How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5

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How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5 



        Hardwar & Software: HP Compaq nx632x, Fedora Core 5(Kernel-2.6.22)

        This article mainly introduce how to driver BCM43xx wireless ethernet in the environment above


        1) Compile kernel, download the latest kernel linux-2.6.22, and compile the kernel according to the hardware, the items about BCM43xx wireless ethernet are mainly the belowing:

How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5


How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5


How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5


How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5


         2) download bcm43xx-fwcutter.tar.bz2, untar it and compile

        [root@myforever wireless]# tar jxvf bcm43xx-fwcutter.tar.bz2

        [root@myforever wireless]# cd bcm43xx-fwcutter

        [root@myforever bcm43xx-fwcutter]# make

        [root@myforever bcm43xx-fwcutter]#

       3) download wl_apsta-

       4) get the firmware

       [root@myforever bcm43xx-fwcutter]# ./bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-

       the firmware needed by the BCM43xx is created in /lib/firmware

        5) configure the wireless ethernet

        first of all, we should install the management tool for wireless ethernet

       [root@myforever /]# yun install NetworkManager

        after the installation, we could configure the wireless ethernet

       [root@myforever /]# NetworkManager

        there is a small icon at down right corner, click it and select the wireless ethernet, do some configuration.

How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5

How To Driver BCM43xx Wireless Ethernet Under Fedora Core 5
