




1 importonnx2 importnumpy as np3 importtvm4 importtvm.relay as relay5 #from import download_testdata


7 #model_url = ''.join(['',

8 #'bcda4716699ac97ea44f791c24310193/raw/',

9 #'93672b029103648953c4e5ad3ac3aadf346a4cdc/',

10 #'super_resolution_0.2.onnx'])

11 #model_path = download_testdata(model_url, 'super_resolution.onnx', module='onnx')

12 #now you have super_resolution.onnx on disk

13 onnx_model = onnx.load('super_resolution.onnx')14

15 from PIL importImage16 #img_url = ''

17 #img_path = download_testdata(img_url, 'cat.png', module='data')

18 img_path = 'cat.png'

19 img =, 224))20 img_ycbcr = img.convert("YCbCr") #convert to YCbCr

21 img_y, img_cb, img_cr =img_ycbcr.split()22 x =np.array(img_y)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]23

24 target = 'cuda'


26 input_name = '1'

27 shape_dict ={input_name: x.shape}28 sym, params =relay.frontend.from_onnx(onnx_model, shape_dict)29 print(sym)30

31 with relay.build_config(opt_level=1):32 intrp = relay.build_module.create_executor('graph', sym, tvm.gpu(0), target)33

34 dtype = 'float32'

35 tvm_output = intrp.evaluate(sym)(tvm.nd.array(x.astype(dtype)), **params).asnumpy()


官方的解释:tvm.relay.frontend.from_onnx(model, shape=None, dtype='float32')

Convert a ONNX model into an equivalent Relay Function.

ONNX graphs are represented as Python Protobuf objects. The companion parameters will be handled automatically. However, the input names from onnx graph is vague, mixing inputs and network weights/bias such as “1”, “2”… For convenience, we rename the real input names to “input_0”, “input_1”… And renaming parameters to “param_0”, “param_1”…


model (protobuf object) – ONNX ModelProto after ONNX v1.1.0

shape (dict of str to tuple,optional) – The input shape to the graph

dtype (strordict of str to str) – The input types to the graph


sym (tvm.relay.expr.Function) – Compatible relay function

params (dict of str to tvm.NDArray) – The parameter dict to be used by relay

看返回值,sym是relay Function,在后边加一个print(sym)输出,可以看到图这一级的IR

fn (%v1: Tensor[(1, 1, 224, 224), float32], %v2: Tensor[(64, 1, 5, 5), float32], %v3: Tensor[(64,), float32], %v4: Tensor[(64, 64, 3, 3), float32], %v5: Tensor[(64,), float32], %v6: Tensor[(32, 64, 3, 3), float32], %v7: Tensor[(32,), float32], %v8: Tensor[(9, 32, 3, 3), float32], %v9: Tensor[(9,), float32]) {

%0 = nn.conv2d(%v1, %v2, padding=[2, 2], kernel_size=[5, 5])

%1 = expand_dims(%v3, axis=1, num_newaxis=2)

%2 = add(%0, %1)

%3 = nn.relu(%2)

%4 = nn.conv2d(%3, %v4, padding=[1, 1], kernel_size=[3, 3])

%5 = expand_dims(%v5, axis=1, num_newaxis=2)

%6 = add(%4, %5)

%7 = nn.relu(%6)

%8 = nn.conv2d(%7, %v6, padding=[1, 1], kernel_size=[3, 3])

%9 = expand_dims(%v7, axis=1, num_newaxis=2)

%10 = add(%8, %9)

%11 = nn.relu(%10)

%12 = nn.conv2d(%11, %v8, padding=[1, 1], kernel_size=[3, 3])

%13 = expand_dims(%v9, axis=1, num_newaxis=2)

%14 = add(%12, %13)

%15 = reshape(%14, newshape=[1, 1, 3, 3, 224, 224])

%16 = transpose(%15, axes=[0, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3])

reshape(%16, newshape=[1, 1, 672, 672])

