




  1. PID控制器

namespace PidControllerWpf.Models
    public class PidController
        public float ProportionalGain { get; private set; } = 0;  //比例增益
        public float IntegralGain { get; private set; } = 0; //积分增益
        public float DerivativeGain { get; private set; } = 0; //微分增益
        public float IntegralTerm { get; private set; } = 0; //积分项

        private float MaxPv = 0; 
        private float MinPv = 0; 
        public PidController(float minValue, float maxValue)
        {   //Pv值范围
            this.MaxPv = maxValue; 
            this.MinPv = minValue; 
            this.ProportionalGain = -0.8f; 
            this.IntegralGain = 1.0f; 
            this.DerivativeGain = 0.1f; 
        //PID调节   pv:实际值      setpoint:目标值              
        public void ControlPv(ref float pv, float setpoint, System.TimeSpan deltaTime)
            float error = setpoint - pv; //误差

            float proportionalTerm = this.ProportionalGain * error;   //比例项
            this.IntegralTerm += this.IntegralGain * error * (float)deltaTime.TotalSeconds; //积分项累加
            float derivativeTerm = this.DerivativeGain * error / (float)deltaTime.TotalSeconds; //微分项
            float output = proportionalTerm + this.IntegralTerm + derivativeTerm; //输出
            if (output >= this.MaxPv)
                output = this.MaxPv; 
            else if (output <= this.MinPv)
                output = this.MinPv; 
            pv = output; //更新实际值


using System; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using PidControllerWpf.ViewModels; 

namespace PidControllerWpf.Commands
    public class VariablesCommand : ICommand
        public PidVM PidVM { get; set; } //PID视图模型
        public VariablesCommand(PidVM pidVM)
            this.PidVM = pidVM; 
        public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; 
        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            return true;
        //执行:   parameter命令参数
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            double delta = 1;      // 过程变量该变量  Delta for process variable
            string parameterString = parameter as string; //命令的参数
            if (parameterString == "IncreaseSP")//增加设定点位置
            else if (parameterString == "DecreaseSP")//减小设定点位置
            else if (parameterString == "IncreasePV")
            else if (parameterString == "DecreasePV")
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show($"Incorrect parameter: {parameterString}", "Error"); 

using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Input; 
using PidControllerWpf.Views; 
using PidControllerWpf.UserControls; 
using PidControllerWpf.ViewModels; 

namespace PidControllerWpf.Commands
{   //定时器命令
    class TimerCommand : ICommand
        private PidVM PidVM { get; set; } //要处理的PID视图模型
        public TimerCommand(PidVM PidVM)
            this.PidVM = PidVM; 
        public event System.EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; 
        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            return true; 
        //执行 定时器命令:  带参数      开启,停止,重启
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            string parameterString = parameter as string; //命令参数
            if (parameterString == "Start")
                Start(); //开启
            else if (parameterString == "Restart")
                Restart(); //重启
            else if (parameterString == "Stop")
                Stop(); //停止
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show($"Incorrect parameter: {parameterString}", "Error"); //不正确的参数
        private void Start()
                this.PidVM.TimerGraph.Start(); //开启更新画布定时器
                this.PidVM.GraphCanvasVM.IsTimerEnabled = true; //已启用更新画布定时器
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Exception");
        private void Restart()
                this.PidVM.TimerGraph.Stop(); //停止更新图画布
                GraphCanvasVM gcvm = this.PidVM.GraphCanvasVM; //获取图画布视图句柄
                gcvm.IsTimerEnabled = false; //设置图画布视图的  定时器已禁用

                Graph2D.MinTimeGraph = Graph2D.InitMinTimeGraph; //时间轴最小值
                Graph2D.MaxTimeGraph = Graph2D.InitMaxTimeGraph; //时间轴最大值

                gcvm.Setpoint = 0; //设置目标点为0
                PidVM.TextBlockVM.SetPointTextBlock = gcvm.Setpoint.ToString(); 
                gcvm.ProcessVariable = 0; //设置过程变量为0
                PidVM.TextBlockVM.ProcessVariableTextBlock = gcvm.ProcessVariable.ToString(); 

                gcvm.Time = 0; //设置时间轴t=0
                PidVM.TextBlockVM.TimeTextBlock = gcvm.Time.ToString();

                // Set reference point to be able to change SP while timer isn't enabled
                Point refpoint = new Point(gcvm.SetpointLeft, gcvm.SetpointTop + 2.5); //参考点
                gcvm.SpRefPoint = refpoint; //设置参考点

                gcvm.ClearListOfLines(); //清空曲线
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Exception");
        private void Stop()
                GraphCanvasVM gcvm = this.PidVM.GraphCanvasVM; //获取画布句柄
                gcvm.IsTimerEnabled = false; //定时器已禁用

                // Set reference point to be able to change SP while timer isn't enabled
                Point refpoint = new Point(gcvm.SetpointLeft, gcvm.SetpointTop + 2.5); //
                gcvm.SpRefPoint = refpoint; 
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Exception");

using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Input; 
using PidControllerWpf.ViewModels; 

namespace PidControllerWpf.Commands
    public class RedirectCommand : ICommand//带参数的命令:切换视图
        private MainWindowVM MainWindowVM; //主窗口视图模型
        public RedirectCommand(MainWindowVM mainWindowVM)
            this.MainWindowVM = mainWindowVM; //传入主窗口视图模型

        public event System.EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; //可执行改变事件
        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            return true; 
        //执行切换视图命令:  2D画布 与  条状图
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            string parameterString = parameter as string; 
            if (parameterString == "Graph2D")
                this.MainWindowVM.OpenGraph2D(); //打开2D画布
            else if (parameterString == "BarCharts")
                this.MainWindowVM.OpenBarCharts(); //打开条状图
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show($"Incorrect parameter: {parameterString}", "Error"); 

3. PID视图模型

using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using PidControllerWpf.Views; 
using PidControllerWpf.UserControls; 
using PidControllerWpf.Models; 
using PidControllerWpf.Commands;

namespace PidControllerWpf.ViewModels
    /// Allows to connect UI and PidController 
    public class PidVM  //PID视图模型
        public DispatcherTimer TimerGraph { get; private set; } = null;  //更新图画布定时器

        public TextBlockVM TextBlockVM { get; private set; }  //文本框视图模型
        public GraphCanvasVM GraphCanvasVM { get; private set; }  //图形画布视图模型
        private PidController PidController { get; set; } = null; //PID控制器
        public ICommand VariablesCommand { get; private set; } //带变量的命令
        public ICommand TimerCommand { get; private set; } //定时更新画布命令

        public static double DelaySeconds = 0.1;  //延迟0.1秒
        public PidVM(ref TextBlockVM textBlockVM, ref GraphCanvasVM graphCanvasVM)
                InitializeVM(ref textBlockVM, ref graphCanvasVM); 

                TimerGraph = new DispatcherTimer(); 
                TimerGraph.Tick += new System.EventHandler((o, e) => 
                    GraphCanvasVM.Time += DelaySeconds; //更新Time轴
                    TextBlockVM.TimeTextBlock = $"{System.Math.Round(GraphCanvasVM.Time, 3)}"; //显示时间文本

                    AdjustPv(); //调整Pv值,更新文本框视图模型的过程变量,更新画布视图模型的过程变量
                    UpdatePidParams(); //更新PID参数
                TimerGraph.Interval = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DelaySeconds);//设置画布更新定时器间隔
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Exception");

        #region Initialize instances 
        private void InitializeCommands()
            this.VariablesCommand = new VariablesCommand(this);//初始化为带参数命令
            this.VariablesCommand = new VariablesCommand(this);
            this.TimerCommand = new TimerCommand(this);
            this.TimerCommand = new TimerCommand(this);
            this.TimerCommand = new TimerCommand(this);
        private void InitializeVM(ref TextBlockVM textBlockVM, ref GraphCanvasVM graphCanvasVM)
            this.TextBlockVM = textBlockVM;
            this.GraphCanvasVM = graphCanvasVM;
        private void InitializeModelss()
            float minPv = (float)(Graph2D.MinPvGraph); 
            float maxPv = (float)(Graph2D.MaxPvGraph); 
            PidController = new PidController(minPv, maxPv); 
        #endregion  // Initialize instances 

        #region Change variables  改变变量
        public void ChangeSetpoint(double delta=1.0f)
            double value = 0; 
                GetSpFromTextBox(ref value); //
                value += delta;//调整目标值
                SetBoundsForValue(ref value); //设置值的边界
                UpdateSpOnGraph(value); //更新图显示
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Exception");
        public void ChangeProcessVariable(double delta=1.0f)
            double value = 0; 
                GetPvFromTextBox(ref value); //从文本获取Pv值
                value += delta;//改变Pv值
                SetBoundsForValue(ref value); //设置Pv范围
                UpdatePvOnGraph(value); //更新2D图画布的Pv值
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Exception");
        #endregion  // Change variables 

        #region Methods
        private void GetSpFromTextBox(ref double value)
            value = System.Convert.ToSingle(TextBlockVM.SetPointTextBlock);
        private void GetPvFromTextBox(ref double value)
            value = System.Convert.ToSingle(TextBlockVM.ProcessVariableTextBlock);
        private void SetBoundsForValue(ref double value)
            if (value > Graph2D.MaxPvGraph)
                value = Graph2D.MaxPvGraph;
            else if (value < Graph2D.MinPvGraph)
                value = Graph2D.MinPvGraph;
        private void AdjustPv()
            float pv = (float)GraphCanvasVM.ProcessVariable; //图画布的过程变量pv值
            float sp = (float)GraphCanvasVM.Setpoint; //设置的目标点sp

            PidController.ControlPv(ref pv, sp, TimerGraph.Interval); //PID调节

            TextBlockVM.ProcessVariableTextBlock = pv.ToString(); //更新pv值的文本显示
            GraphCanvasVM.ProcessVariable = (double)pv;//更新图画布的过程变量pv值
        #endregion  // Methods

        #region Updating 
        //更新2D图的设置点  和文本框设置点
        private void UpdateSpOnGraph(double value)
            TextBlockVM.SetPointTextBlock = value.ToString(); 
            GraphCanvasVM.Setpoint = value;
        private void UpdatePvOnGraph(double value)
            TextBlockVM.ProcessVariableTextBlock = value.ToString(); 
            GraphCanvasVM.ProcessVariable = value;
        private void UpdatePidParams()
            TextBlockVM.IntegralErrorTextBlock = PidController.IntegralTerm.ToString(); //误差积分项
            TextBlockVM.ProptionalGainTextBlock = PidController.ProportionalGain.ToString(); 
            TextBlockVM.IntegralGainTextBlock = PidController.IntegralGain.ToString(); 
            TextBlockVM.DerivativeGainTextBlock = PidController.DerivativeGain.ToString(); 
        #endregion  // Updating 

4. 主视图模型 MainWindowVM.cs

using System.Windows; 
using PidControllerWpf.Commands; 
using PidControllerWpf.Views; 

namespace PidControllerWpf.ViewModels
    public class MainWindowVM
    {   //主窗口
        private MainWindow MainWindow {get; set; }
        public RedirectCommand RedirectCommand { get; private set; }
        private PidVM pidVM;
        public PidVM PidVM
            get { return pidVM; }
        private TextBlockVM textBlockVM;
        public TextBlockVM TextBlockVM
            get { return textBlockVM; }
        private GraphCanvasVM graphCanvasVM;
        public GraphCanvasVM GraphCanvasVM
            get { return graphCanvasVM; }
        public MainWindowVM(MainWindow mainWindow)
            this.MainWindow = mainWindow; 

            this.textBlockVM = new TextBlockVM(); 
            this.graphCanvasVM = new GraphCanvasVM();
            this.pidVM = new PidVM(ref textBlockVM, ref graphCanvasVM); 

            this.RedirectCommand = new RedirectCommand(this); //切换图画布与条状图
        public void OpenGraph2D()
            HideAllPages(); //隐藏所有页面
            this.MainWindow.Graph2D.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //仅2D画布可见
        public void OpenBarCharts()
            this.MainWindow.BarCharts.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 
        private void HideAllPages()
            this.MainWindow.Graph2D.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; 
            this.MainWindow.BarCharts.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; 

5. 主窗体界面 MainWindow.xaml

        < Grid.ColumnDefinitions >
        < uc:Menu x:Name="Menu" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" />






using System.Windows;
using PidControllerWpf.ViewModels;
using PidControllerWpf.UserControls;

namespace PidControllerWpf.Views
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        private MainWindowVM MainWindowVM { get; set; }

        public MainWindow()
            Loaded += (o, e) => 
                this.MainWindowVM = new MainWindowVM(this); //主窗口视图模型
                this.DataContext = this.MainWindowVM; 
                Menu.DataContext = this.MainWindowVM; 
                Configuration.DataContext = this.MainWindowVM; 
                Graph2D.DataContext = this.MainWindowVM; 











8. 用户控件Graph2D.xaml.cs 交互逻辑

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using PidControllerWpf.ViewModels;

namespace PidControllerWpf.UserControls
    /// Interaction logic for Graph2D.xaml
    public partial class Graph2D : UserControl
        private MainWindowVM MainWindowVM { get; set; } //主窗口视图句柄

        public static Canvas _GraphCanvas = null; //图画布句柄
        public static Canvas _ProcessVariableCanvas = null; //过程变量画布
        public static Canvas _TimeValuesCanvas = null; //时间至画布
        public const double InitMinTimeGraph = 0;  //初始最小时间
        public const double InitMaxTimeGraph = 10; //初始最大时间

        public static double MinPvGraph { get; set; } = 0.0; //最小过程变量
        public static double MaxPvGraph { get; set; } = 50.0; //最大过程变量

        public static int NumPvGraph { get; set; } = 10; //过程变量数

        public static double MinTimeGraph { get; set; } = InitMinTimeGraph; //最小时间
        public static double MaxTimeGraph { get; set; } = InitMaxTimeGraph; //最大时间

        public static int NumLinesTimeAxis { get; set; } = 10; //时间轴 条数

        public static double GraphWidth { get; set; } = 0.0; //图宽度
        public static double GraphHeight { get; set; } = 0.0; //图高度
        public Graph2D()

            _GraphCanvas = GraphCanvas; //图画布句柄
            _ProcessVariableCanvas = ProcessVariableCanvas; //过程变量画布句柄
            _TimeValuesCanvas = TimeValuesCanvas; //时间变量画布句柄
            Loaded += (o, e) => 
                this.MainWindowVM = (MainWindowVM)(this.DataContext); 

                GetActualGraphSizes(); //获取实际图尺寸
                PassSpAndPvToVM(); //传递参考点和过程变量 给视图模型
                SetLabelsForEachAxis(); //为每个轴设置标签

        #region Public methods
        /// Draws coordinates and grid for a graph 绘制图形的坐标和网格
        public static void DrawCoordinates()
        public static void DrawLine(List lines)
            foreach (var line in lines)
        public static void DrawLine(Line line)
        #endregion  // Public methods 

        #region Private methods 
        private void GetActualGraphSizes()
            GraphWidth = GraphCanvas.ActualWidth; 
            GraphHeight = GraphCanvas.ActualHeight;
        //传递sp 和 pv到视图模型
        private void PassSpAndPvToVM()
            this.MainWindowVM.GraphCanvasVM.Setpoint = 0; 
            this.MainWindowVM.GraphCanvasVM.ProcessVariable = 0; 
        private void SetLabelsForEachAxis()
            Canvas.SetTop(ValueLabel, GraphHeight/2 - 12.5);
            Canvas.SetLeft(ValueLabel, 0);
            Canvas.SetTop(TimeLabel, (float)TimeValuesCanvas.ActualHeight - 32.5);
            Canvas.SetLeft(TimeLabel, GraphWidth / 2 - 17.5); 
        private static void DrawGridHorizontal()
            // Add horizontal lines and their labels to the canvas
            for (int i = 0; i < NumPvGraph - 1; i++)
                // Horizontal line
                Line xAxis = new Line(); 
                xAxis.X1 = 0; 
                xAxis.X2 = GraphWidth; 
                xAxis.Y1 = (GraphHeight / NumPvGraph) + (i * GraphHeight / NumPvGraph);
                xAxis.Y2 = xAxis.Y1; 
                xAxis.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black; 
                xAxis.StrokeThickness = 0.5;
                // Label for horizontal line 
                Label xLabel = new Label();
                xLabel.Content = $"{(MaxPvGraph - (MaxPvGraph - MinPvGraph) / NumPvGraph) - (i * (MaxPvGraph - MinPvGraph) / NumPvGraph)}"; 
                xLabel.Height = 25; 
                xLabel.Width = 50; 
                Canvas.SetTop(xLabel, xAxis.Y1 - 12.5);
                Canvas.SetLeft(xLabel, 25);
        private static void DrawGridVertical()
            // Add vertical lines and their labels to the canvas
            for (int i = 0; i < NumLinesTimeAxis; i++)
                // Vertical line
                Line yAxis = new Line(); 
                yAxis.X1 = (GraphWidth / NumLinesTimeAxis) + (i * GraphWidth / NumLinesTimeAxis);
                yAxis.X2 = yAxis.X1;
                yAxis.Y1 = 0;
                yAxis.Y2 = GraphHeight;
                yAxis.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black; 
                yAxis.StrokeThickness = 0.5;

                // Label for vertical line 
                Label yLabel = new Label();
                yLabel.Content = $"{(MinTimeGraph + (MaxTimeGraph - MinTimeGraph) / NumLinesTimeAxis) + (i * (MaxTimeGraph - MinTimeGraph) / NumLinesTimeAxis)}"; 
                yLabel.Height = 25; 
                yLabel.Width = 50; 
                Canvas.SetTop(yLabel, 0);
                Canvas.SetLeft(yLabel, yAxis.X1 - 10);
        private static void ClearUiElements()
            List itemstoremove = new List();
            foreach (UIElement ui in _GraphCanvas.Children)
                if (!ui.Uid.StartsWith("SetpointEllipse") && !ui.Uid.StartsWith("ProcessVariableEllipse"))
            foreach (UIElement ui in itemstoremove)
        #endregion  // Private methods 

The End
