

A guide to a carefree digital life.


Photo Courtesy of Seth Goldstein & IG GetSpartacus 照片由 塞斯·戈德斯坦 ( Seth Goldstein)和IG GetSpartacus提供

In recent news, the US Senate officially voted to allow FBI and also NSA to access your browsing history and online data without a warrant. Most of you might not have heard about this, because of the fact that Coronavirus is everywhere we go, digitally and physically. However, you are in amazing luck, because I’m here, Derick, your Computer Scientist, as a reminder that this news is a revelation. Just over 2 years ago Zuckerberg faced the US Congress regarding Facebook’s User Data Collection. If Coronavirus wasn’t present today, everybody would be talking about this new privacy bill. So, act now by making sure you apply these 5 effective ways you can protect yourself online from Government agencies, Hackers, and Data Miners. Avoid being a victim.

在最近的新闻中, 美国参议院正式投票通过,允许FBI和NSA无需授权即可访问您的浏览历史记录和在线数据。 你们大多数人可能没有听说过此事,因为冠状病毒无处不在,无论是数字上还是物理上。 但是,您很幸运,因为我在这里,您的计算机科学家Derick提醒您,此消息是一个启示。 就在2年前, 扎克伯格就Facebook的用户数据收集问题面对美国国会。 如果今天不出现冠状病毒,那么每个人都会谈论这项新的隐私法案。 因此,请立即采取行动,以确保您采用了这5种有效方法,可以保护自己不受政府机构,黑客和数据挖掘者的在线攻击。 避免成为受害者。

  1. Strong Passwords


  2. VPN


  3. Safe Browser


  4. Online Aliases


  5. Dummy Credit Card


1.强密码 (1. Strong Passwords)

Number 1 reason you might get hacked is through your email and password. Email can be easy to crack, but password can be more challenging. However, that doesn’t mean it will never happen. Most hackers have the right sophisticated tools to crack account passwords. 80% of social media accounts that have been hacked in the past 4 years had passwords like the examples below. If you do have a similar password, then change it now. You can use a password generator online or Apple’s Keychain password generator.

您可能会被黑客入侵的第一大原因是通过电子邮件和密码。 电子邮件很容易破解,但密码可能更具挑战性。 但是,这并不意味着它永远不会发生。 大多数黑客拥有正确的复杂工具来破解帐户密码。 在过去4年中被黑客入侵的社交媒体帐户中,有80%的密码如下例所示。 如果您确实有类似的密码,请立即更改。 您可以在线使用密码生成器或Apple的钥匙串密码生成器。

NO TO:“Dalloway”“LakersForever123”“CHICAGOrepresent”

否: “ Dalloway”“ LakersForever123”“ CHICAGOrepresent”

YES TO:“F&HRNh*S9XF%EBd]”“!3v+xWv&@MY?C?j_g”“12-e13–1sda-42n-NHE”

是: “ F&HRNh * S9XF%EBd]” !! 3v + xWv& @MY ?C?j_g“ 12-e13–1sda-42n-NHE”

Strong passwords are clearly and definitely hard to remember, but this is not a negotiation. Write them down in a piece of paper or in your phone’s notepad in case you forget them. Just don’t forget where you wrote them!

很明显,强密码很难记住,但这不是协商。 将它们写在纸上或手机的记事本中,以防您忘记它们。 只是不要忘记您在哪里写的!

2. VPN或虚拟专用网 (2. VPN or Virtual Private Network)

In simple terms, VPN hides your search history, internet traffic, and location from all types of online risks. Don’t we all want that? It’s awesome! If I’d choose one thing over all these 5, it’s VPN, no cap. VPN is a service that blurs your digital traces online by fooling your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and it shifts your actual location to another location.

简单来说,VPN将您的搜索历史,互联网流量和位置隐藏在所有类型的在线风险中。 我们不是都想要吗? 这很棒! 如果我要在所有这5个中选择一项,那就是VPN,没有上限。 VPN是一项服务,可通过欺骗ISP (Internet服务提供商)来模糊在线数字踪迹,并将您的实际位置转移到另一个位置。

Example You’re physically located in Chicago, with VPN, your traffic is redirected let’s say, to France or Switzerland at any given time. So, your ISP cannot record your actual location and what they receive is a dummy one. But they’ll never know.

示例您实际上位于芝加哥,使用VPN,可以在任何给定时间将流量重定向到法国或瑞士。 因此,您的ISP无法记录您的实际位置,并且他们收到的是一个虚拟的位置。 但是他们永远不会知道。

So, with VPN, you can do whatever you want on the internet without leaving your tracks to hackers or even to the FBI or NSA. An awesome, affordable, and high-rated VPN to check out is NordVPN.

因此,使用VPN,您可以在Internet上做任何您想做的事,而不必将自己的足迹留给黑客,甚至留给FBI或NSA。 NordVPN是一款很棒,价格合理且评价高的VPN。

3.安全浏览器 (3. Safe Browser)

If you use a VPN Already, you might not need to download and use a safe browser like TOR or DuckDuckGo. If you don’t, then use safe browsers. They’re free to download and they can protect your internet traffic online at a certain degree. However, using a safe browser isn’t the same as using a VPN. The difference lies in the features. A safe browser might hide your search history but not your location or IP Addresses. Better than nothing at all!

如果您已使用VPN,则可能无需下载和使用TORDuckDuckGo之类的安全浏览器。 如果不这样做,请使用安全的浏览器。 它们是免费下载的,并且可以在一定程度上保护您的互联网流量。 但是,使用安全的浏览器与使用VPN不同。 不同之处在于功能。 安全的浏览器可能会隐藏您的搜索历史,但不会隐藏您的位置或IP地址。 总比没有强!

4.在线别名 (4. Online Aliases)

Start typing your own name on Google and see what you find about yourself. That’s why most celebrities are the most vulnerable to risks, because everybody knows about them. Plus, all data about their actual lives are online. Using Aliases, or names that aren’t your real name, can obscure your identity and information online. This is a common practice among the French citizens, as they tend to use an alias in their social media profiles, so employers or hackers for example, cannot easily find them online. This certainly lessens your digital vulnerability by an order of a magnitude.

开始在Google上输入您自己的名字,然后看看您对自己的发现。 这就是为什么大多数名人最容易遭受风险的原因,因为每个人都知道它们。 另外,有关他们实际生活的所有数据都在线。 使用Aliases或不是您的真名的名称可能会模糊您的身份和在线信息。 这是法国公民的普遍做法,因为他们倾向于在社交媒体资料中使用别名,因此,例如雇主或黑客,就无法轻易在网上找到他们。 这无疑可以将您的数字漏洞减少一个数量级。

5.虚拟信用卡 (5. Dummy Credit Cards)

You might consider using a dummy card on your next free trial accounts on Spotify, Netflix, or App subscriptions. Using real credit card details increase your vulnerability online, especially if you’re subscribing for a free trial. If you’re just in for the free trial, consider using a dummy. It makes more sense. ‘DoNotPay’, a robo-lawyer platform, has a feature exactly for this.

您可能会考虑在SpotifyNetflixApp订阅的下一个免费试用帐户上使用虚拟卡。 使用真实的信用卡详细信息会在线增加您的漏洞,特别是如果您要订阅免费试用版。 如果您只是免费试用,请考虑使用假人。 这更有意义。 机器人律师平台' DoNotPay'正是为此提供了功能。

ConclusionProtecting yourself online doesn’t have to be difficult and expensive. It’s almost free as you might just see. We’re in the most vulnerable state in these times of distress and chaos. Don’t let yourself get drifted away by the events that are happening currently in the world. Technology is something that you will be with until your last breath and having a right privacy protection measures guarantees a sort of digital insurance for yourself and your life. We’re more advanced than ever in the era of digital revolution and this comes with cost. Be mindful and be aware.

结论在线保护自己不一定是困难和昂贵的。 如您所见,它几乎是免费的。 在当前的困境和混乱中,我们处于最脆弱的状态。 不要让自己被世界上正在发生的事件所迷惑。 技术是您直到最后一口气都会拥有的东西,拥有正确的隐私保护措施可为您自己和您的生命提供某种数字保险。 在数字革命时代,我们比以往任何时候都先进,而这伴随着成本。 注意并意识到。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/5-ways-to-protect-your-privacy-online-5608c7724f1a

