fancy drag and drop features to customize your content design as you write it. However you can use one of the popular WordPress drag and drop page builders should you need it.

默认情况下,WordPress内容编辑器没有任何精美的拖放功能可在编写内容时自定义内容设计。 但是,如果需要,您可以使用流行的WordPress拖放页面构建器之一 。

2. Managing Design and Appearance in WordPress


WordPress uses a powerful templating engine to manage the appearance of a website. This templating engine allows developers to create a set of templates called ‘Themes‘. There are thousands of pre-made WordPress themes available in the market.

WordPress使用功能强大的模板引擎来管理网站的外观。 该模板引擎允许开发人员创建一组称为“ 主题 ”的模板。 市场上有数千种预制的WordPress主题。


Each WordPress theme comes with a stylesheet and basic template files to display different sections of a typical WordPress website.


Depending on which theme you are using, it will come with its own settings which you can use to customize the appearance of your website. Some themes may have a lot more theme customization options than others.

根据您使用的主题,它会带有自己的设置,您可以使用这些设置来自定义网站的外观。 某些主题可能比其他主题具有更多的主题自定义选项。


There are thousands of free and paid WordPress themes available that you can use to build a website. These themes allow you to use your own colors, layout combinations, and logos.

有成千上万的免费和付费WordPress主题 ,您可以使用它们来构建网站。 这些主题使您可以使用自己的颜色,布局组合和徽标。

You can also hire someone to create a custom WordPress theme from scratch, but it would cost significantly higher than using a free or premium WordPress theme.

您也可以雇用某人从头开始创建自定义WordPress主题 ,但其成本要比使用免费或高级WordPress主题高得多。

Alternatively, you can use a drag and drop page builder like BeaverBuilder or Divi to create a custom theme without hiring a developer.


3. Extending WordPress with Add-ons


Due to it’s popularity, WordPress has become the go-to platform developers to write their own add-ons. These add-ons are called Plugins.

由于其受欢迎程度,WordPress已成为编写自己的附加组件的首选平台开发人员。 这些加载项称为插件。

Plugins are like apps for your WordPress site. Just like apps on your mobile phone, you can install WordPress plugins to add new features to your website.

插件就像您的WordPress网站的应用程序。 就像手机上的应用程序一样,您可以安装WordPress插件以向网站添加新功能。


At the time of writing this article, there are more than 55,000 plugins available in WordPress.org plugins directory alone. This means if you can think of a feature for your website, then there is a very good chance that there is already a plugin for that.

在撰写本文时,仅WordPress.org插件目录中就有超过55,000个插件可用。 这意味着,如果您可以想到自己网站的功能,那么很有可能已经有该功能的插件。

Some WordPress plugins are simple and only add a specific feature. Other plugins add a large set of features and functionalities.

一些WordPress插件很简单,仅添加了特定功能。 其他插件添加了大量功能。

There are even WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce solution, which have their own ecosystem of WooCommerce plugins and themes. Such plugins are like a platform built on top of the WordPress platform itself.

甚至还有最流行的电子商务解决方案WooCommerce之类的WordPress插件,都有自己的WooCommerce插件和主题生态系统。 这样的插件就像一个在WordPress平台本身之上构建的平台。

To learn more see our article on WordPress plugins and how do they work.

要了解更多信息,请参阅有关WordPress插件及其工作方式的文章 。

Some of the best WordPress plugins that we recommend for every website are:


  • WPForms Lite – Add WPForms Lite –将contact forms to your WordPress site联系表单添加到您的WordPress网站
  • OptinMonster – the best way to get more email subscribers and sales from your website.OptinMonster –从您的网站获得更多电子邮件订阅者和销售的最佳方法。
  • MonsterInsights (Free) – Helps you track visitor stats using Google Analytics
  • MonsterInsights(免费) –帮助您使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪访客统计信息
  • WP Super Cache – Improves your website’s speed by adding cacheWP Super Cache –通过添加缓存来提高您网站的速度
  • Yoast SEO – Improve your Yoast SEO –改善您的WordPress SEO and get more traffic from GoogleWordPress SEO并从Google获得更多流量
  • UpdraftPlus – Free UpdraftPlus –免费的WordPress backup pluginWordPress备份插件

Plugins are often cited as the top reason why smart business owners choose WordPress over site builders like Wix and Weebly.


4. WordPress的优点和缺点是什么? (4. What Are The Pros and Cons of WordPress?)

Just like everything else in the world, WordPress has its own advantages and disadvantages which you may want to consider before making your website.


Pros of Using WordPress


The advantages of using WordPress to build your website deserve an entirely new article (See why you should use WordPress). Here is a summary of pros of using WordPress for your website.

使用WordPress构建网站的优势值得一本全新的文章(请参阅为什么要使用WordPress )。 这是在您的网站上使用WordPress的优点的摘要。

  • web hosting company and can 网络托管公司的束缚,可以move your website anywhere you want.将您的网站移至所需的任何位置。
  • It gives you access to a huge collection of extensions, add-ons, and plugins to extend your website. This enormous access to professional applications allow you to make anything you want.

    它使您可以访问大量的扩展程序,附加组件和插件,以扩展您的网站。 对专业应用程序的这种巨大访问使您可以做任何想要的事情。
  • You are in charge of your website, so you can keep it simple and only add new features as your website grows. You can make your website super fast and use all the neat SEO best practices to bring new users.
  • 您负责您的网站,因此可以使其保持简单,并且仅在网站增长时添加新功能。 您可以使您的网站超快速,并使用所有出色的SEO最佳实践来吸引新用户。
  • Super easy to customize with thousands of website designs and templates to choose from. Each of them comes with different customization options, allowing you to create truly unique websites. Simply put, it makes website building easy.

    数以千计的网站设计和模板可供选择,超级易于自定义。 它们每个都有不同的自定义选项,使您可以创建真正独特的网站。 简而言之,它使网站建设变得容易。
  • Due to its popularity, almost all popular third-party tools already have integrations available for WordPress. So your email marketing software, lead generation tool, SEO tools, CRM software, and payment gateways will all work with WordPress.
  • 由于其受欢迎程度,几乎所有流行的第三方工具都已经具有可用于WordPress的集成。 因此,您的电子邮件营销软件 , 销售 线索生成工具 , SEO工具 , CRM软件和付款网关都可以与WordPress一起使用。

Cons of Using WordPress


WordPress is not perfect. It has some disadvantages that you may want to keep in mind when choosing your platform.

WordPress并不完美。 选择平台时,可能要记住一些缺点。

  • security, 安全性 , making backups, and installing updates. You can automate all these tasks, but they would still require your attention unless you’re using one of these 进行备份和安装更新。 您可以自动化所有这些任务,但是除非您使用的是这些managed WordPress hosting companies.托管WordPress托管公司之一,否则它们仍然需要引起您的注意。
  • WordPress does not come with a built-in drag and drop website builder. It takes some time for most beginners to get familiar with it and learn the basics. However you can use one of the popular drag and drop page builder plugins for WordPress.
  • WordPress没有附带内置的拖放式网站构建器。 大多数初学者需要一些时间来熟悉它并学习基础知识。 但是,您可以使用WordPress流行的拖放页面构建器插件之一 。
  • You do not need to learn coding to use WordPress. However, some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS will make things a lot easier. Most beginners acquire these basic skills as they use WordPress.

    您无需学习编码即可使用WordPress。 但是,一些HTML和CSS的基础知识将使事情变得容易得多。 大多数初学者在使用WordPress时都会掌握这些基本技能。

5.谁应该使用WordPress? WordPress适合您吗? (5. Who Should Use WordPress? Is WordPress Right For You?)

The beautiful part about WordPress is that it adapts to your needs. It can be as easy and simple as you want, or as complex and sophisticated as you need it to be.

WordPress的美丽之处在于它可以适应您的需求。 它可以随您想要轻松简单,也可以随需而变复杂。

Since you are completely in charge and in full ownership, you can make things simple, control the cost, and efficiently run your website.


Over the years, we have helped thousands of beginners learn WordPress, and we have seen them quickly graduate to the intermediate or even advanced level.


Here is a simple checklist to see if WordPress is right for you:


  • You want to make a professional business website without spending a lot of money

  • You can easily follow simple tutorials to learn the basics

  • You want to grow your business online with complete freedom

  • make money online在线赚钱

If you agree with any of the above statements, then WordPress is the perfect platform for you to build a website.


Who should not use WordPress?


While we sincerely believe that WordPress is the best platform for anyone who wants to make a website, we understand that some users may not actually need WordPress, and would be fine with another solution.


Here is a simple checklist to see if you don’t need WordPress:


  • You just want to run a blog and have no plans to make money or use any third-party services.

  • You are fine with limited features as far as you never have to write code, make backups, or worry about updates.

  • You just want a small website, and you are not worried about growing your business online or using the website to make more sells.


If you agree with any of these statements, then you can use another platform. See our list of best blogging platforms and website builders to find a platform that may suit your needs.

如果您同意任何这些陈述,则可以使用其他平台。 请参阅我们的最佳博客平台和网站建设者列表,以找到适合您需求的平台。

We also have a quick comparison guide of WordPress vs other popular platforms:


  • WordPress vs WixWordPress与Wix
  • WordPress vs SquarespaceWordPress与Squarespace
  • WordPress vs WeeblyWordPress与Weebly
  • WordPress vs BloggerWordPress与Blogger
  • WordPress.org vs WordPress.comWordPress.org与WordPress.com
  • WooCommerce (WordPress) vs ShopifyWooCommerce(WordPress)vs Shopify

6.如何开始使用WordPress –正确的方法 (6. How to Get Started with WordPress – The Right Way)

To start a self-hosted WordPress.org website, you will need to register a domain name and purchase website hosting.


We recommend using Bluehost. They are offering our readers a FREE domain name + free SSL + 60% discount on WordPress hosting. Which means you can start your website for as low as $2.75 per month.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们向我们的读者提供免费域名+免费SSL + WordPress托管60%的折扣。 这意味着您可以每月低至2.75美元来启动网站。

← Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost offer →


Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.


Once you have purchased hosting, head over to our guide on how to make a website for step by step instructions.

购买主机后,请转到我们的网站制作指南, 以获取逐步说明。

7.掌握WordPress技能 (7. Mastering WordPress Skills)

While WordPress is easy to use, you may want to ask a question or need some help every now and again. The good news is that there are plenty of free resources to help you with that.

尽管WordPress易于使用,但您可能不时问一个问题或需要一些帮助。 好消息是,有很多免费资源可以帮助您。

WPBeginner itself is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners. Here are our resources that you can use to learn WordPress (all of them are completely free).

WPBeginner本身是面向初学者的最大的免费WordPress资源网站。 这是您可以用来学习WordPress的资源(所有资源都是完全免费的)。

  • WPBeginner Blog – This is where we regularly publish new WordPress tutorials and how-to guides.WPBeginner博客 –我们在这里定期发布新的WordPress教程和操作指南。
  • WPBeginner Videos – These step by step videos will help you learn WordPress FAST.WPBeginner视频 –这些循序渐进的视频将帮助您学习WordPress FAST。
  • WPBeginner on YouTube – Need more video instructions? Subscribe to our YouTube channel with more than 100,000 subscribers and 10 Million+ views.YouTube上的WPBeginner –需要更多视频说明吗? 订阅我们的YouTube频道,拥有超过100,000个订阅者和1000万以上的观看次数。
  • WPBeginner Dictionary – Familiarize your self with the WordPress lingo and improve your WordPress skills.WPBeginner词典 –使自己熟悉WordPress术语并提高WordPress技能。
  • WPBeginner Blueprint – Check out plugins, tools, and services we use on WPBeginner.WPBeginner蓝图 –查看我们在WPBeginner上使用的插件,工具和服务。
  • WPBeginner Deals – Exclusive discounts on WordPress products and services for WPBeginner users.WPBeginner Deals –为WPBeginner用户提供WordPress产品和服务的独家折扣。

If you have a WordPress specific question, then you can also reach out to us using our contact form.

如果您有关于WordPress的特定问题,也可以使用我们的联系表格与我们联系 。

We hope this WordPress review helped you understand the pros and cons of using WordPress. You may also want to see these actionable tips to bring more traffic to your new website.

我们希望本WordPress评论能够帮助您了解使用WordPress的利弊。 您可能还希望查看这些可行的技巧,以为新网站带来更多流量 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/the-ultimate-wordpress-review-is-it-the-best-choice-for-your-website/

