We first estimate an initial body shape and 3D pose at each frame by fitting the SMPL model to 2D detections.
Given such fits, we associate every silhouette point in every frame to a 3D point in the body model
then transform every projection ray according to the inverse deformation model of its corresponding 3D model point
After unposing the rays for all frames we obtain a visual hull that constrains the body shape in a canonical T-pose
{ θ p } p = 1 F {\{θ p\} } _{p=1}^F {θp}p=1F
for the F frames in the sequence.
F frames有F个poses,所以Pose Reconstruction就是估计总共F帧中包含的F个poses.每个poses包含两个东西:pose与translation。
# 这是其中一帧的数据.pose参数是使用axis-angle来定义的,每个关节,用一个三维向量表示,24个关节,就有72个参数
('poses', array([ 3.26998234e+00, 1.51818730e-02, 1.70825962e-02, -5.21816872e-02,
8.74096602e-02, 9.21730027e-02, -4.22959439e-02, -5.63149825e-02,
-8.50844607e-02, -9.38752852e-03, 1.88195296e-02, 2.32643890e-03,
-5.67885414e-02, -8.38157609e-02, -1.35809556e-02, -4.42727469e-02,
5.57661615e-02, 1.29176341e-02, 1.96232013e-02, -2.83522792e-02,
6.05870150e-02, 2.02538632e-03, 1.69661835e-01, 8.70693922e-02,
-2.80794296e-02, -2.23564103e-01, -5.70936836e-02, -5.47182746e-02,
-2.04401114e-03, -1.49759287e-02, 4.10332484e-03, 1.27222732e-01,
-9.34187174e-02, 7.26592243e-02, -4.12170142e-02, -3.10214087e-02,
-1.26772281e-02, -4.03809473e-02, -1.14283515e-02, -1.05259120e-01,
1.02310181e-02, -1.53649941e-01, -1.19747944e-01, 5.71090244e-02,
1.68980300e-01, 9.63110849e-02, 3.11933365e-02, 3.28049213e-02,
8.72079432e-02, -1.82174146e-01, -6.53898239e-01, 1.65718079e-01,
1.04244165e-01, 6.33859873e-01, -1.41568676e-01, -5.17173037e-02,
1.00971527e-01, -2.55387098e-01, 8.13969001e-02, -1.60514534e-01,
2.03833412e-02, 8.06308910e-02, -1.63729101e-01, 5.58873080e-02,
-7.52141848e-02, 1.34833530e-01, 1.50084630e-01, 2.11157836e-02,
1.42058030e-01, 1.01697192e-01, -9.63317044e-03, -9.01120454e-02],
# camera translation 等价于 body translation
('trans', array([-2.3390874e-04, 2.8282195e-01, 2.4355714e+00], dtype=float32))
作者测试了两个公开数据集:with minimal clothing (MC) (DynamicFAUST [8]) and with clothing (BUFF [80]),并与KinectCap方法(Detailed Full-Body Reconstructions of Moving People from Monocular RGB-D Sequences)作了对比
Chumpy is a Python-based framework designed to handle the auto-differentiation problem(用来计算导数)
Chumpy always casts integers to floating-point, because it depends on values changing smoothly
chumpy can optimize an objective and get derivatives(什么是derivatives?)
Chumpy supports some interesting functions (svd, tensorinv, inv, lstsq)
“We optimize Econs using a “dog-leg” trust region method using the chumpy autodifferentiation framework”,即在VideoBasedReconstruction中用来优化
E c o n s = E d a t a + w l p E l p + w v a r E v a r + w s y m E s y m E _{cons} = E _{data} + w_{lp} E_{lp} + w_{var} E_{var} + w_{sym} E_{sym} Econs=Edata+wlpElp+wvarEvar+wsymEsym
制作camera.pkl时候的长宽是1080*1080,程序mask.hdf5打开后print shape,发现’shape of mask :’, (648, 1080, 1080),648帧,长宽也是1080*1080。但是输入的视频是每帧都是640*640的呀。这就会导致以下源代码
gaussian_pyramid(rn_m * dist_o * 100. + (1 - rn_m) * dist_i......)
报错:ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (540,540) (320,320) ,两个不同类型的矩阵相运算
解决方法:细看源码,追根溯源。发现所谓的540是由1080×resize(默认为0.5)得到的。而1080是从camera.pkl中得到的,那么为什么我不将camera的参数改掉呢?所以自己用640×640参数重新生成 了camera.pkl
和 https://github.com/thmoa/videoavatars/issues/15 这个 ISSUE一样,
报错:ValueError: attempt to get argmin of an empty sequence
解决方法:在yoloct工程中将掩膜的alpha值修改为1,也即不透明,并将掩膜颜色设为(255, 255, 255)白色。同时修改videoavatars工程中的prepare_data中的masks2hdf5.py脚本中cv2.threshold函数的阈值
cv2.threshold(silh, 110, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
body height 与 camera 内参对重建的影响大吗?