Markdown 拓展-Docsify 主题美化

docsify-themeable - A delightfully simple theme system for docsify.js

Quick Start


  1. Create a docsify site by following the instructions on the docsify.js website.

  2. Select a theme from the Themes section and replace the in your index.html.

  3. Add the docsify-themeable plugin to your index.html after docsify:

  4. Review the Options section and configure as needed. For example:

  5. Review the Customization section and set theme properties as needed. For example:


Local Preview

Previewing your site locally requires serving your files from a web server.

The docsify Quick Start guide recommends docsify-cli for creating and previewing your site:

# Install docsify-cli globally
npm install -g docsify-cli

# Serve current directory
docsify serve

# Serve ./docs directory
docsify serve docs

A simple Python web server can also be used:

# Change to site directory
cd /path/to/site/files

# Show Python version
python --version

# Launch web server (Python 2.x)
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

# Launch web server (Python 3.x)
python -m http.server


Sites powered by docsify.js can be hosted on any web server. The docsify website provides a helpful deployment guide with tips for hosting your site on following platforms:

  • GitHub Pages
  • GitLab Pages
  • Firebase Hosting
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS)


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