

1:齐全了,需要的证件:  身份证,银行卡,健康证,食品流通许可证,食品卫生许可证,支付宝实名认证。


标题:eCommerce Law

英文文章:It can be a challenge to launch and protect an eCommerce site. You’ve got to please customers and investors, you have to delegate to employees and contractors and you have to protect rights for your site and products.  That’s a lot to keep track of. Don’t fear, there’s plenty of help available. The articles and products provided below can help you secure your eCommerce business and avoid some of the pitfalls associated with sales, employee problems, intellectual property rights, and government regulations

重点单词:employees and contractors员工和承包商,eCommerce business电子商务业务,pitfalls associated相关的陷阱
