create (company: Company{name: "Google", address: "U.S."});
create (company: Company{name: "Google", address: "U.S."});
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import time
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
from py2neo import NodeMatcher, RelationshipMatcher
# 连接Neo4j
url = "http://localhost:7474"
username = "neo4j"
password = "password"
graph = Graph(url, auth=(username, password))
print("neo4j info: {}".format(str(graph)))
# 读取数据
with open("data.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data_dict = json.loads(f.read())
nodes = data_dict["nodes"]
relations = data_dict["relations"]
# 创建节点
s_time = time.time()
create_node_cnt = 0
node_matcer = NodeMatcher(graph)
for node in nodes:
label = node["label"]
name = node["name"]
find_node = node_matcer.match(label, name=name).first()
if find_node is None:
attrs = {k: v for k, v in node.items() if k != "label"}
node = Node(label, **attrs)
create_node_cnt += 1
print(f"create {create_node_cnt} nodes.")
# 创建关系
create_rel_cnt = 0
relation_matcher = RelationshipMatcher(graph)
for relation in relations:
s_node, s_label = relation["subject"], relation["subject_type"]
e_node, e_label = relation["object"], relation["object_type"]
rel = relation["predicate"]
start_node = node_matcer.match(s_label, name=s_node).first()
end_node = node_matcer.match(e_label, name=e_node).first()
if start_node is not None and end_node is not None:
r_type = relation_matcher.match([start_node, end_node], r_type=rel).first()
if r_type is None:
graph.create(Relationship(start_node, rel, end_node))
create_rel_cnt += 1
print(f"create {create_rel_cnt} relations.")
# 输出信息
e_time = time.time()
print(f"create {create_node_cnt} nodes, create {create_rel_cnt} relations.")
print(f"cost time: {round((e_time-s_time)*1000, 4)}ms")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import time
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship, Subgraph
from py2neo import RelationshipMatcher
# 连接Neo4j
url = "http://localhost:7474"
username = "neo4j"
password = "password"
graph = Graph(url, auth=(username, password))
print("neo4j info: {}".format(str(graph)))
# 读取数据
with open("data.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data_dict = json.loads(f.read())
nodes = data_dict["nodes"]
relations = data_dict["relations"]
# 查询city和province节点是否在图谱中
cql = "match (n:province) return (n.name);"
province_names = [_["(n.name)"] for _ in graph.run(cql).data()]
cql = "match (n:city) return (n.name);"
city_names = [_["(n.name)"] for _ in graph.run(cql).data()]
# 创建节点
s_time = time.time()
create_node_cnt = 0
create_nodes = []
for node in nodes:
label = node["label"]
name = node["name"]
if label == "city" and name not in city_names:
attrs = {k: v for k, v in node.items() if k != "label"}
create_nodes.append(Node(label, **attrs))
create_node_cnt += 1
elif label == "province" and name not in province_names:
attrs = {k: v for k, v in node.items() if k != "label"}
create_nodes.append(Node(label, **attrs))
create_node_cnt += 1
# 批量创建节点
batch_size = 50
if create_nodes:
for i in range(len(create_nodes)//50 + 1):
subgraph = Subgraph(create_nodes[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size])
print(f"create {(i+1)*batch_size} nodes")
# 创建关系
cql = "match (n:province) return (n);"
province_nodes = [_["n"] for _ in graph.run(cql).data()]
cql = "match (n:city) return (n);"
city_nodes = [_["n"] for _ in graph.run(cql).data()]
city_dict = {_["name"]: _ for _ in city_nodes}
province_dict = {_["name"]: _ for _ in province_nodes}
create_rel_cnt = 0
create_relations = []
rel_matcher = RelationshipMatcher(graph)
for relation in relations:
s_node, s_label = relation["subject"], relation["subject_type"]
e_node, e_label = relation["object"], relation["object_type"]
rel = relation["predicate"]
start_node, end_node = None, None
if s_label == "city":
start_node = city_dict.get(s_node, None)
if e_label == "city":
end_node = city_dict.get(e_node, None)
elif e_label == "province":
end_node = province_dict.get(e_node, None)
if start_node is not None and end_node is not None:
r_type = rel_matcher.match([start_node, end_node], r_type=rel).first()
if r_type is None:
create_relations.append(Relationship(start_node, rel, end_node))
create_rel_cnt += 1
# 批量创建关系
batch_size = 50
if create_relations:
for i in range(len(create_relations)//50 + 1):
subgraph = Subgraph(relationships=create_relations[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size])
print(f"create {(i+1)*batch_size} relations")
# 输出信息
e_time = time.time()
print(f"create {create_node_cnt} nodes, create {create_rel_cnt} relations.")
print(f"cost time: {round((e_time-s_time)*1000, 4)}ms")