The diamonds in life 生命中的钻石

If now I tell you that my father has a really big yard and a some fields to grow vegetables and fruits. You must envy me. Especially While you are suffering the hot summer days in Beijing, I am enjoy the cool weather in the countryside in Inner mongolia. Grab a fresh and cucumber, walk along the country roads and see the sunset. What an amazing picture.

But it is where I have been struggled for many years to run away from.

I made it step by step, from a small village to the capital city.  

Just like the famous sentence goes: It took me 18 years to sit down with you for some coffee. But, I don’t have the taste for coffee. Drinking coffee is not my lifestyle. So I am still different. Every time I go to a new place, go to a higher level, I feel this difference, it’s so painful.

As one of the top students in our county, I had the chance to have middle school in our small city. What a surprise! My family were so excited. But, as the new life began. I would rather not been here at all. My city born classmates are so beautiful, so polite, so smart. They have cute stationary, new schoolbags, many snacks. I have never seen. I feel ashamed. Most importantly, their parents work in nice offices but my parents had to make a living in the fields. I am different from them. In order to gain some confidence, I studied harder and harder. This is the only thing I can do.

The hardworking pains off. I am also one of the top students in Middle school. Then I enter the Key high school in a big city. Luckily or unluckily, I was in the VIP class. Our headmaster’s son was my classmate. I am too much different from them. I felt ashamed again. The biggest obstacle was I cannot speak Mandarin. When I answered questions at class in my local dialect, my classmates laughed at me. I still remember that day, that class and that specific question. From then on, I started to learn Mandrin with Xinhua dictionary and watch CCTV news. The only thing I can do is study. But my excellent scores can just make me look confident outside, but not the inside. I felt lonely and really low self-esteem.

God helps those who help themselves. Gaokao is the fairest way for us to change our life and change our family’s life.  

I finally got a good result at Gaokao and came to Beijing. My classmates here are so talented and they can play the piano, dance, skating and so on. Also, they are so knowledgeable. The most awkward thing is to fill the document “What’are your hobbies or interests.”I have no hobby nor interest. Study is the only thing I know. As seeing my classmates dancing or singing at the party, I felt ashamed and I know I am different. So I began to read more books and learn to communicate, to participate in the activities. Though I still got laughed at, I am kind of used to it.

Now, I got my dream job as a teacher. Settle down in Beijing. My parents are proud of me and I set a great example for my cousins. I have been the hope of my family. I am so happy that finally I made it.

Looking back of all the years gone by, I am thankful for those difficulties and sufferings, they are the challenges that make me stronger in and out.  

Though time after time, I regreted to come to the town to the city and to beijing. Because it is so painful and suffering in my bottom of heart. I hate the feeling of being different and lonely.

A full life is full of pain, and the pain fulfilled our life.

Now I know that all of those pain are the diamonds in my life. While the difficulties are the iceberg. I cannot find the diamonds until I break the iceberg.

One more thing, Once I was ashamed of my family, my poor farmer family. Now I realize that all my qualities are learned from them. I am kind, I am gentle, I am considerate, I am diligent. They have never taught me anything. They just show me. They are the best parents.

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