注:每一个目录对应的是在pdf的页数(如果LPage就是书左上角的页码 - 因为我发现后面我要在两页之间加空白页 做练习lol 例如:LPage28 就是左上角书页28页,RPage29就是右上角书页29页);【】这个括号之间有时候是我留的疑问,与一些关于方向上连接的想法 主要集中于无人驾驶的控制层,带问号结束的就是…我的疑问
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在上一章节中我们提出了怎样构建强化学习的MDP及数学公式的推导,那么怎样计算呢?从传统的方法首先是动态规划(Dynamic Programming) 局限性:
The key idea of DP, and of reinforcement learning generally, is the use of value functions to organize and structure the search for good policies.
而这一节也就是怎样使用DP去计算第三章所提出的value function,其实DP就是一个迭代的方式,可以说是for-for 判断误差小于一定值
满足Bellman equation的 v ∗ v_* v∗ 和 q ∗ q_* q∗
v ∗ ( s ) = max a E [ R t + 1 + γ v ∗ ( S t + 1 ) ∣ S t = s , A t = a ] = max a ∑ s ′ , r p ( s ′ , r ∣ s , a ) [ r + γ v ∗ ( s ′ ) ] \begin{aligned} v_{*}(s) &=\max _{a} \mathbb{E}\left[R_{t+1}+\gamma v_{*}\left(S_{t+1}\right) \mid S_{t}=s, A_{t}=a\right] \\ &=\max _{a} \sum_{s^{\prime}, r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\right)\left[r+\gamma v_{*}\left(s^{\prime}\right)\right] \end{aligned} v∗(s)=amaxE[Rt+1+γv∗(St+1)∣St=s,At=a]=amaxs′,r∑p(s′,r∣s,a)[r+γv∗(s′)]
为什么Clearly, v k = v π v_k=v_\pi vk=vπ is a fixed point for this update rule?式子4.5相对于式子4.4的迭代不仅仅只是state了value function的下标也从 π \pi π变到了k -> k+1。式子4.5等号前的下标k+1意味着? 疑惑点
自答:k表示不同时间对于state s的更新
def compute_state_value(in_place=True, discount=1.0):
new_state_values = np.zeros((WORLD_SIZE, WORLD_SIZE))
iteration = 0
# Loop one
while True:
if in_place:
state_values = new_state_values #可以理解为地址的指向,所以会随着new变
state_values = new_state_values.copy() #这种.copy的情况下 states_values是不会随着new的变化而变化的
old_state_values = state_values.copy()
# Loop two: for each s in States
for i in range(WORLD_SIZE):
for j in range(WORLD_SIZE):
value = 0
# every action in ACTIONS
for action in ACTIONS:
(next_i, next_j), reward = step([i, j], action)
value += ACTION_PROB * (reward + discount * state_values[next_i, next_j])
# V(s) update
new_state_values[i, j] = value
# /delta <- max(/delta,abs(v-V(s)))
max_delta_value = abs(old_state_values - new_state_values).max()
# until /delta < /theta
if max_delta_value < 1e-4:
iteration += 1
return new_state_values, iteration
# Copyright (C) #
# 2016-2018 Shangtong Zhang([email protected]) #
# 2016 Kenta Shimada([email protected]) #
# Permission given to modify the code as long as you keep this #
# declaration at the top #
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.table import Table
# matplotlib.use('Agg')
# left, up, right, down
ACTIONS = [np.array([0, -1]),
np.array([-1, 0]),
np.array([0, 1]),
np.array([1, 0])]
def is_terminal(state):
x, y = state
return (x == 0 and y == 0) or (x == WORLD_SIZE - 1 and y == WORLD_SIZE - 1)
def step(state, action):
if is_terminal(state):
return state, 0
next_state = (np.array(state) + action).tolist()
x, y = next_state
if x < 0 or x >= WORLD_SIZE or y < 0 or y >= WORLD_SIZE:
next_state = state
reward = -1
return next_state, reward
def draw_image(image):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
tb = Table(ax, bbox=[0, 0, 1, 1])
nrows, ncols = image.shape
width, height = 1.0 / ncols, 1.0 / nrows
# Add cells
for (i, j), val in np.ndenumerate(image):
tb.add_cell(i, j, width, height, text=val,
loc='center', facecolor='white')
# Row and column labels...
for i in range(len(image)):
tb.add_cell(i, -1, width, height, text=i+1, loc='right',
edgecolor='none', facecolor='none')
tb.add_cell(-1, i, width, height/2, text=i+1, loc='center',
edgecolor='none', facecolor='none')
def compute_state_value(in_place=True, discount=1.0):
new_state_values = np.zeros((WORLD_SIZE, WORLD_SIZE))
iteration = 0
while True:
if in_place:
state_values = new_state_values
state_values = new_state_values.copy()
old_state_values = state_values.copy()
for i in range(WORLD_SIZE):
for j in range(WORLD_SIZE):
value = 0
for action in ACTIONS:
(next_i, next_j), reward = step([i, j], action)
value += ACTION_PROB * (reward + discount * state_values[next_i, next_j])
new_state_values[i, j] = value
max_delta_value = abs(old_state_values - new_state_values).max()
if max_delta_value < 1e-4:
iteration += 1
return new_state_values, iteration
def figure_4_1():
# While the author suggests using in-place iterative policy evaluation,
# Figure 4.1 actually uses out-of-place version.
_, asycn_iteration = compute_state_value(in_place=True)
values, sync_iteration = compute_state_value(in_place=False)
draw_image(np.round(values, decimals=2))
print('In-place: {} iterations'.format(asycn_iteration))
print('Synchronous: {} iterations'.format(sync_iteration))
if __name__ == '__main__':
对应下面4.3伪代码的第三部分 policy improvement
# policy improvement
policy_stable = True
for i in range(MAX_CARS + 1):
for j in range(MAX_CARS + 1):
old_action = policy[i, j]
action_returns = []
for action in actions:
if (0 <= action <= i) or (-j <= action <= 0):
action_returns.append(expected_return([i, j], action, value, constant_returned_cars))
new_action = actions[np.argmax(action_returns)]
policy[i, j] = new_action
if policy_stable and old_action != new_action:
policy_stable = False
print('policy stable {}'.format(policy_stable))
对于杰克租车问题,一开始一直没理解这个图是个啥意思,后面知道了 所以也算解释一下:
横纵坐标轴是在地点二、一的车辆数,比如我们看policy 1下,放大看哈,当地点一有四辆车(纵坐标),地点二没有车时(横坐标),整个策略是将地点一的一辆车移到地点二(热力图的对应点);问:那么现在可以看看policy 4时,当地点一有20辆车、地点二没有车时,我们的策略是?
# Copyright (C) #
# 2016 Shangtong Zhang([email protected]) #
# 2016 Kenta Shimada([email protected]) #
# 2017 Aja Rangaswamy ([email protected]) #
# Permission given to modify the code as long as you keep this #
# declaration at the top #
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import poisson
# maximum # of cars in each location
# maximum # of cars to move during night
# expectation for rental requests in first location
# expectation for rental requests in second location
# expectation for # of cars returned in first location
# expectation for # of cars returned in second location
# credit earned by a car
# cost of moving a car
# all possible actions
actions = np.arange(-MAX_MOVE_OF_CARS, MAX_MOVE_OF_CARS + 1)
# An up bound for poisson distribution
# If n is greater than this value, then the probability of getting n is truncated to 0
# Probability for poisson distribution
# @lam: lambda should be less than 10 for this function
poisson_cache = dict()
def poisson_probability(n, lam):
global poisson_cache
key = n * 10 + lam
if key not in poisson_cache:
poisson_cache[key] = poisson.pmf(n, lam)
return poisson_cache[key]
def expected_return(state, action, state_value, constant_returned_cars):
@state: [# of cars in first location, # of cars in second location]
@action: positive if moving cars from first location to second location,
negative if moving cars from second location to first location
@stateValue: state value matrix
@constant_returned_cars: if set True, model is simplified such that
the # of cars returned in daytime becomes constant
rather than a random value from poisson distribution, which will reduce calculation time
and leave the optimal policy/value state matrix almost the same
# initailize total return
returns = 0.0
# cost for moving cars
returns -= MOVE_CAR_COST * abs(action)
# moving cars
NUM_OF_CARS_FIRST_LOC = min(state[0] - action, MAX_CARS)
NUM_OF_CARS_SECOND_LOC = min(state[1] + action, MAX_CARS)
# go through all possible rental requests
for rental_request_first_loc in range(POISSON_UPPER_BOUND):
for rental_request_second_loc in range(POISSON_UPPER_BOUND):
# probability for current combination of rental requests
prob = poisson_probability(rental_request_first_loc, RENTAL_REQUEST_FIRST_LOC) * \
poisson_probability(rental_request_second_loc, RENTAL_REQUEST_SECOND_LOC)
num_of_cars_first_loc = NUM_OF_CARS_FIRST_LOC
num_of_cars_second_loc = NUM_OF_CARS_SECOND_LOC
# valid rental requests should be less than actual # of cars
valid_rental_first_loc = min(num_of_cars_first_loc, rental_request_first_loc)
valid_rental_second_loc = min(num_of_cars_second_loc, rental_request_second_loc)
# get credits for renting
reward = (valid_rental_first_loc + valid_rental_second_loc) * RENTAL_CREDIT
num_of_cars_first_loc -= valid_rental_first_loc
num_of_cars_second_loc -= valid_rental_second_loc
if constant_returned_cars:
# get returned cars, those cars can be used for renting tomorrow
returned_cars_first_loc = RETURNS_FIRST_LOC
returned_cars_second_loc = RETURNS_SECOND_LOC
num_of_cars_first_loc = min(num_of_cars_first_loc + returned_cars_first_loc, MAX_CARS)
num_of_cars_second_loc = min(num_of_cars_second_loc + returned_cars_second_loc, MAX_CARS)
returns += prob * (reward + DISCOUNT * state_value[num_of_cars_first_loc, num_of_cars_second_loc])
for returned_cars_first_loc in range(POISSON_UPPER_BOUND):
for returned_cars_second_loc in range(POISSON_UPPER_BOUND):
prob_return = poisson_probability(
returned_cars_first_loc, RETURNS_FIRST_LOC) * poisson_probability(returned_cars_second_loc, RETURNS_SECOND_LOC)
num_of_cars_first_loc_ = min(num_of_cars_first_loc + returned_cars_first_loc, MAX_CARS)
num_of_cars_second_loc_ = min(num_of_cars_second_loc + returned_cars_second_loc, MAX_CARS)
prob_ = prob_return * prob
returns += prob_ * (reward + DISCOUNT *
state_value[num_of_cars_first_loc_, num_of_cars_second_loc_])
return returns
def figure_4_2(constant_returned_cars=True):
value = np.zeros((MAX_CARS + 1, MAX_CARS + 1))
policy = np.zeros(value.shape, dtype=np.int)
iterations = 0
_, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(40, 20))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2)
axes = axes.flatten()
while True:
fig = sns.heatmap(np.flipud(policy), cmap="YlGnBu", ax=axes[iterations])
fig.set_ylabel('# cars at first location', fontsize=30)
fig.set_yticks(list(reversed(range(MAX_CARS + 1))))
fig.set_xlabel('# cars at second location', fontsize=30)
fig.set_title('policy {}'.format(iterations), fontsize=30)
# policy evaluation (in-place)
while True:
old_value = value.copy()
for i in range(MAX_CARS + 1):
for j in range(MAX_CARS + 1):
new_state_value = expected_return([i, j], policy[i, j], value, constant_returned_cars)
value[i, j] = new_state_value
max_value_change = abs(old_value - value).max()
print('max value change {}'.format(max_value_change))
if max_value_change < 1e-4:
# policy improvement
policy_stable = True
for i in range(MAX_CARS + 1):
for j in range(MAX_CARS + 1):
old_action = policy[i, j]
action_returns = []
for action in actions:
if (0 <= action <= i) or (-j <= action <= 0):
action_returns.append(expected_return([i, j], action, value, constant_returned_cars))
new_action = actions[np.argmax(action_returns)]
policy[i, j] = new_action
if policy_stable and old_action != new_action:
policy_stable = False
print('policy stable {}'.format(policy_stable))
if policy_stable:
fig = sns.heatmap(np.flipud(value), cmap="YlGnBu", ax=axes[-1])
fig.set_ylabel('# cars at first location', fontsize=30)
fig.set_yticks(list(reversed(range(MAX_CARS + 1))))
fig.set_xlabel('# cars at second location', fontsize=30)
fig.set_title('optimal value', fontsize=30)
iterations += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
Policy Iteration 策略迭代的缺点从伪代码中就可以看出 两次Loop 第一次Loop就已经是所有状态里找了,第二次还需要从所有状态里判断,而从图4.1我们可以看出 其实提前打断Policy evaluation 也不会对最终的最优policy有问题
一次遍历后即可停止策略评估的Loop 对每个状态都更新,也就是value iteration 价值迭代
v k + 1 ( s ) = max a E [ R t + 1 + γ v k ( S t + 1 ) ∣ S t = s , A t = a ] = max a ∑ s ′ , r p ( s ′ , r ∣ s , a ) [ r + γ v k ( s ′ ) ] \begin{aligned} v_{k+1}(s) &=\max _{a} \mathbb{E}\left[R_{t+1}+\gamma v_{k}\left(S_{t+1}\right) \mid S_{t}=s, A_{t}=a\right] \\ &=\max _{a} \sum_{s^{\prime}, r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\right)\left[r+\gamma v_{k}\left(s^{\prime}\right)\right] \end{aligned} vk+1(s)=amaxE[Rt+1+γvk(St+1)∣St=s,At=a]=amaxs′,r∑p(s′,r∣s,a)[r+γvk(s′)]
也就是在选择动作时 顺便直接选择最大value的max action
# value iteration
while True:
old_state_value = state_value.copy() #把所有的old states value都复制了
for state in STATES[1:GOAL]:
# get possilbe actions for current state
actions = np.arange(min(state, GOAL - state) + 1)
action_returns = []
for action in actions:
HEAD_PROB * state_value[state + action] + (1 - HEAD_PROB) * state_value[state - action])
new_value = np.max(action_returns) # 选取最大的a
state_value[state] = new_value # 赋值V(s)
delta = abs(state_value - old_state_value).max()
if delta < 1e-9: