The three R’s of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruction andreorganization阅读

The three R’s of computer vision: Recognition, reconstruction andreorganization阅读

CV的三个R:识别 重建 重组




instead of the classical separation of vision into low level,mid level and high level vision, it is more fruitful to think of vision as resulting from the interaction of three processes: recognition, reconstruction and reorganization which operate in tandem,and where each provides input to the others and fruitfully exploits their output.

相比于传统的将视觉分割为low,mid high三个层次,更为有效的方式是将vision理解为三个步骤的交互:识别、重建、重组。这三个流程为串联关系且相互提供输入相互利用输出。

Note that the emphasis of this paper is on the relationship between the 3R’s of vision, which is somewhat independent of the(very important) choice of features needed to implement particular algorithms.

