(1) 概念:
① 因素A的效应在因素B的不同水平上存在差异,则认为因素A、B之间存在交互作用。
② 因素A、B的联合效应不等于两因素独立效应之和或之积。
(2) 识别:
②统计图:观察另一因素各水平下,某因素与结局指标关系图是否平行(Addictive interation)。
(3) 理解交互作用:
(4) 相加交互与相乘交互的差异:
统计建模中一般线性模型交互项反映的是因素间相加交互作用(additive interactions,INTA),而logistic和Cox等广义线性模型则反映因素间统计学上相乘交互作用(multiplicative interaction,INTM),即logistic乘积项仅反映统计学上的交互,而只有在生物学机制上病因因素间存在相加交互作用才可解释为相加交互作用。
(5) 评价交互作用的目的和意义:
(1) 相乘交互作用的定义:假设研究多风险因素中交互作用的两暴露因素为AB,则OR00表示AB均无暴露,即OR00=1;OR10表示A暴露、B无暴露,OR01表示A无暴露、B暴露,OR11表示A、B均暴露。则相乘交互作用INTM=ORA×B=OR11/(OR10×OR01)。
(2) 相乘交互作用的判定:logistic 等回归乘积项95%CI不包含1,表明有相乘交互作用。交互项得到的OR值<1,拮抗作用;交互项 OR>1,协同作用。
(1) 定量评价流行病学研究中暴露因素间及暴露因素与基因间相加交互作用需要3项指标:交互对比度(interaction contrast ratio,ICR)又称交互作用超额相对危险度(relative excess risk due to interaction,RERI),交互作用归因比(attributable proportion due to interaction,AP)和协同指数(the synergy index,S)。
(2) 相加交互作用3项指标定义为:
RERI = ICR = OR11 - OR10 - OR01 + 1
S = (OR11 - 1)/(OR10 + OR01)=(OR11 - 1)/(OR11 + 1 - ICR)
此处公式有误,之前一直懒得去核实,现在做个修改。感谢x小x小姐姐提供的文献参考,如有需要,请自行下载原文。—— Revised: 2022-04-01
Knol MJ, VanderWeele TJ, Groenwold RH, Klungel OH, Rovers MM, Grobbee DE. Estimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposures. Eur J Epidemiol. 2011 Jun;26(6):433-8.
在二分类logistic回归模型中,ln[P/(1-P)] = β0 + β1A + β2B + β3A×B,OR10=exp(β1),OR01=exp(β2),OR11=INTA=exp(β1 + β2 + β3)
(3) 相加交互作用的判定:如果两因素有相加交互作用,则RERI 95%CI、AP 95%CI应不包含0,S 95%CI应不包含1。超额相对危险度RERI以及归因比AP均>0,且可信区间不包括0, S>1且可信区间不包括1,表示存在交互作用,且为协同作用。RER1以及AP均<0,S<1,表示存在交互作用,且为拮抗作用。
Delta法、Wald法、轮廓似然置信区间(profile likelihood confidence intervals,PL)法、variance recovery method和percentile bootstrapping等。
(1) R 包安装及数据介绍:
## Data from Rothman and Keller (1972) evaluating the effect of joint exposure to alcohol and tabacco on risk of cancer of the mouth and pharynx (cited in Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1992):
can <- c(rep(1, times = 231), rep(0, times = 178), rep(1, times = 11),
rep(0, times = 38))
smk <- c(rep(1, times = 225), rep(0, times = 6), rep(1, times = 166),
rep(0, times = 12), rep(1, times = 8), rep(0, times = 3), rep(1, times = 18),
rep(0, times = 20))
alc <- c(rep(1, times = 409), rep(0, times = 49))
dat <- data.frame(alc, smk, can)
dat$smk <- factor(dat$smk)
dat$alc <- factor(dat$alc)
dat$can <- factor(dat$can)
(2) 相乘交互作用及二元Logist回归:
# 1) 相乘交互作用及二元Logist回归:
fit <- glm(can ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = dat)
coef <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,1]
se <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,2]
Results <- cbind(exp(coef),exp(coef-1.96*se),exp(coef+1.96*se))
exp(confint(fit)) #另外一种形式显示可信区间
P <- summary(fit)$coefficients[4,4]
dimnames(Results)[[2]] <- c("OR", "lower","upper")
# OR lower upper
#(Intercept) 0.1500000 0.04457283 0.5047918
#alc1 3.3333333 0.70058649 15.8597280
#smk1 2.9629630 0.68002749 12.9099922
#alc1:smk1 0.9149096 0.15435605 5.4229143
(3) 相加交互作用及二元Logist回归:
# 2) 相加交互作用及二元Logist回归:
## Table 2 of Hosmer and Lemeshow (1992):
dat.glm01 <- glm(can ~ alc + smk + alc:smk, family = binomial, data = dat)
summary(dat.glm01) #P interaction= 0.92197
## What is the measure of effect modification on the additive scale?
epi.interaction(model = dat.glm01, param = "product", coef = c(2,3,4), type = "RERI", conf.level = 0.95)
## Measure of interaction on the additive scale: RERI 3.73
## (95% CI -1.84 -- 9.32), page 453 of Hosmer and Lemeshow (1992).
#AP 和 S
epi.interaction(model = dat.glm01, param = "product", coef = c(2,3,4), type = "APAB", conf.level = 0.95)
# est lower upper
#1 0.4138765 -0.07306308 0.9008162
epi.interaction(model = dat.glm01, param = "product", coef = c(2,3,4), type = "S", conf.level = 0.95)
# est lower upper
#1 1.870482 0.6460433 5.415585
(4) 哑变量实现交互作用:
# 3) 哑变量实现交互作用
## Rothman defines an alternative coding scheme to be employed for parameterising an interaction term. Using this approach, instead of using two risk factors and one product term to represent the interaction (as above) the risk factors are combined into one variable with (in this case)
## four levels:
## a.neg b.neg: 0 0 0
## a.pos b.neg: 1 0 0
## a.neg b.pos: 0 1 0
## a.pos b.pos: 0 0 1
dat$d <- rep(NA, times = nrow(dat))
dat$d[dat$alc == 0 & dat$smk == 0] <- 0
dat$d[dat$alc == 1 & dat$smk == 0] <- 1
dat$d[dat$alc == 0 & dat$smk == 1] <- 2
dat$d[dat$alc == 1 & dat$smk == 1] <- 3
dat$d <- factor(dat$d)
## Table 3 of Hosmer and Lemeshow (1992):
dat.glm02 <- glm(can ~ d, family = binomial, data = dat)
# 1> 乘法交互尺度上的效应修饰作用
## What is the measure of effect modification on the multiplicative scale?
## See VanderWeele and Knol (2014) page 36 and Knol and Vanderweele (2012) for details.
beta1 <- as.numeric(dat.glm02$coefficients[2])
beta2 <- as.numeric(dat.glm02$coefficients[3])
beta3 <- as.numeric(dat.glm02$coefficients[4])
exp(beta3) / (exp(beta1) * exp(beta2))
## Measure of interaction on the multiplicative scale: 0.92.
# 2> 加法交互
## What is the measure of effect modification on the additive scale?
# coef: a vector listing the positions of the coefficients of the interaction terms in the model.
epi.interaction(model = dat.glm02, param = "dummy", coef = c(2,3,4), type = "RERI", conf.level = 0.95) #超额相对危险度
## Measure of interaction on the additive scale: RERI 3.73
## (95% CI -1.84 -- 9.32), page 455 of Hosmer and Lemeshow (1992).
## 计算AP、S指标
epi.interaction(model = dat.glm02, param = "dummy", coef = c(2,3,4), type = "APAB", conf.level = 0.95) #归因比
epi.interaction(model = dat.glm02, param = "dummy", coef = c(2,3,4), type = "S", conf.level = 0.95) #协同指数
# Skrondal (2003) advocates for use of the synergy index as a summary measure of additive interaction, showing that when regression models adjust for the effect of confounding variables (as in the majority of cases) RERI and AP may be biased, while S remains unbiased.
(5) 结果可视化
# 4) 可视化
# 1> 加法交互效应
ORalc <- 3.3333333
ORsmk <- 2.9629630
RERI <- 3.739848
bar_d <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1,
ORalc-1, 0, ORalc-1, 0,
ORsmk-1 ,ORsmk-1, 0, 0,
RERI, 0, 0, 0),
c(4,4), byrow = T,
dimnames = list(c('U','alc','smk1','alc1 & smk1'),c("OR_A1B1","OR_A1B0","OR_A0B1","OR_A0B0")))
plot <- barplot(bar_d, legend=rownames(bar_d))
# 2> 加法交互是否显著
plot(visreg(fit,xvar = "alc",by="smk",plot=F),xlab="alc",ylab="predict",overlay = T,partial = F,rug=F)
legend("topleft", c("Smoke: No","Smoke: Yes"), lty=c(1,1), col=c("red","blue"), lwd=c(1,1),bty="n")
(1) 问题描述及数据:
以2004-2014年广东省先天性心脏病(先心)监测网数据库病例对照资料为例[10, 11],分析孕母是否被动吸烟(自报围孕期家庭、工作任一环境中接触吸烟平均时长>15 min/d且持续1周以上)与家庭人均月收入有无相乘和相加交互作用(表 1),并比对采用Andersson分析方法的结果。
(2) 结果解释:
INTM 95%CI>1有相乘交互作用,A暴露(如,孕期被动吸烟)与B暴露(如,家庭人均月收入低)有正向相乘交互作用;Delta法、Wald法、PL法估计 ICR 95%CI>0、AP 95%CI>0,S 95%CI>1,A暴露与B暴露有协同相加交互作用,即同时暴露于A、B者,其结局(如,胎儿患先心)的发生风险显著增加。ICR和S的意义相同,AP表示全部病例中可归因于两因素交互作用的病例所占比例,如,AP=0.324(95%CI:0.153~0.519),说明全部先心病例中归因于被动吸烟与家庭人均月收入低的相加交互作用所引起的病例占32.4%。
(3) 总结:
[1] 聂志强, 欧艳秋, 庄建, 曲艳吉, 麦劲壮, 陈寄梅, 刘小清. 实现logistic与Cox回归相乘相加交互作用的临床实践宏程序. 中华流行病学杂志, 2016, 37(5): 737-740.
[2] 交互作用: 相加交互,相乘交互
[3] epiR: Tools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data. R package version 2.0.19.
[4] https://max.book118.com/html/2016/1031/60871118.shtm
[5] https://max.book118.com/html/2017/0216/92080186.shtm