flac - 安装使用


    • 报错:Please install 'flac' on ALL worker nodes!
    • 安装 flac
    • 关于 flac
    • flac 命令实例
    • flac 选项
      • Usage:
      • general options:
      • encoding options:
      • format options:
      • raw format options:
      • negative options:

报错:Please install ‘flac’ on ALL worker nodes!

运行 kaldi - librispeech 时,会报错:

Please install ‘flac’ on ALL worker nodes!


安装 flac



sudo apt install flac

macOS 安装 flac

brew install flac

安装成功,测试 查看版本信息

flac --version

关于 flac

  • 官网:https://xiph.org/flac/
  • flac 特性:https://xiph.org/flac/features.html
  • 使用手册:https://xiph.org/flac/documentation_tasks.html

FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality.
This is similar to how Zip works, except with FLAC you will get much better compression because it is designed specifically for audio, and you can play back compressed FLAC files in your favorite player (or your car or home stereo, see supported devices) just like you would an MP3 file.

FLAC stands out as the fastest and most widely supported lossless audio codec, and the only one that at once is non-proprietary, is unencumbered by patents, has an open-source reference implementation, has a well documented format and API, and has several other independent implementations.

FLAC代表免费无损音频编解码器(Free Lossless Audio Codec),一种类似于MP3的音频格式,但无损,这意味着音频在FLAC中被压缩而没有任何质量损失。

flac 命令实例

将 wav 文件编码为 flac,指定输出文件:

flac -o path/to/output.flac path/to/file.wav
flac path/to/file.wav

flac 文件解码为 wav,指定输出文件:

flac -d -o path/to/output.wav  path/to/file.flac

测试一个 flac 文件的正确编码:

flac -t path/to/file.flac

flac 选项

$ flac -h
flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder version 1.3.1
Copyright (C) 2000-2009  Josh Coalson
Copyright (C) 2011-2014  Xiph.Org Foundation

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


 Encoding: flac [<general-options>] [<encoding/format-options>] [INPUTFILE [...]]
 Decoding: flac -d [<general-options>] [<format-options>] [FLACFILE [...]]
  Testing: flac -t [<general-options>] [FLACFILE [...]]
Analyzing: flac -a [<general-options>] [<analysis-options>] [FLACFILE [...]]

Be sure to read the list of known bugs at:

general options:

  -v, --version                Show the flac version number
  -h, --help                   Show this screen
  -H, --explain                Show detailed explanation of usage and options
  -d, --decode                 Decode (the default behavior is to encode)
  -t, --test                   Same as -d except no decoded file is written
  -a, --analyze                Same as -d except an analysis file is written
  -c, --stdout                 Write output to stdout
  -s, --silent                 Do not write runtime encode/decode statistics
      --totally-silent         Do not print anything, including errors
      --no-utf8-convert        Do not convert tags from local charset to UTF-8
  -w, --warnings-as-errors     Treat all warnings as errors
  -f, --force                  Force overwriting of output files
  -o, --output-name=FILENAME   Force the output file name
      --output-prefix=STRING   Prepend STRING to output names
      --delete-input-file      Deletes after a successful encode/decode
      --preserve-modtime       Output files keep timestamp of input (default)
      --keep-foreign-metadata  Save/restore WAVE or AIFF non-audio chunks
      --skip={#|mm:ss.ss}      Skip the given initial samples for each input
      --until={#|[+|-]mm:ss.ss}  Stop at the given sample for each input file
      --ogg                    Use Ogg as transport layer
      --serial-number          Serial number to use for the FLAC stream
analysis options:
      --residual-text          Include residual signal in text output
      --residual-gnuplot       Generate gnuplot files of residual distribution
decoding options:
  -F, --decode-through-errors  Continue decoding through stream errors
      --cue=[#.#][-[#.#]]      Set the beginning and ending cuepoints to decode

encoding options:

  -V, --verify                 Verify a correct encoding
      --lax                    Allow encoder to generate non-Subset files
      --ignore-chunk-sizes     Ignore data chunk sizes in WAVE/AIFF files
      --sector-align (DEPRECATED) Align multiple files on sector boundaries
      --replay-gain            Calculate ReplayGain & store in FLAC tags
      --cuesheet=FILENAME      Import cuesheet and store in CUESHEET block
      --picture=SPECIFICATION  Import picture and store in PICTURE block
  -T, --tag=FIELD=VALUE        Add a FLAC tag; may appear multiple times
      --tag-from-file=FIELD=FILENAME   Like --tag but gets value from file
  -S, --seekpoint={#|X|#x|#s}  Add seek point(s)
  -P, --padding=#              Write a PADDING block of length #
  -0, --compression-level-0, --fast  Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -r 3
  -1, --compression-level-1          Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -M -r 3
  -2, --compression-level-2          Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -m -r 3
  -3, --compression-level-3          Synonymous with -l 6 -b 4096 -r 4
  -4, --compression-level-4          Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -M -r 4
  -5, --compression-level-5          Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 5
  -6, --compression-level-6          Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 6
                                        -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2)
  -7, --compression-level-7          Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6
                                         -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2)
  -8, --compression-level-8, --best  Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6
                    -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2) -A punchout_tukey(3)
  -b, --blocksize=#                  Specify blocksize in samples
  -m, --mid-side                     Try mid-side coding for each frame
  -M, --adaptive-mid-side            Adaptive mid-side coding for all frames
  -e, --exhaustive-model-search      Do exhaustive model search (expensive!)
  -A, --apodization="function"       Window audio data with given the function
  -l, --max-lpc-order=#              Max LPC order; 0 => only fixed predictors
  -p, --qlp-coeff-precision-search   Exhaustively search LP coeff quantization
  -q, --qlp-coeff-precision=#        Specify precision in bits
  -r, --rice-partition-order=[#,]#   Set [min,]max residual partition order

format options:

      --force-raw-format       Treat input or output as raw samples
      --force-aiff-format      Force decoding to AIFF format
      --force-rf64-format      Force decoding to RF64 format
      --force-wave64-format    Force decoding to Wave64 format

raw format options:

      --endian={big|little}    Set byte order for samples
      --channels=#             Number of channels
      --bps=#                  Number of bits per sample
      --sample-rate=#          Sample rate in Hz
      --sign={signed|unsigned} Sign of samples
      --input-size=#           Size of the raw input in bytes

negative options:


