EST Unit Three Text A black word

cast one‘s vote 投票
plead with 向---恳求 pleaded with his colleagues to vote him. 向他的大学同学恳求投他一票
impassioned 热情洋溢的
plea 请求,呼吁 impassioned pleas 热情洋溢的请求
around the corner 在附近 ,即将出现 the applications just must be around the corner. 这个程序必须即将出现
sobering 严肃的 sobering discussing 严肃的讨论
fetal 胎儿的 fetal stem cells 胎儿干细胞
spinal 脊骨的 spinal cord injuries 脊椎损伤
incentive 刺激,鼓励
Mending frayed nerves 修复受损的神经
plausible (reasonable) 通情达理的 a plausible target
protocol 治疗或试验方案
oligodendrocyte 少突神经胶质细胞
precursor 前体 oligodendrocyte precursor 少突神经胶质细胞前体
myelin 髓磷脂
sheath 鞘(qiao)
neurons 神经元,神经细胞
axon (神经的)轴突 produce the protective myelin sheath that allows neurons to send signals along their axons.
myelination 髓鞘形成 resorting some myelination
fibroblasts 纤维原细胞,成纤维细胞 human fibroblasts
peril 危险,冒险 potential peril 潜在的危险
circumvent 智取,避开 circumvent some of these problem
rodent (adjective)【动物】啮齿目的 several rodent studies 几个啮齿动物的研究
teratomas 畸胎瘤
immune-compromised 免疫受损的 immune-compromised mice 免疫系统受损的小老鼠
nude 裸的 nude mice 裸鼠(免疫受损的实验小鼠)
headway 前进 ,进展 making headway addressing another problems 在解决另一个问题方面取得进展
serum 血清 fetal calf serum 胎牛血清
exotic 外来的 exotic animal virus ,introduce exotic animal virus into patients
downside 缺陷 potential downside
blazing a trial 开辟道路
burgeon 萌芽 burgeoning fields 新兴领域
prerequisite 先决条件 , 必备条件 a prerequisite for safety 安全的必备条件
paradigm 范例 a paradigm which we can learn from.
set back 阻碍,妨碍 set back a field 阻碍某个领域的发展
hype 炒作,宣传

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