C++ opencv Processing multiple images(批量处理图像)


  • Today, the need for the folder under the image batch processing, to achieve this part of the function.The image under the folder for batch processing, to achieve the production of data sets.In this paper, the local effective information of the data set is strengthened through special processing, so as to facilitate the deep learning and better training recognition.


vector ReadImage(cv::String pattern)
	vector fn;
	glob(pattern, fn, false);
	vector images;
	size_t count = fn.size(); //number of png files in images folder
	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
		cout << fn[i] << endl;
		//Rotate(imread(fn[i]),180.0, fn[i]);
		//imshow("img", imread(fn[i]));
	return images;


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	#if 1 //批量处理图像
	cv::String pattern = "./title_time/table/*.png";
	vector img = ReadImage(pattern);

C++ opencv Processing multiple images(批量处理图像)_第1张图片


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