$(function() { var dixing = L.tileLayer.chinaProvider('Google.Satellite.Map', { maxZoom: 18, minZoom: 2 }); var map ="map", { center: [33.5, 114.6], zoom: 10, maxZoom: 20, minZoom: 3, layers: dixing, zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false, // crs:L.CRS.EPSG4326 }); map.setView([-19, 150], 5); //各种定义和参数 var grid = []; //定义经纬度网格数组 var particles = []; //存放粒子数组 var PARTICLE_MULTIPLIER = 0.4 / 300; //粒子数量参数,默认1/300,可以根据实际调 var max_age = 100; //定义粒子的最大运动次数 //没有风的情况 var NULL_WIND_VECTOR = [NaN, NaN, null]; var min_color = 0; // 风速为0使用的颜色 var max_color = 10; // 风速最大使用的颜色 var linewidth = 1.5; //定义粒子粗细 var FRAME_RATE = 35, //定义每秒执行的次数 FRAME_TIME = 1000 / FRAME_RATE; // desired frames per second var galpha = 0.92; //定义透明度,透明度越大,尾巴越长 //存放颜色的数组 var colorScale = ["rgb(36,104, 180)", "rgb(60,157, 194)", "rgb(128,205,193 )", "rgb(151,218,168 )", "rgb(198,231,181)", "rgb(238,247,217)", "rgb(255,238,159)", "rgb(252,217,125)", "rgb(255,182,100)", "rgb(252,150,75)", "rgb(250,112,52)", "rgb(245,64,32)", "rgb(237,45,28)", "rgb(220,24,32)", "rgb(180,0,35)"]; //粒子动画的速度,为参数乘以屏幕的像素密度开三次方 //如果不支持像素密度,就乘以1, //默认0.0005 // var vscale = (0.01) * (Math.pow(window.devicePixelRatio, 1 / 3) || 1); // scale for wind velocity (completely arbitrary--this value looks nice) var vscale = 0.01; var animationLoop; //定义动画 //第一步生成经纬度网格/// $.getJSON("leaflet-velocity-master/demo/wind-global.json", function(data) { setTimeout(function() { buildGrid(data);"moveend"); }, 100) // bulid_grid(); // create_new_lizi(); // var then =; // (function frame() { // animationLoop = requestAnimationFrame(frame); // var now =; // var delta = now - then; // if(delta > FRAME_TIME) { // then = now - delta % FRAME_TIME; // evolve(); // draw(); // } // })(); //"moveend"); }) var lon_min, lat_min, x_kuadu, y_kuadu, ni, nj; function createWindBuilder(uComp, vComp) { var uData =, vData =; return { header: uComp.header, //recipe: recipeFor("wind-" + uComp.header.surface1Value), data: function data(i) { return [uData[i], vData[i]]; } }; }; function createBuilder(data) { var uComp = null, vComp = null, scalar = null; //从这里判断出,数据中的这两个参数,必须是固定的,否则会不执行 data.forEach(function(record) { switch(record.header.parameterCategory + "," + record.header.parameterNumber) { case "1,2": case "2,2": uComp = record; break; case "1,3": case "2,3": vComp = record; break; default: scalar = record; } }); return createWindBuilder(uComp, vComp); }; function buildGrid(data, callback) { builder = createBuilder(data); var header = builder.header; lon_min = header.lo1; //小的经度 lat_min = header.la1; // the grid's origin (e.g., 0.0E, 90.0N) //小纬度 x_kuadu = header.dx; //x方向的跨度 y_kuadu = header.dy; // distance between grid points (e.g., 2.5 deg lon, 2.5 deg lat) //y方向的跨度 ni = header.nx; //x方向的总数 nj = header.ny; // number of grid points W-E and N-S (e.g., 144 x 73) // //y方向的总数 // date = new Date(header.refTime); // date.setHours(date.getHours() + header.forecastTime); // // // Scan mode 0 assumed. Longitude increases from lon_min, and latitude decreases from lat_min. // // var p = 0; var isContinuous = Math.floor(ni * x_kuadu) >= 360; //x方向的跨度乘以x方向的数量是否大于360 for(var j = 0; j < nj; j++) { var row = []; for(var i = 0; i < ni; i++, p++) { row[i] =; } if(isContinuous) { // For wrapped grids, duplicate first column as last column to simplify interpolation logic row.push(row[0]); } grid[j] = row; } //grid是一个三维数组 //第一纬表示行数 //第二纬表示列数 //第三纬表示每一个网格点的uv }; //// //第二步生成插值网格// var columns = []; //存放插值网格数组 var start =; var bwidth = map.getSize().x, bheight = map.getSize().y; var bx = 0, by = 0; var projection = {}; var mbounds = map.getBounds(); var now_bounds = { east: deg2rad(mbounds._northEast.lng), west: deg2rad(mbounds._southWest.lng), north: deg2rad(, south: deg2rad(, height: bheight, width: bwidth } var mapArea = (now_bounds.south - now_bounds.north) * (now_bounds.west - now_bounds.east); var velocityScale = vscale * Math.pow(mapArea, 0.4); function bulid_grid() { columns = []; //存放插值网格数组 start =; bx = 0, by = 0; projection = {}; mbounds = map.getBounds(); now_bounds = { east: deg2rad(mbounds._northEast.lng), west: deg2rad(mbounds._southWest.lng), north: deg2rad(, south: deg2rad(, height: bheight, width: bwidth } mapArea = (now_bounds.south - now_bounds.north) * (now_bounds.west - now_bounds.east); velocityScale = vscale * Math.pow(mapArea, 0.4); batchInterpolate() } function batchInterpolate() { while(bx < bwidth) { interpolateColumn(bx); bx += 2; if( - start > 1000) { //MAX_TASK_TIME) { setTimeout(batchInterpolate, 25); //如果粒子生成时间大于1秒了,就不再生成 return; } } } function interpolateColumn(x) { var column = []; //画布上的每两个像素是一个格点 for(var y = 0; y <= bheight; y += 2) { var coord = invert(x, y, now_bounds); //求出每一个格点所对应的经纬度 if(coord) { var λ = coord[0], //经度 φ = coord[1]; //纬度 //监测经度是不是数字 if(isFinite(λ)) { var wind = interpolate(λ, φ); //每一个格点的uv和风速大小 if(wind) { wind = distort(projection, λ, φ, x, y, velocityScale, wind, now_bounds); //wind 表示粒子x方向的像素速度,y方向上的像素速度和风速 column[y + 1] = column[y] = wind; } } } } //相邻两个格点用相同的速度 columns[x + 1] = columns[x] = column; } function invert(x, y, windy) { var mapLonDelta = windy.east - windy.west; //经度跨度 var worldMapRadius = windy.width / rad2deg(mapLonDelta) * 360 / (2 * Math.PI); var mapOffsetY = worldMapRadius / 2 * Math.log((1 + Math.sin(windy.south)) / (1 - Math.sin(windy.south))); var equatorY = windy.height + mapOffsetY; var a = (equatorY - y) / worldMapRadius; var lat = 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(a)) - Math.PI / 2); var lon = rad2deg(windy.west) + x / windy.width * rad2deg(mapLonDelta); return [lon, lat]; }; function deg2rad(deg) { return deg / 180 * Math.PI; }; function rad2deg(ang) { return ang / (Math.PI / 180.0); }; function floorMod(a, n) { return a - n * Math.floor(a / n); }; var isValue = function isValue(x) { return x !== null && x !== undefined; }; var mercY = function mercY(lat) { return Math.log(Math.tan(lat / 2 + Math.PI / 4)); }; function interpolate(λ, φ) { //如果风场网格数据不存在,就不执行 if(!grid) return null; //λ, φ分别是每个网格点的经度和纬度 var i = floorMod(λ - lon_min, 360) / x_kuadu; // calculate longitude index in wrapped range [0, 360) //lat_min应该是上面的纬度,大的一个 var j = (lat_min - φ) / y_kuadu; // calculate latitude index in direction +90 to -90 //计算网格点在从上到下,从左到右,以最小刻度为0的第几个经纬度格点上 var fi = Math.floor(i), //格点的上一行 ci = fi + 1; //格点的下一行 var fj = Math.floor(j), //格点的前一列 cj = fj + 1; //格点的后一列 var row; if(row = grid[fj]) { var g00 = row[fi]; var g10 = row[ci]; if(isValue(g00) && isValue(g10) && (row = grid[cj])) { var g01 = row[fi]; var g11 = row[ci]; //计算出格点周围4个点 if(isValue(g01) && isValue(g11)) { // All four points found, so interpolate the value. return bilinearInterpolateVector(i - fi, j - fj, g00, g10, g01, g11); } } } return null; }; function bilinearInterpolateVector(x, y, g00, g10, g01, g11) { //y表示格点距离上一个经纬度格点的距离 //x表示格点距离前一个经纬度给点的距离 var rx = 1 - x; var ry = 1 - y; var a = rx * ry, b = x * ry, c = rx * y, d = x * y; var u = g00[0] * a + g10[0] * b + g01[0] * c + g11[0] * d; var v = g00[1] * a + g10[1] * b + g01[1] * c + g11[1] * d; return [u, v, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)]; //返回格点插值出来u和v还有速度 }; function distort(projection, λ, φ, x, y, scale, wind, windy) { //projection是一个空的对象 // λ, φ格点的经纬度 //x, y格点所在的像素点 //格点的风向风速 //windy //scale 一个参数,每次粒子运动的距离 var u = wind[0] * scale; var v = wind[1] * scale; var d = distortion(projection, λ, φ, x, y, windy); // Scale distortion vectors by u and v, then add. wind[0] = d[0] * u + d[2] * v; wind[1] = d[1] * u + d[3] * v; return wind; }; function distortion(projection, λ, φ, x, y, windy) { var τ = 2 * Math.PI; var H = Math.pow(10, -5.2); var hλ = λ < 0 ? H : -H; var hφ = φ < 0 ? H : -H; var pλ = project(φ, λ + hλ, windy); var pφ = project(φ + hφ, λ, windy); // Meridian scale factor (see Snyder, equation 4-3), where R = 1. This handles issue where length of 1º λ // changes depending on φ. Without this, there is a pinching effect at the poles. var k = Math.cos(φ / 360 * τ); return [(pλ[0] - x) / hλ / k, (pλ[1] - y) / hλ / k, (pφ[0] - x) / hφ, (pφ[1] - y) / hφ]; }; var project = function project(lat, lon, windy) { // both in radians, use deg2rad if neccessary var ymin = mercY(windy.south); var ymax = mercY(windy.north); var xFactor = windy.width / (windy.east - windy.west); var yFactor = windy.height / (ymax - ymin); var y = mercY(deg2rad(lat)); var x = (deg2rad(lon) - windy.west) * xFactor; var y = (ymax - y) * yFactor; // y points south return [x, y]; }; //第三步初始化生成粒子/// randomize = function(o) { // UNDONE: this method is terrible var x, y; var safetyNet = 0; do { x = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * bwidth)); y = Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * bheight)); } while (field(x, y)[2] === null && safetyNet++ < 30); o.x = x; o.y = y; return o; }; function field(x, y) { var column = columns[Math.round(x)]; return column && column[Math.round(y)] || NULL_WIND_VECTOR; } function create_new_lizi() { particles.length = 0; var particleCount = Math.round(bwidth * bheight * PARTICLE_MULTIPLIER); //计算粒子的数量 for(var i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) { particles.push(randomize({ age: Math.floor(Math.random() * max_age) })); } } // //第四步,定义每次粒子的变化 var colorStyles = windIntensityColorScale(min_color, max_color); var buckets = { return []; }); function windIntensityColorScale(min, max) { colorScale.indexFor = function(m) { // map velocity speed to a style return Math.max(0, Math.min(colorScale.length - 1, Math.round((m - min) / (max - min) * (colorScale.length - 1)))); }; return colorScale; } function evolve() { //清除风点数组 buckets.forEach(function(bucket) { bucket.length = 0; }); //particles是存放所有点的数组 particles.forEach(function(particle) { //如果粒子运行的次数大于设定的最大次数 //重新随机粒子的位置,并把次数定义成0 if(particle.age > max_age) { randomize(particle).age = 0; } var x = particle.x; var y = particle.y; var v = field(x, y); // vector at current position var m = v[2]; if(m === null) { //如果没有速度,就让age是最大值,重新随机点 particle.age = max_age; // particle has escaped the grid, never to return... } else { var xt = x + v[0]; var yt = y + v[1]; if(field(xt, yt)[2] !== null) { // Path from (x,y) to (xt,yt) is visible, so add this particle to the appropriate draw bucket. particle.xt = xt; = yt; buckets[colorStyles.indexFor(m)].push(particle); } else { // Particle isn't visible, but it still moves through the field. particle.x = xt; particle.y = yt; } } particle.age += 1; }); } // //第五步,初始化画布,并画粒子 var canvas = L.DomUtil.create("canvas", "can"); canvas.height = bheight; canvas.width = bwidth; // var wind_pane = map.getPane("markerPane"); // // = "red"; // wind_pane.appendChild(canvas); var animated = map.options.zoomAnimation && L.Browser.any3d; //添加下面的class之后,图层可以随着地图缩放变化 L.DomUtil.addClass(canvas, 'leaflet-zoom-' + (animated ? 'animated' : 'hide')); //把画布添加到overlayPane图层中 map._panes.overlayPane.appendChild(canvas); var fadeFillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.97)"; var g = canvas.getContext("2d"); g.lineWidth = linewidth; g.fillStyle = fadeFillStyle; g.globalAlpha = 0.6; map.on("zoomanim",function(e){ var scale =map.getZoomScale(e.zoom); var bound = map.getBounds(); var yun_lat1 =; var yun_lon1 = bound._northEast.lng; var yun_lat2 =; var yun_lon2 = bound._southWest.lng; var new_position = map.latLngToLayerPoint([yun_lat1, yun_lon2]); // -- different calc of offset in leaflet 1.0.0 and 0.0.7 thanks for 1.0.0-rc2 calc @jduggan1 var offset = L.Layer ? map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(map.getBounds().getNorthWest(), e.zoom, : map.getCenterOffset(; L.DomUtil.setTransform(canvas, offset, scale); }) map.on("moveend", function() { window.cancelAnimationFrame(animationLoop); bwidth = map.getSize().x, bheight = map.getSize().y; g.clearRect(0, 0, bwidth, bheight); canvas.height = bheight; canvas.width = bwidth; var bound = map.getBounds(); var yun_lat1 =; var yun_lon1 = bound._northEast.lng; var yun_lat2 =; var yun_lon2 = bound._southWest.lng; var new_position = map.latLngToLayerPoint([yun_lat1, yun_lon2]); L.DomUtil.setPosition(canvas, new_position); bulid_grid(); create_new_lizi(); setTimeout(function() { var then =; (function frame() { animationLoop = requestAnimationFrame(frame); var now =; var delta = now - then; if(delta > FRAME_TIME) { then = now - delta % FRAME_TIME; evolve(); draw(); } })(); },200) }) function draw() { // Fade existing particle trails. var prev = "lighter"; g.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in"; g.fillRect(0, 0, bwidth, bheight); g.globalCompositeOperation = prev; g.globalAlpha = galpha; // Draw new particle trails. //buckets是把风点按照不同颜色分级,分成的数组 //数组的每一项是一个对象, buckets.forEach(function(bucket, i) { if(bucket.length > 0) { g.beginPath(); g.strokeStyle = colorStyles[i]; bucket.forEach(function(particle) { g.moveTo(particle.x, particle.y); g.lineTo(particle.xt,; particle.x = particle.xt; particle.y =; }); g.stroke(); } }); } })