【浅谈Spark repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions】

Spark repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions代码示例及HashCode冲突解决办法

  • 1. 使用背景
  • 2. SQL版本
  • 3. 使用代码
    • 1. repartition + sortByKey
    • 2. 使用repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions
      • 1. 代码
      • 2. FeaturePartitionKey类:
      • 3. 实现Partitioner:
      • 4. HashCode冲突

1. 使用背景

  • 业务中需要实现频控功能, 类似于row_number() over(partition by logid order by log_timestamp desc) rank这种, 将相同维度数据放到同一partition然后进行分组排序.
  • 原数据是DataFrame

2. SQL版本

使用Spark Sql实现:

def sparkSqlFunc(testDf: DataFrame) {
    val sql =
        | SELECT uid, collect_list(concat_ws("|_^",logid, rank)) logids
        | FROM (
        | 	 	SELECT uid, 
        |  		row_number() over(partition by logid order by log_timestamp desc) rank
        | 		FROM frequency_tmp
        | ) s
        | GROUP BY uid
  • 弊端:

3. 使用代码

1. repartition + sortByKey

      .repartition(context.offlineThemisConf.getNumPartitions, testDf("logid"))
      .mapPartitions(line => {
        val logidSeqMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, Long]()
        val logWithUidSeq = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(String, String, Long)]()
        line.filter(row => {
          row != null && row.length > 0
          .foreach(row => {
            val logid: String = row.getAs("logid")
            val uid: String = row.getAs("uid")
            val frequency = logidSeqMap.getOrElse(logid, 0L) + 1
            logidSeqMap.put(logid, frequency)
            logWithUidSeq.append((uid, logid, frequency))
      }).filter(_ != null)
      .withColumnRenamed("_1", "logid")
      .withColumn("logids", map(
        lit("logid"), col("_2"),
        lit("logid_rank"), col("_3")
  • 弊端: 进行了两次shuffle, 性能较差.
  • 发现问题: repartition时出现问题, 查看源码发现repartition是通过 Murmur3Hash方式进行分区的, 存在数据量较大时hashcode相同的问题.对于这种问题, 可自己重写partitioner来实现.

2. 使用repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions

  • 这里不再赘述此算子的优点, 可自行查找.

1. 代码

.map(line => {
    logid = line.getAs[String]("logid"),
    logTimestamp = line.getAs[String]("log_timestamp").toLong),
  new FeaturePartitioner(1000))
.mapPartitions(line => {
  val viewSeqMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, Long]()
  val logWithViewSeqBuf = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]()
  line.filter(row => {
    row != null
    .foreach(row => {
      val features: FeaturePartitionKey = row._1
      val frequency: Long = viewSeqMap.getOrElse(features.logid, 0L) + 1
      viewSeqMap.put(features.logid, frequency)
      logWithViewSeqBuf.append((features.uid, features.logid + "|_^" + frequency))
.aggregateByKey(Array[String](), context.offlineThemisConf.getNumPartitions)((aggArray: Array[String], feaStr: String) => {
  aggArray :+ feaStr
}, (firArray: Array[String], secArray: Array[String]) => {
  firArray ++ secArray
.toDF("uid", "logids")

2. FeaturePartitionKey类:

case class FeaturePartitionKey(logid: String,
                               logTimestamp: Long)

// 实现排序功能, 根据logTimestamp进行排序
object FeaturePartitionKey {
  implicit def orderingByTimestamp[A <: FeaturePartitionKey] : Ordering[A] = {
    Ordering.by((fk: A) => (fk.logTimestamp, fk.logTimestamp * -1))

3. 实现Partitioner:

import org.apache.spark.Partitioner

class FeaturePartitioner(val partitions: Int) extends Partitioner {
  require(partitions >= 0, s"Number of partitions ($partitions) cannot be negative.")

  override def numPartitions: Int = partitions

  override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {
    val k = key.asInstanceOf[FeaturePartitionKey]
    Math.abs(k.logid.hashCode % numPartitions)

4. HashCode冲突

通过代码我们可以看到, 这里是使用对logid进行hashCode, 然后取 % 进行分区, 当数据量过大时, 就会出现Hash冲突的问题.
我们刚讲到 repartition 源码中用的是 Murmur3Hash 方式进行Hash的, 这也无法避免次问题, 那么repartition 和 repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions都无法完全避免HashCode冲突的问题, 我们应该怎么办呢?
此时, 我们可以通过以下方法减少HashCode的重复率:
当需要分区的字段较多时, 可以将每一个字段分别hashCode, 然后将hash值相加, 再进行 % 操作. 这样可以大大减少hashCode重复的情况

val strHashcode = uid.hashCode + uname.hashCode + age.hashCode
Math.abs(strHashcode % numPartitions)

经测试发现, 使用这种方式HashCode冲突的概率要少了20倍 + , 大大减小了重复率.
当然, 还可尝试先md5再hashCode,效果与上述结果类似.
