介绍 (Introduction)
In machine learning, usually, there is a loss function (or cost function) that we need to find the minimal value. Gradient Descent is one of the optimization methods that is widely applied to do the job.
在机器学习中,通常需要一个损失函数(或成本函数)来寻找最小值。 梯度下降是一种广泛用于完成工作的优化方法之一。
In this post, I will discuss the gradient descent method with some examples including linear regression using PyTorch.
结石 (Calculus)
One method to find a function’s max or min, it to find the point(s) where the slope equals zero. The max or min of the function will be the solution of the derivative of a function equals zero.
找到函数的最大值或最小值的一种方法是找到斜率等于零的点。 函数的最大值或最小值将是函数导数等于零的解。
Take this function as an example:
the derivative of the function is:
so let f’(x) = 0, we can find x=2 as the solution. This means the slope of the function equals zero at x=2, and the minimal value of the function is f(2)=1.
因此,令f'(x)= 0,我们可以找到x = 2作为解。 这意味着函数的斜率在x = 2时等于零,函数的最小值为f(2)= 1。
This method finds the analytical solution, however, it is sometimes difficult to apply this method to complex functions in real applications. Therefore, we need numerical methods to find the approximate solution, gradient descent is one of the methods.
该方法找到了解析解,但是,有时很难将此方法应用于实际应用中的复杂功能。 因此,我们需要数值方法来寻找近似解,梯度下降是其中一种方法。
梯度下降 (Gradient Descent)
The mathematical explanation of the gradient can be found in this link.
For one dimension function f(x), the gradient is represented as f’(x). For the multi-dimension function, it is represented as below.
对于一维函数f(x),梯度表示为f'(x)。 对于多维功能,其表示如下。
From wiki: If the gradient of a function is non-zero at a point p, the direction of the gradient is the direction in which the function increases most quickly from p, and the magnitude of the gradient is the rate of increase in that direction.
来自wiki :如果函数的梯度在点p处不为零,则梯度的方向是函数从p开始最快增加的方向,并且梯度的大小是该方向上的增长率。
The gradient descent tries to approach the min value of the function by descending to the opposite direction of the gradient.
It updates the parameters (here, x) iteratively to find the solution. So first, we need an initial guess (x0) of the solution, then calculate the gradient based on the initial guess, then based on the calculated gradient to update the solution (x). It can be explained in this formula:
它迭代更新参数(此处为x)以找到解决方案。 因此,首先,我们需要解的初始猜测(x0),然后根据初始猜测计算梯度,然后根据计算出的梯度来更新解(x)。 可以用以下公式解释:
t is the iteration and r is the learning rate.
So, first, we have an initial guess x0, by the equation above, we can find the x1:
then by x1, we can find x2:
by repeating this process several times (epoch), we should be able to find the parameters (x) where the function at its min value.
范例1: (Example 1:)
Let’s take the previous function as an example:
and apply it to the gradient descent equation
Let’s set the learning rate = 0.1 and initial guess x0=7. We can then easily update and calculate the x1, x2, x3… and f(x1), f(x2), f(x3)…
让我们将学习率设置为0.1,初始猜测值x0 = 7。 然后,我们可以轻松地更新和计算x1,x2,x3…和f(x1),f(x2),f(x3)…
In this example:
You can see the parameter (x) approaches to 2 and the function approaches its min value 1.
Let’s put it on the graph:
What if we use a smaller learning rate (0.01)?
As expected, it took more iterations to reach the minimum.
If we increase the learning to 0.3, it reached the minimum faster than 0.1.
If we increase it further to 0.7, it started to overshoot.
If we increase it to 1, it cannot reach the minimum value at all.
So the learning rate is very important to gradient descent. If it is too small, a lot of iterations are needed, if it is too big, it might not be able to reach the minimum.
因此,学习率对于梯度下降非常重要。 如果值太小,则需要大量迭代;如果值太大,则可能无法达到最小值。
Now, we have an idea of how the gradient descent work, let’s try to apply that to a simple machine learning model — linear regression.
示例2 —线性回归: (Example 2 — linear regression:)
Linear regression is an approach to find a linear relationship between two variables. It finds a line,
线性回归是一种在两个变量之间寻找线性关系的方法。 找到一条线,
that describes the data points shown in the figure. m is the slope of the line and c is the intercept. The task is to find the line (m and c) that best fits the data points.
描述了图中所示的数据点。 m是直线的斜率,c是截距。 任务是找到最适合数据点的线(m和c)。
Loss function
We use Mean Squared Error (MSE) to measure the error of the line and data points.
It averages the square of the sum of the differences between points and the line.
We can rearrange the equation:
We want to find the m and c, which gives the minimum value of MSE.
Gradient Descent
Just like the previous example, we need to find the gradient.
Then we can use this equation to update m and c:
Again, we need an initial guess for m and c, let’s start with m=0 and c=0, with learning rate = 0.0001
同样,我们需要对m和c进行初步猜测,让我们从m = 0和c = 0开始,学习率= 0.0001
#Gradient Descentfor i in range(epochs):
Y_pred = m*X + c
d_m = (-2/n) * sum(X * (Y - Y_pred))
d_c = (-2/n) * sum(Y - Y_pred)
# Update m
m = m - r * d_m
# Update c
c = c - r * d_c
mse=(1/n) * sum((Y - m*X + c)**2)
The m and c can be updated based on the gradient. Let’s put it on the graph.
可以基于梯度更新m和c。 让我们把它放在图表上。
Again, a carefully chosen learning rate is important, if the learning rate is increased to 0.01, the calculation will not converge.
In this simple example, we are calculating the gradient by taking the derivative of the function ourselves, it might become difficult for a more complicated problem. Luckily, PyTorch provides a tool to automatically compute the derivative of nearly any function.
在这个简单的示例中,我们通过自己求函数的导数来计算梯度,对于更复杂的问题可能会变得困难。 幸运的是,PyTorch提供了一种工具,可以自动计算几乎所有函数的导数。
Pytorch approach
Let’s define the line:
def f(x, params):
m, c= paramsreturn m*x + c
and the loss function — Mean Squared Error:
def mse(preds, targets): return ((preds-targets)**2).mean()
Again, we start by m=0, c=0, the requires_grad_(), is used here to calculate the gradient.
同样,我们从m = 0,c = 0开始, required_grad_()在这里用于计算梯度。
params = torch.zeros(2).requires_grad_()
Then we can predict the y values based on our first parameter, and plot it.
preds = f(X_t, params)
Then we can calculate the loss:
loss = mse(preds, Y_t)
and the gradient by this PyTorch function:
after this we can check the gradient:
it returns a tensor, which is the gradient: tensor([433.6485, 18.2594])
Then we update the parameter using the gradient and learning rate:
lr = 1e-4 -= lr *
params.grad = None
and predict the y using these new parameters:
We need to repeat this process several times, let’s make a function:
def apply_step(params):
preds = f(X_t, params)
loss = mse(preds, Y_t)
loss.backward() -= lr *
params.grad = None
return pred
Then we can run for several epochs. Looks like the loss is decreasing through epochs.
然后,我们可以运行几个时代。 看起来损失正在减少。
Put it on a graph
This is it! By using PyTorch, we can easily calculate the gradient and perform the gradient descent for machine and deep learning models.
就是这个! 通过使用PyTorch,我们可以轻松计算梯度并针对机器和深度学习模型执行梯度下降。
Thanks for reading.