

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace Model


    /// <summary>

    /// This class is used to define the custom exception.

    /// </summary>


    public class MyExceptionContainer:Exception


        /// <summary>

        /// The exception's starck message.

        /// </summary>


        public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }

        /// <summary>

        /// The custom informtion.

        /// </summary>


        public string Description { get; set; }

        #region Constructor

        public MyExceptionContainer() { }

        public MyExceptionContainer(string errorMessage, string description)


            this.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;

            this.Description = description;




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using System;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace Constant


    /// <summary>

    /// The class is defined for const fields of login exception.

    /// </summary>


    public class UserException:Exception,ISerializable


        #region Fields

        private string message;

        private Exception innerException;


        #region Constructors

        public UserException() { }

        public UserException(string message)


            this.message = message;


        public UserException(string message, Exception exception)


            this.message = message;

            this.innerException = exception;



        #region Const fileds of user functions' exception.

        public const string UserNameIsNull = "*Username is null.";

        public const string PasswordIsNull = "*Password is null.";

        public const string LoginedFailed = "*Username or password is wrong.";

        public const string ChangeNewPasswordIsNull = "*New password is null.";

        public const string ChangeConfirmIsNull = "*Confirm is null.";

        public const string TwiceEnterIsNotSame = "*New password and confirm is not same.";

        public const string PasswordIsWrong = "*Old Password is wrong.";

        public const string UpdatePasswordFailed = "The error is come from UpdatePasswordFailed Method in UserDal Class.";

        public const string RetrieveUserByUserName = "The error is come from RetrieveUserByUserName Method in UserDal Class.";

        public const string ChangePasswordSucceed = "Change password succeed.";

        public const string FormatException = "The parameter error.";



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        public int UpdatePassword(string newPassword, string userName)


            int influenceNumber = 0;



                string sqlText = SqlText.UpdatePassword;

                SqlParameter[] parms = new SqlParameter[] {

                    new SqlParameter("@password", newPassword),

                    new SqlParameter("@userName", userName),


                influenceNumber = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlText, parms);


            catch (SqlException ex)


                throw new UserException(UserException.UpdatePasswordFailed, ex);


            return influenceNumber;

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        public IList<Exam> RetrieveExamList(string userName, int order)




                return examDal.RetrieveExamList(userName, order);


            catch (ExamException ex)


                log.Error(ExamException.RetrieveExamList, ex);

                throw new FaultException<MyExceptionContainer>( new MyExceptionContainer() {

                    ErrorMessage = ex.Message,

                    Description = ExamException.RetrieveExamList



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                catch (FaultException<MyExceptionContainer> myException)


                    log.Error(myException.Message, myException);


                catch (FaultException faultException)


                    log.Error(faultException.Message, faultException);


                catch (Exception exception)


                    log.Error(exception.Message, exception);

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