


项目来源:飞桨学习赛:中文场景文字识别 - 飞桨AI Studio




















In [ ]

!cd ~/work && git clone -b develop

In [ ]

!cd ~/work/PaddleOCR 
!pip install -r requirements.txt && python install



In [ ]

!cd ~/data/data62842/ && unzip
!cd ~/data/data62843/ && unzip

In [ ]

!cd ~/data/data62842/ && mv train_images ../ && mv train_label.csv ../
!cd ~/data/data62843/ && mv test_images ../ 

In [5]

%cd data/data62842
!cat mv train_label.csv | head  -n 10


  • 首先,考虑使用轻量模型会有一定精度损失,采用经典网络ResNet34。
  • 其次,为了进一步增强识别效果及模型泛化行,参考其他项目使用text_render进行数据增广。
  • 最后,使用text_renderer进行数据增广,修改text_render/configs/default.yaml配置,以下为更改后的模版,主要将三项做修改,分别是font_color的enable设为True,img_bg的enable设为False,seamless_clone的enable设为True。


# Small font_size will make text looks like blured/prydown
  min: 14
  max: 23

# choose Text color range
# color boundary is in R,G,B format
  enable: True
    fraction: 0.5
    l_boundary: [0,0,150]
    h_boundary: [60,60,255]
    fraction: 0.5
    l_boundary: [139,70,19]
    h_boundary: [160,82,43]

# By default, text is drawed by Pillow with (
# If `random_space` is enabled, some text will be drawed char by char with a random space
  enable: false
  fraction: 0.3
  min: -0.1 # -0.1 will make chars very close or even overlapped
  max: 0.1

# Do remap with sin()
# Currently this process is very slow!
  enable: false
  fraction: 0.3
  period: 360  # degree, sin 函数的周期
  min: 1 # sin 函数的幅值范围
  max: 5

# random crop text height
  enable: false
  fraction: 0.5

  # top and bottom will applied equally
    min: 5
    max: 10 # in pixel, this value should small than img_height
    min: 5
    max: 10 # in pixel, this value should small than img_height

# Use image in bg_dir as background for text
  enable: false
  fraction: 0.5

# Not work when random_space applied
  enable: false
  fraction: 0.5

  # lighter than word color
    enable: true
    fraction: 0.5

  # darker than word color
    enable: true
    fraction: 0.5

# Use opencv seamlessClone() to draw text on background
# For some background image, this will make text image looks more real
  enable: true
  fraction: 0.5

  max_x: 25
  max_y: 25
  max_z: 3

  enable: true
  fraction: 0.03

# If an image is applied blur, it will not be applied prydown
  enable: true
  fraction: 0.03
  max_scale: 1.5 # Image will first resize to 1.5x, and than resize to 1x

  enable: true
  fraction: 0.3

    enable: true
    fraction: 0.25

    enable: true
    fraction: 0.25

    enable: true
    fraction: 0.25

    enable: true
    fraction: 0.25

  enable: false
  fraction: 0.05

    enable: true
    fraction: 0.2

    enable: false
    fraction: 0.2

    enable: false
    fraction: 0.3

    enable: false
    fraction: 0.3

  enable: false
    fraction: 0.5
    l_boundary: [0,0,0]
    h_boundary: [64,64,64]
    fraction: 0.5
    l_boundary: [0,0,150]
    h_boundary: [60,60,255]

# These operates are applied on the final output image,
# so actually it can also be applied in training process as an data augmentation method.

# By default, text is darker than background.
# If `reverse_color` is enabled, some images will have dark background and light text
  enable: false
  fraction: 0.5

  enable: false
  fraction: 0.1

  enable: false
  fraction: 0.1

In [ ]

!cd ~/work && git clone
!cd ~/work/text_renderer && pip install -r requirements.txt
  • CRNN网络主要考虑图片高度。以4为倍数,通过统计训练集的图像尺寸,训练时图片高度设为48。

In [ ]

import glob
import os
import cv2

def get_aspect_ratio(img_set_dir):
    m_width = 0
    m_height = 0
    width_dict = {}
    height_dict = {}
    images = glob.glob(img_set_dir+'*.jpg')
    for image in images:
        img = cv2.imread(image)
        width_dict[int(img.shape[1])] = 1 if (int(img.shape[1])) not in width_dict else 1 + width_dict[int(img.shape[1])]
        height_dict[int(img.shape[0])] = 1 if (int(img.shape[0])) not in height_dict else 1 + height_dict[int(img.shape[0])]
        m_width += img.shape[1]
        m_height += img.shape[0]
    m_width = m_width/len(images)
    m_height = m_height/len(images)
    aspect_ratio = m_width/m_height
    width_dict = dict(sorted(width_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
    height_dict = dict(sorted(height_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
    return aspect_ratio,m_width,m_height,width_dict,height_dict
aspect_ratio,m_width,m_height,width_dict,height_dict = get_aspect_ratio("/home/aistudio/data/train_images/")
print("aspect ratio is: {}, mean width is: {}, mean height is: {}".format(aspect_ratio,m_width,m_height))
print("Width dict:{}".format(width_dict))
print("Height dict:{}".format(height_dict))
import pandas as pd

def Q2B(s):
    if inside_code==0x3000:
    if inside_code<0x0020 or inside_code>0x7e: #转完之后不是半角字符返回原来的字符
        return s
    return chr(inside_code)

def stringQ2B(s):
    return "".join([Q2B(c) for c in s])

def is_chinese(s):
    for c in s:
        if c < u'\u4e00' or c > u'\u9fa5':
            return False
    return True

def is_number(s):
    for c in s:
        if c < u'\u0030' or c > u'\u0039':
            return False
    return True

def is_alphabet(s):
    for c in s:
        if c < u'\u0061' or c > u'\u007a':
            return False
    return True

def del_other(s):
    res = str()
    for c in s:
        if not (is_chinese(c) or is_number(c) or is_alphabet(c)):
            c = ""
        res += c
    return res

df = pd.read_csv("/home/aistudio/data/train_label.csv", encoding="gbk")
name, value = list(, list(df.value)
for i, label in enumerate(value):
    # 全角转半角
    label = stringQ2B(label)
    # 大写转小写
    label = "".join([c.lower() for c in label])
    # 删除所有空格符号
    label = del_other(label)
    value[i] = label

# 删除标签为""的行
data = zip(name, value)
data = list(filter(lambda c: c[1]!="", list(data)))
# 保存到work目录
with open("/home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt", "w") as f:
    for line in data:
        f.write(line[0] + "\t" + line[1] + "\n")

# 记录训练集中最长标签
label_max_len = 0
with open("/home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt", "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        name, label = line.strip().split("\t")
        if len(label) > label_max_len:
            label_max_len = len(label)

print("label max len: ", label_max_len)
def create_label_list(train_list):
    classSet = set()
    with open(train_list) as f:
        for line in f:
            img_name, label = line.strip().split("\t")
            for e in label:
    # 在类的基础上加一个blank
    classList = sorted(list(classSet))
    with open("/home/aistudio/data/label_list.txt", "w") as f:
        for idx, c in enumerate(classList):
            f.write("{}\t{}\n".format(c, idx))
    # 为数据增广提供词库
    with open("/home/aistudio/work/text_renderer/data/chars/ch.txt", "w") as f:
        for idx, c in enumerate(classList):
    return classSet

classSet = create_label_list("/home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt")
print("classify num: ", len(classSet))
aspect ratio is: 3.451128333333333, mean width is: 165.65416, mean height is: 48.0
Width dict:{48: 741, 96: 539, 44: 392, 42: 381, 144: 365, 45: 345, 43: 323, 72: 318, 88: 318, 40: 312, 52: 301, 36: 298, 50: 297, 120: 294, 54: 288, 84: 286, 51: 283, 32: 283, 24: 281, 100: 277, 64: 276, 80: 276, 76: 275, 102: 272, 81: 270, 90: 269, 56: 268, 66: 267, 78: 266, 37: 262, 82: 261, 41: 259, 89: 258, 92: 257, 46: 256, 60: 251, 86: 249, 168: 246, 53: 246, 105: 243, 61: 242, 57: 241, 128: 241, 112: 240, 85: 239, 39: 237, 91: 237, 68: 235, 98: 234, 192: 233, 93: 233, 75: 232, 74: 229, 34: 229, 33: 229, 70: 228, 25: 226, 87: 226, 104: 224, 110: 224, 58: 223, 132: 221, 62: 221, 49: 221, 101: 221, 108: 221, 126: 218, 150: 218, 94: 217, 73: 217, 129: 216, 28: 216, 30: 215, 69: 215, 99: 212, 160: 211, 38: 210, 136: 209, 109: 207, 26: 207, 55: 206, 35: 205, 118: 205, 116: 204, 115: 203, 174: 201, 117: 200, 148: 200, 106: 200, 122: 199, 113: 198, 67: 197, 77: 197, 172: 195, 114: 195, 156: 194, 130: 191, 140: 190, 138: 190, 83: 187, 103: 186, 124: 186, 147: 185, 59: 183, 139: 182, 146: 180, 123: 180, 176: 179, 27: 179, 97: 177, 65: 176, 161: 174, 162: 173, 137: 173, 154: 172, 158: 171, 133: 171, 31: 169, 240: 169, 125: 168, 29: 168, 169: 166, 186: 166, 141: 166, 121: 165, 165: 164, 152: 161, 134: 161, 157: 160, 153: 160, 135: 159, 166: 156, 149: 155, 177: 154, 189: 154, 63: 151, 163: 151, 142: 150, 181: 149, 107: 146, 183: 145, 111: 145, 173: 144, 170: 144, 79: 144, 178: 143, 184: 143, 216: 141, 164: 141, 171: 137, 204: 137, 159: 136, 185: 135, 127: 134, 196: 134, 187: 132, 200: 131, 210: 130, 194: 130, 151: 127, 208: 126, 155: 126, 145: 125, 180: 125, 131: 123, 71: 123, 198: 121, 182: 120, 217: 119, 220: 119, 188: 118, 201: 116, 195: 115, 202: 114, 228: 111, 179: 111, 175: 111, 206: 110, 256: 109, 232: 109, 222: 109, 205: 108, 252: 106, 197: 105, 211: 104, 219: 103, 214: 102, 119: 100, 234: 100, 288: 99, 47: 99, 218: 99, 213: 99, 203: 98, 225: 97, 264: 97, 209: 96, 242: 96, 190: 96, 199: 96, 236: 94, 226: 94, 224: 93, 193: 91, 229: 91, 246: 89, 212: 87, 243: 86, 249: 86, 207: 84, 262: 84, 231: 82, 268: 82, 245: 81, 237: 81, 235: 80, 230: 78, 221: 78, 233: 78, 260: 75, 250: 74, 261: 74, 244: 74, 248: 74, 167: 74, 273: 73, 227: 72, 274: 72, 247: 70, 336: 70, 270: 67, 276: 67, 241: 66, 253: 65, 223: 64, 300: 64, 272: 64, 277: 64, 265: 64, 267: 63, 279: 61, 282: 60, 254: 60, 271: 60, 259: 60, 258: 59, 278: 59, 292: 59, 280: 59, 238: 58, 255: 58, 312: 58, 95: 57, 215: 57, 284: 57, 251: 56, 283: 56, 304: 54, 296: 54, 306: 54, 266: 53, 290: 53, 285: 52, 360: 52, 269: 52, 143: 51, 384: 51, 297: 50, 324: 49, 291: 49, 330: 49, 320: 49, 313: 49, 309: 49, 302: 48, 257: 47, 340: 46, 328: 45, 318: 45, 314: 45, 368: 45, 333: 45, 325: 45, 308: 44, 281: 43, 332: 43, 275: 43, 369: 42, 310: 42, 295: 41, 341: 41, 191: 41, 303: 41, 322: 40, 342: 40, 298: 40, 294: 40, 293: 40, 289: 39, 400: 39, 378: 39, 286: 38, 346: 38, 321: 38, 432: 37, 307: 37, 338: 37, 316: 37, 299: 37, 331: 36, 327: 36, 323: 36, 329: 35, 344: 35, 305: 34, 348: 34, 339: 34, 317: 32, 311: 31, 375: 31, 349: 31, 396: 31, 263: 31, 361: 31, 373: 30, 372: 30, 381: 30, 347: 30, 301: 30, 434: 29, 345: 29, 326: 29, 403: 29, 362: 29, 334: 29, 402: 28, 337: 28, 480: 28, 387: 28, 351: 28, 366: 28, 376: 27, 315: 27, 352: 27, 404: 27, 239: 27, 377: 26, 354: 26, 389: 26, 358: 26, 405: 26, 394: 25, 319: 25, 363: 25, 386: 25, 364: 25, 391: 24, 388: 24, 408: 24, 464: 24, 353: 24, 382: 24, 365: 24, 371: 23, 379: 23, 429: 23, 416: 23, 374: 23, 393: 23, 390: 23, 355: 23, 392: 22, 444: 22, 457: 22, 468: 22, 423: 22, 401: 22, 406: 21, 395: 21, 528: 21, 357: 21, 398: 21, 477: 21, 436: 21, 425: 20, 356: 20, 459: 20, 343: 20, 447: 20, 438: 20, 445: 20, 414: 19, 411: 19, 496: 19, 413: 18, 367: 18, 418: 18, 417: 18, 410: 18, 359: 18, 385: 17, 419: 17, 412: 17, 428: 17, 380: 17, 453: 17, 424: 16, 483: 16, 370: 16, 430: 16, 427: 16, 473: 16, 472: 16, 350: 15, 420: 15, 399: 15, 510: 15, 454: 15, 462: 15, 450: 15, 422: 15, 437: 15, 397: 14, 544: 14, 439: 14, 440: 14, 287: 14, 474: 14, 460: 14, 446: 13, 433: 13, 465: 13, 493: 13, 471: 13, 456: 13, 451: 13, 421: 13, 481: 13, 488: 13, 492: 13, 537: 13, 409: 13, 461: 13, 509: 13, 535: 13, 558: 12, 426: 12, 458: 12, 335: 12, 482: 12, 562: 12, 415: 11, 505: 11, 512: 11, 504: 11, 616: 11, 549: 11, 441: 11, 484: 11, 645: 11, 536: 11, 490: 11, 476: 11, 435: 11, 572: 11, 539: 11, 486: 10, 556: 10, 443: 10, 580: 10, 592: 10, 552: 10, 523: 10, 448: 10, 506: 10, 452: 10, 538: 10, 612: 10, 550: 10, 534: 10, 514: 10, 570: 10, 469: 10, 495: 10, 522: 10, 576: 10, 442: 10, 499: 10, 407: 9, 491: 9, 520: 9, 517: 9, 524: 9, 529: 9, 601: 9, 467: 9, 568: 9, 546: 9, 470: 9, 516: 9, 463: 9, 487: 9, 508: 9, 383: 9, 485: 9, 518: 8, 532: 8, 553: 8, 574: 8, 571: 8, 466: 8, 478: 8, 497: 8, 640: 8, 542: 8, 634: 8, 501: 8, 475: 8, 573: 8, 560: 8, 489: 7, 531: 7, 540: 7, 593: 7, 603: 7, 545: 7, 557: 7, 533: 7, 547: 7, 507: 7, 502: 7, 449: 7, 664: 7, 565: 7, 513: 7, 688: 6, 615: 6, 559: 6, 625: 6, 530: 6, 543: 6, 628: 6, 600: 6, 525: 6, 605: 6, 577: 6, 720: 6, 578: 6, 521: 6, 759: 6, 515: 6, 585: 6, 503: 6, 519: 6, 724: 6, 567: 6, 498: 6, 661: 5, 548: 5, 638: 5, 587: 5, 654: 5, 805: 5, 618: 5, 622: 5, 744: 5, 598: 5, 586: 5, 455: 5, 630: 5, 566: 5, 624: 5, 610: 5, 617: 5, 731: 5, 660: 5, 583: 5, 704: 5, 639: 5, 594: 5, 651: 5, 554: 5, 589: 5, 655: 5, 595: 5, 656: 4, 563: 4, 511: 4, 584: 4, 826: 4, 613: 4, 646: 4, 680: 4, 644: 4, 620: 4, 686: 4, 658: 4, 588: 4, 663: 4, 678: 4, 500: 4, 792: 4, 666: 4, 619: 4, 564: 4, 699: 4, 800: 4, 590: 4, 742: 4, 604: 4, 770: 4, 732: 4, 736: 4, 606: 4, 643: 4, 797: 4, 431: 4, 872: 4, 714: 4, 627: 4, 608: 4, 648: 4, 602: 4, 635: 4, 691: 4, 692: 4, 777: 4, 810: 4, 629: 4, 551: 4, 672: 4, 668: 4, 659: 4, 763: 3, 626: 3, 859: 3, 681: 3, 793: 3, 667: 3, 581: 3, 675: 3, 870: 3, 609: 3, 631: 3, 989: 3, 614: 3, 756: 3, 708: 3, 637: 3, 541: 3, 729: 3, 754: 3, 494: 3, 713: 3, 611: 3, 868: 3, 816: 3, 711: 3, 746: 3, 807: 3, 676: 3, 689: 3, 607: 3, 679: 3, 685: 3, 632: 3, 673: 3, 526: 3, 597: 3, 842: 3, 569: 3, 725: 3, 925: 3, 702: 3, 761: 3, 555: 3, 780: 3, 696: 3, 697: 3, 751: 3, 657: 3, 591: 3, 841: 3, 830: 2, 848: 2, 669: 2, 835: 2, 1062: 2, 996: 2, 694: 2, 882: 2, 757: 2, 743: 2, 804: 2, 784: 2, 693: 2, 896: 2, 755: 2, 701: 2, 707: 2, 690: 2, 889: 2, 884: 2, 963: 2, 727: 2, 683: 2, 674: 2, 579: 2, 726: 2, 662: 2, 712: 2, 710: 2, 822: 2, 1114: 2, 735: 2, 1008: 2, 734: 2, 878: 2, 865: 2, 967: 2, 799: 2, 932: 2, 665: 2, 931: 2, 682: 2, 723: 2, 914: 2, 817: 2, 698: 2, 733: 2, 760: 2, 821: 2, 916: 2, 903: 2, 1106: 2, 874: 2, 641: 2, 787: 2, 988: 2, 824: 2, 894: 2, 866: 2, 930: 2, 738: 2, 952: 2, 582: 2, 765: 2, 705: 2, 836: 2, 709: 2, 887: 2, 633: 2, 840: 2, 839: 2, 778: 2, 1104: 2, 818: 2, 833: 2, 853: 2, 976: 1, 750: 1, 749: 1, 918: 1, 862: 1, 715: 1, 834: 1, 881: 1, 957: 1, 1076: 1, 728: 1, 561: 1, 962: 1, 621: 1, 1225: 1, 1144: 1, 1083: 1, 767: 1, 1014: 1, 779: 1, 747: 1, 1050: 1, 1066: 1, 892: 1, 1400: 1, 929: 1, 1250: 1, 852: 1, 1113: 1, 861: 1, 1080: 1, 1321: 1, 1044: 1, 1283: 1, 717: 1, 1011: 1, 1092: 1, 1287: 1, 1051: 1, 1003: 1, 796: 1, 814: 1, 753: 1, 1381: 1, 1111: 1, 945: 1, 935: 1, 1237: 1, 527: 1, 876: 1, 789: 1, 895: 1, 906: 1, 649: 1, 670: 1, 987: 1, 827: 1, 1314: 1, 1168: 1, 899: 1, 599: 1, 965: 1, 1194: 1, 831: 1, 684: 1, 946: 1, 934: 1, 721: 1, 1505: 1, 1027: 1, 1073: 1, 636: 1, 908: 1, 813: 1, 1188: 1, 820: 1, 860: 1, 1018: 1, 1409: 1, 768: 1, 966: 1, 758: 1, 1176: 1, 973: 1, 1165: 1, 1282: 1, 1084: 1, 986: 1, 1077: 1, 703: 1, 803: 1, 769: 1, 883: 1, 1514: 1, 776: 1, 823: 1, 978: 1, 730: 1, 1280: 1, 687: 1, 917: 1, 943: 1, 766: 1, 794: 1, 997: 1, 1039: 1, 774: 1, 953: 1, 1010: 1, 825: 1, 785: 1, 1147: 1, 716: 1, 812: 1, 873: 1, 1626: 1, 924: 1, 898: 1, 695: 1, 977: 1, 926: 1, 984: 1, 718: 1, 479: 1, 650: 1, 1203: 1, 652: 1, 1126: 1, 741: 1, 1260: 1, 1624: 1, 900: 1, 941: 1, 773: 1, 790: 1, 706: 1, 737: 1, 1087: 1, 642: 1, 575: 1, 1234: 1, 1097: 1, 772: 1, 947: 1, 596: 1, 771: 1, 745: 1, 847: 1, 647: 1, 979: 1, 819: 1, 764: 1, 748: 1, 1009: 1, 1208: 1, 901: 1, 781: 1, 1071: 1}
Height dict:{48: 50000}
label max len:  77
classify num:  3096
  • 生成字符长度为1,2,3,4,5的数据集各2000张,共10000张。

  • 部分生成图片示例如:


In [ ]

!cd ~/work/text_renderer && python --length 1 --img_width 32 --img_height 48 --chars_file "./data/chars/ch.txt" --corpus_mode 'random' --num_img 2000
!cd ~/work/text_renderer && python --length 2 --img_width 64 --img_height 48 --chars_file "./data/chars/ch.txt" --corpus_mode 'random' --num_img 2000
!cd ~/work/text_renderer && python --length 3 --img_width 96 --img_height 48 --chars_file "./data/chars/ch.txt" --corpus_mode 'random' --num_img 2000
!cd ~/work/text_renderer && python --length 4 --img_width 128 --img_height 48 --chars_file "./data/chars/ch.txt" --corpus_mode 'random' --num_img 2000
!cd ~/work/text_renderer && python --length 5 --img_width 160 --img_height 48 --chars_file "./data/chars/ch.txt" --corpus_mode 'random' --num_img 2000
Total fonts num: 1
Background num: 1
Generate text images in ./output/default
2000/2000 100%
Finish generate data: 5.758 s
Total fonts num: 1
Background num: 1
Generate more text images in ./output/default. Start index 2000
2000/2000 100%
Finish generate data: 8.900 s
Total fonts num: 1
Background num: 1
Generate more text images in ./output/default. Start index 4000
2000/2000 100%
Finish generate data: 11.872 s
Total fonts num: 1
Background num: 1
Generate more text images in ./output/default. Start index 6000
2000/2000 100%
Finish generate data: 16.067 s
Total fonts num: 1
Background num: 1
Generate more text images in ./output/default. Start index 8000
2000/2000 100%
Finish generate data: 19.593 s
  • 将生成的数据集与原数据集合并

In [ ]

!cp ~/work/text_renderer/output/default/*.jpg ~/data/train_images

In [ ]

import os

with open('work/text_renderer/output/default/tmp_labels.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as src_label:
    with open('data/train_label.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as dst_label:
        lines = src_label.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            [img,text] = line.split(' ')


  • 加载CRNN预训练模型
  • 改变默认输入图片尺寸,变为为height48,width256
  • 优化学习率策略,通过cosine_decay和warmup策略加快模型收敛


  • 本项目模型采用文字识别经典CRNN模型(CNN+RNN+CTC),其中部分模型代码经过PaddleOCR源码改编,完成识别模型的搭建、训练、评估和预测过程。训练时可以手动更改config配置文件(数据训练、加载、评估验证等参数),默认采用优化器采用Adam,使用CTC损失函数。本项目采用ResNet34作为骨干网络。




In [ ]

!cd ~/work/PaddleOCR && mkdir pretrain_weights && cd pretrain_weights && wget
--2022-09-30 17:16:20--
Resolving (,, 2409:8c04:1001:1002:0:ff:b001:368a
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 297577776 (284M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘ch_ppocr_server_v1.1_rec_pre.tar’

ch_ppocr_server_v1. 100%[===================>] 283.79M  46.8MB/s    in 5.3s    

2022-09-30 17:16:26 (53.2 MB/s) - ‘ch_ppocr_server_v1.1_rec_pre.tar’ saved [297577776/297577776]

In [ ]

!cd ~/work/PaddleOCR/pretrain_weights && tar -xf ch_ppocr_server_v1.1_rec_pre.tar
  • 在PaddleOCR/configs/rec中,添加训练配置文件 my_rec_ch_train.yml和my_rec_ch_reader.yml
  algorithm: CRNN
  use_gpu: true
  epoch_num: 201
  log_smooth_window: 20
  print_batch_step: 10
  save_model_dir: ./output/my_rec_ch
  save_epoch_step: 50
  eval_batch_step: 100000000
  train_batch_size_per_card: 64
  test_batch_size_per_card: 64
  image_shape: [3, 48, 256]
  max_text_length: 80
  character_type: ch
  character_dict_path: ./ppocr/utils/ppocr_keys_v1.txt
  loss_type: ctc
  distort: true
  use_space_char: true
  reader_yml: ./configs/rec/my_rec_ch_reader.yml
  pretrain_weights: ./pretrain_weights/ch_ppocr_server_v1.1_rec_pre/best_accuracy

  function: ppocr.modeling.architectures.rec_model,RecModel

  function: ppocr.modeling.backbones.rec_resnet_vd,ResNet
  layers: 34

  function: ppocr.modeling.heads.rec_ctc_head,CTCPredict
  encoder_type: rnn
  fc_decay: 0.00004
    hidden_size: 256
  function: ppocr.modeling.losses.rec_ctc_loss,CTCLoss

  function: ppocr.optimizer,AdamDecay
  base_lr: 0.0001
  l2_decay: 0.00004
  beta1: 0.9
  beta2: 0.999
    function: cosine_decay_warmup
    step_each_epoch: 1000
    total_epoch: 201
    warmup_minibatch: 2000
  num_workers: 1
  img_set_dir: /home/aistudio/data/train_images
  label_file_path: /home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt
  img_set_dir: /home/aistudio/data/train_images
  label_file_path: /home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt



4.1 训练模型

  • 根据修改后的配置文件,输入以下命令就可以开始训练。

In [33]

!cd ~/work/PaddleOCR && python tools/ -c configs/rec/my_rec_ch_train.yml



In [34]

!cd ~/work/PaddleOCR && python tools/ -c configs/rec/my_rec_ch_train.yml -o Global.checkpoints=./output/my_rec_ch/iter_epoch_27 Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/CRNN_R34
2022-09-30 22:57:53,971-INFO: {'Global': {'debug': False, 'algorithm': 'CRNN', 'use_gpu': True, 'epoch_num': 201, 'log_smooth_window': 20, 'print_batch_step': 10, 'save_model_dir': './output/my_rec_ch', 'save_epoch_step': 3, 'eval_batch_step': 100000000, 'train_batch_size_per_card': 64, 'test_batch_size_per_card': 64, 'image_shape': [3, 48, 256], 'max_text_length': 80, 'character_type': 'ch', 'character_dict_path': './ppocr/utils/ppocr_keys_v1.txt', 'loss_type': 'ctc', 'distort': True, 'use_space_char': True, 'reader_yml': './configs/rec/my_rec_ch_reader.yml', 'pretrain_weights': './pretrain_weights/ch_ppocr_server_v1.1_rec_pre/best_accuracy', 'checkpoints': './output/my_rec_ch/iter_epoch_27', 'save_inference_dir': './inference/CRNN_R34', 'infer_img': None}, 'Architecture': {'function': 'ppocr.modeling.architectures.rec_model,RecModel'}, 'Backbone': {'function': 'ppocr.modeling.backbones.rec_resnet_vd,ResNet', 'layers': 34}, 'Head': {'function': 'ppocr.modeling.heads.rec_ctc_head,CTCPredict', 'encoder_type': 'rnn', 'fc_decay': 4e-05, 'SeqRNN': {'hidden_size': 256}}, 'Loss': {'function': 'ppocr.modeling.losses.rec_ctc_loss,CTCLoss'}, 'Optimizer': {'function': 'ppocr.optimizer,AdamDecay', 'base_lr': 0.0001, 'l2_decay': 4e-05, 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.999, 'decay': {'function': 'cosine_decay_warmup', 'step_each_epoch': 1000, 'total_epoch': 201, 'warmup_minibatch': 2000}}, 'TrainReader': {'reader_function': ',SimpleReader', 'num_workers': 8, 'img_set_dir': '/home/aistudio/data/train_images', 'label_file_path': '/home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt'}, 'EvalReader': {'reader_function': ',SimpleReader', 'img_set_dir': '/home/aistudio/data/train_images', 'label_file_path': '/home/aistudio/data/train_label.txt'}, 'TestReader': {'reader_function': ',SimpleReader'}}
W0930 22:57:54.222055 22198] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 70, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 9.0
W0930 22:57:54.227607 22198] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6.
2022-09-30 22:57:57,220-INFO: Finish initing model from ./output/my_rec_ch/iter_epoch_27
inference model saved in ./inference/CRNN_R34/model and ./inference/CRNN_R34/params
save success, output_name_list: ['decoded_out', 'predicts']



import sys 
import os

from paddleocr import PaddleOCR
import numpy as np
import glob
import time
if __name__=='__main__':

    # Preference
    img_set_dir = os.path.join('..','data','test_images','')
    # Load model
    use_gpu = True 
    use_angle_cls = False 
    det = False
    det_model_dir = os.path.join('PaddleOCR','inference','ch_ppocr_mobile_v1.1_det_infer')
    cls_model_dir = os.path.join('PaddleOCR','inference','ch_ppocr_mobile_v1.1_cls_infer')
    rec_model_dir = os.path.join('PaddleOCR','inference','CRNN_R34')
    ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=use_angle_cls, lang="ch",use_gpu=use_gpu,use_space_char=False,gpu_mem=4000,
                    det = det,
                    rec_image_shape = '3, 48, 256', 
                    rec_algorithm = 'CRNN',
                    max_text_length = 80,
                    det_model_dir = det_model_dir,
                    cls_model_dir = cls_model_dir,
                    rec_model_dir = rec_model_dir

    # Load data in a folder
    images = glob.glob(img_set_dir+'*.jpg')

    log_file_name = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', time.localtime())
    # Print result to a file
    with open(log_file_name+'.txt','w') as fid:
        #Inference in a folder
        for image in images:
            result = ocr.ocr(image, cls=use_angle_cls,det=det)
            if result is None:
                print('Test {} failed.'.format(image.replace(img_set_dir,'')))

            for info in result:
                pred_label = info[0]
    print("Finished predicting {} images!".format(len(images)))

In [35]

!python ~/work/


In [17]

#查看结果 txt文件生成
%cd /home/aistudio/
!cat 2022-09-30-22-58-06.txt | head -n 2






  • PaddleOCR官方教程
  • PaddleOCR:中文场景文字识别
