透明代理(PB, Perspective Broker)是用于远程方法调用和对象交换协议,该协议是异步和对称的。使用PB, 客户端可以直接调用服务器的函数并得到函数的返回结果。
Twisted针对Server和Client分别提供了pb.PBServerFactory和pb.PBClientFactory供用户使用, 其中Factory中的root对象必须继承自pb.Referenceable(pb.root就继承自pb.Referenceable)。 Sevrer中提供的方法必须以remote_开头, Client使用该方法时不用指定remote。 例如下面的例子中服务器端提供了remote_echo方法,客户端使用callRemote("echo", "hi")即可调用该方法。
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.internet import reactor
class Echoer(pb.Root):
def remote_echo(self, st): //Server中提供的方法必须以remote_开头
print 'hi'
return st
def remote_test(self):
return self
if __name__ == '__main__':
reactor.listenTCP(8003, pb.PBServerFactory(Echoer())) //Echoer继承于pb.Root
Parameters | root | factory providing the root Referenceable used by the broker. (type: object providing or adaptable to IPBRoot . ) |
unsafeTracebacks | if set, tracebacks for exceptions will be sent over the wire. (type: bool ) |
security | security options used by the broker, default to globalSecurity . (type: twisted.spread.jelly.SecurityOptions ) |
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import util
factory = pb.PBClientFactory()
reactor.connectTCP('', 8003, factory)
d = factory.getRootObject()
d.addCallback(lambda object: object.callRemote("echo", "hi")) //客户端使用callRemote("echo", "hi")即可调用服务段的remote_echo()方法,并将"hi"作为参数传入。
d.addCallback(lambda result: result)
d.addErrback(lambda reason: 'error: ' + str(reason.value))
d.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
Parameters | _name | the name of the remote method to invoke (type: string ) (远程方法要调用的名字) |
args | arguments to serialize for the remote function 元组参数 | |
kw | keyword arguments to serialize for the remote function. 字典参数 | |
Returns | a Deferred which will be fired when the result of this remote call is received. (type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred ) |