美剧口语|摩登家庭S108 Part3

这两个场景的口语比较简单, 挑一些常用句型出来.

Scene 3 Jay & Gloria


  • The more, the merrier. 人多才热闹.
  • care for 喜欢. which they don't really care for.


  • sloppy joe 炒牛肉酱

Of course we would love to have the baby. 我们当然愿意照看宝宝
All the other cousins are sleeping over tonight. 她的表哥表姐们今天晚上都要来过夜
The more, the merrier. 人多才热闹
Okay, see you tonight. Bye-bye. 好的 晚上见 拜拜
Is Haley still coming? 海莉还来不
You're related. I will spray you with the hose. 你们是亲戚 再打她主意 我用水管喷你
All the grandkids are 所有的孙儿门都
coming over for Jay's Night. Family tradition. 要来杰的夜间派对 算是家庭传统吧
Everybody wears P.J.'s, which they love. 每个人都得穿睡衣 那是他们的最爱
I make my famous sloppy Jays, which are really sloppy joes... 我做的炒牛肉"杰" 其实就是炒牛肉酱
but made by Jay, which they love. 但是是我杰做的 他们也喜欢
And then we all watch a Western together, 然后我们一起看一个西部电影
which they don't really care for, but hey, it's Jay's Night. 他们不喜欢没关系 因为今夜以杰为中心

Scene 4 Phil & Claire


  • you made a commitment. 你答应好了的.
  • I'm so screwed. 我完蛋了

So, Mom, there's a party tonight at Andrew Adler's, 妈 安德鲁·艾德勒家里晚上有派对
and everybody's gonna be there. 大家都要去
Ooh, that sounds like so much fun, but I have other plans. 听起来不错 但是我有其他安排
Oh, that's hi-larious. But I'm talking about me. 真有意思 但我指的是我要去
-That's unusual. -Honey, -真是"反常"啊 -亲爱的
you said you'd go to your grandfather's tonight. 你说你今晚要去外公家
See, that's what's so perfect about this. 对啊 所以才刚刚好嘛
Andrew only lives, like, a couple blocks away from Grandpa's. 安德鲁家离外公家只有几个街区
So I figured that I could go- 我觉得我可以
Sweetie, you made a commitment. 亲爱的 你答应好了的
But I really want to go. Plus, every time I go over to Grandpa's, 但是我真的想去嘛 还有每次我去外公那儿
Manny just stares at me the whole time. 曼尼总是直勾勾地盯着我看
-Maybe if you wore a bra--Alex. -可能如果你穿上胸罩 -艾丽克斯
What? I can't wait to go to Grandpa's. 怎么了嘛 我迫不及待想去外公那里
-Family means everything to me. -'Cause you have no friends. -家人对我来说就是一切 -因为你没朋友
No. Because I love Grandpa. 才不是 因为我爱外公
And he's getting older. 他一天比一天老了
Who knows how many years he has left? 天知道他还能活多少年
-Is Grandpa dying? -Didn't they tell you? -外公要死了吗 -他们没跟你说吗
Alex, stop torturing your brother. 艾丽克斯 不要折磨你弟弟了
No. Your grandfather is fine. 不 你外公身体好得很
For now. 现在而已

Hmm. Who could that be? 嗯 会是谁呢
You expecting someone special? 你想到是某个特殊人物吗
Thank you. 谢谢
-Flowers too? -I'm sorry. -还送花呀 -对不起嘛
Oh, what are you apologizing for? They're gorgeous. 道什么歉啊 这花太漂亮了
That's too much. With the View-Master and the bracelet... 有点过火 什么立体镜啊 手镯啊
and the flowers and the balloons- 花啊 还有气球啊
-Balloons? -They're attached to your car. -还有气球 -栓在你的汽车上
I just don't want you to feel bad... 我只是不想让你因为
about your little... coupons. 只准备了优惠券 心存愧疚
Wait a minute. You-You 等等 你是不是
thought the coupons were your only present? 觉得你的礼物只有优惠券
-Are you kidding me? -They aren't? -开什么玩笑 -难道不是吗
No! Oh, Phil, come on. 当然不是 菲尔 拜托
It's our anniversary. 是我们的结婚纪念日哎
Those coupons were just, like, 那些优惠券只不过是
a fun little way to kick off the day. 今天的前戏
Your real present is coming tonight, and you're gonna love it. 你真正的礼物晚上就到 你绝对会喜欢的
Love it. 绝对喜欢
Cool. 好耶
I got nothing. 我什么都没准备
I'm so screwed. 我完蛋了

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