CC7 What Minimalist inspire me

CC7 What Minimalist inspire me

Form the website I get the definition of what is minimalist is,Which I think is fabulous but absolute:Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.

As you know,in modern life it is hard to chase real freedom,because our freedom is limited as well as our life time,However,there is a way to make us life more easy,more happy and more meaningful,I continue find the answer and get this good explain about the reason to be a minimalist: It’s a way to escape the excesses of the world around us — the excesses of consumerism, material possessions, clutter, having too much to do, too much debt, too many distractions, too much noise. But too little meaning. Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non-essential in order to focus on what’s truly important, what gives our lives meaning, what gives us joy and value.

At that moment I was moved,deeply moved,because this is the thing that I desire for a long time but can’t get the way to complish.let me show you my confused.I bet sometimes you feel the same.

Last month,because of changing my job,I moved my house from the south to

center of chengdu.while I packing my objects,such as my cloth,my books,my gifts,my cookie tools and other things you can image,I felt amazed,because all of they let me have to use 7 Textile bags and my huge luggage,and even call Yidao driver to help me transport them.I use whole afternoon move them and had to re-assign them in the new house at night,Actually,except requirment such as several closes ,shows,cookie tools,computer, quit,pillow,I rarely use all of them,I collect most of them to commerce my university, and I also buy too much useless goods.How can you Images the behavor that you take great effort to move a lot of useless things form an place to another,and then let them full of you small living room and mess still,I began to ask myself.What a stupid I am,if I were a minimalist,it is easy for me to move house and have a good living room.

The second story this that Most time when I pay attention to my jobs,I always disturbed by some attractive notifications,which from the news app like Webeasy or tencent,with huge courousity,I stop my work and foucuse on what happened in the world.what’s more,once I post a message,or share a list of photos in circle of friend in wechat,I ofen pause my work to see is there anyone who thumb up me? who call me in the wechat?all of them interface me and it’s hard to continue my work.More importantly,I can’t complete my work in time.

If I were a minimalist,I would focuse on what I am doing and archieve more.

there exists other things like top two I shared with you,Our daily life contains too much unneccessary messages and objects that occuping our treasure time which should be spent on important things.minimalism is such a good solution to tackle these few value things,and finally make you have less but own more.worry less but contribute more.once you realized what is vital thing in your life.minimalist can help you be more focuse on order to have a wonderful life,just be a minimalist.

Here is the article.


Minimalism is a tool that can asssist us in finding what real freedom is. Freedom from fear, worries, feeling overwhelmed, guilt depression and freedom from the traps of consumer cultures that we are used to. As you know in modern life, it's hard to chase real freedom because we are in a limited way of living life. However, there are ways to make our life more meaningful easier and happier. As I continue to find answers and get good explanations about the reasons to be a minimalist, I tend to find it fascinating because it's a great escape to the world's excess consumerism, distractions, and too much noise. Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non-essential in order to focus on what's truly important in our life.

Today,I want to share three stories with you based on my experiences.not big deal,just three stories.

There exist a grand online festival named “Double 11”,which hold by Alibaba company.on that day,most of us are crazy and impulsive online shopper.we try to buy discount goods as much as we can. However,when some of online goods come to use,we find it is useless or have a poor quality.things are not we really want and it is a waste of money,in the end,I have to get rid of them reluctantly.If I were a minimalist,I will have less but own more and try to make a good usage of everythings I have.

Last month, because I changed my job I needed to move my house. While I was packing my things I was shocked to find out that I needed to use seven hug textile bags and a big luggage to fit all of them even called a Yidao driver to help me transport my things to my new place. I spent the whole afternoon unpacking and I came to realized that I rarely use these things except for the essentials and they have occupied most space of my living room. if I were a minimalist, it is not only easy for me to move house,but also use few time to arrange living goods,as well as have more enjoy myself.

Last scenario that I have noticed is whenever I am working and hearing some notification tones on my mobile phone, my focus on working will be interrupted because of my curiosity of that notification and the same if I post something on my Wechat friend circle. I tend to check it and see if someone comment my post,what’s new on the earth or what people are talking about, usually,I get lots of insignificant message which make a great influence on my and can’t finish my job in time. If I were a minimalist,I will do better in my job and keep balance between work and entertainment.

All in all.I shared with you what I usually do and would have done If I were a minimalist. Sometimes we do things in our daily lives that are inadequate and useless whenever we have come to realize it. minimalism is such a good solution organize your daily life and finally make us have less but own more.worry less but contribute more.disturbed less but devote more.once you realized what is important in your life.being a minimalist can help you speed up!



  1. 打折购物狂。每次看到打折商品都有买的冲动,觉得这便宜不占白不占。结果买了一堆没用的或者极少使用的玩意,花的钱反而比“有需求时再买(即使是原价不打折的)”更多。最近几年出现的“APP收集癖”也属于这一种。
  2. 山寨爱好者。买很多劣质山寨产品,结果常常因为东西坏掉而不爽。如一个山寨手机用1年挂了,一件便宜夹克穿一个季度就破了。(更严重的可能是与下一条的旧物收集癖结合,把这些尸体留在家里,没事时候看一眼又想起伤心往事。)
  3. 旧物收集癖。家里堆满了各种百年难得用一次的奇怪旧物,可能是多年积攒的破烂,也可能是只用过一次的鸡肋商品,总之就是很多东西。无论怎么收拾整理都显得乱糟糟的。看到干净整洁无杂物的屋子就舒服(可参考本问题其它关于极简主义设计的答案中的图片),看到自己家感觉就感觉很屌丝就心烦。
  4. 整洁强迫症。家里很整洁,但其实你每周至少花了累计半天的时间收拾自己的屋子。你很想利用这半天时间看看书、打打球,或者去更远的地方吃好吃的。
  5. 工作大忙人。或许你从来不觉得自己拥有的物品有什么问题,也从不为自己花钱多了、买的东西坏了、家里太乱了而烦恼。你只是每天有太多更重要的事情要去处理,忙得不可开交,根本没功夫考虑“繁与简”的问题。
  6. 觉得自己太穷。(这个时候,“大概极简主义有可能帮到你”,我可不敢保证有效。)
  7. 或许你也不烦,也不忙,也不穷,只是想尝试一下看看有没有可能过不一样的生活。


  • 除了服装、鞋帽之外,即使是电子产品,五年也是很靠谱的数字。我的MacBook购于2009年,用到现在快五年了。除了编辑高清视频略费劲(但我也照样用它做了不少),其它一切都很好。我估计还能坚持个一两年。
  • 当然,如果你赶上诺基亚N73到iPhone 3GS这种“革命的五年”,大概东西得淘汰得频繁一些。不过,改变世界的事可并不是经常发生的。


  • 再拿我自己举栗子好了。我在用QQ,微博,人人,知乎,Facebook,Twitter,但是我的手机上没有装以上任何一个app。这些地方没有值得让我随时待命等待通知的内容,也不是我不得不用的和他人紧急联络的手段。每天在电脑上查看一次足够足够了。同理,只有老板发来的电子邮件才会在我手机上推送通知,其它的一律不显示。



So what is this minimalism thing? It’s quite simple: to be a minimalist you must live with less than 100 things, you can’t own a car or a home or a television, you can’t have a career, you must live in exotic hard-to-pronounce places all over the world, you must start a blog, you can’t have children, and you must be a young white male from a privileged background.

OK, we’re joking—obviously. But people who dismiss minimalism as some sort of fad usually mention any of the above “restrictions”� as to why they could “never be a minimalist.”� Minimalism isn’t about any of those things, but it can help you accomplish them. If you desire to live with fewer material possessions, or not own a car or a television, or travel all over the world, then minimalism can lend a hand. But that’s not the point.

Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.

That doesn’t mean there’s anything inherently wrong with owning material possessions. Today’s problem seems to be the meaning we assign to our stuff: we tend to give too much meaning to our things, often forsaking our health, our relationships, our passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond ourselves. Want to own a car or a house? Great, have at it! Want to raise a family and have a career? If these things are important to you, then that’s wonderful. Minimalism simply allows you to make these decisions more consciously, more deliberately.

There are plenty of successful minimalists who lead appreciably different lives. Our friend Leo Babauta has a wife and six children. Joshua Becker has a career he enjoys, a family he loves, and a house and a car in suburbia. Conversely, Colin Wright owns 51 things and travels all over the world, and Tammy Strobel and her husband live in a “tiny house”� and are completely car-free. Even though each of these people are different, they all share two things in common: they are minimalists, and minimalism has allowed them to pursue purpose-driven lives.

But how can these people be so different and yet still be minimalists? That brings us back to our original question: What is minimalism? If we had to sum it up in a single sentence, we would say, Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of lifes excess in favor of focusing on whats important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

Minimalism has helped us…

  • Eliminate our discontent
  • Reclaim our time
  • Live in the moment
  • Pursue our passions
  • Discover our missions
  • Experience real freedom
  • Create more, consume less
  • Focus on our health
  • Grow as individuals
  • Contribute beyond ourselves
  • Rid ourselves of excess stuff
  • Discover purpose in our lives

By incorporating minimalism into our lives, we’ve finally been able to find lasting happiness—and that’s what we’re all looking for, isn’t it? We all want to be happy. Minimalists search for happiness not through things, but through life itself; thus, it’s up to you to determine what is necessary and what is superfluous in your life.

Through our essays we intend to present to you ideas of how to achieve a minimalist lifestyle without adhering to a strict code or an arbitrary set of rules. A word of warning, though: it isn’t easy to take the first steps, but your journey towards minimalism gets much easier—and more rewarding—the further you go. The first steps often take radical changes in your mindset, actions, and habits. Fret not, though—we want to help: we’ve documented our experiences so you can learn from our failures and successes, applying what we’ve learned to your own situation, assisting you in leading a more meaningful life.

This is just our take on minimalism. For more, read our minimalism elevator pitch, as well as some of our friends’ explanations of minimalism:

Here is the article.


Minimalism is a tool that can asssist us in finding what real freedom is. Freedom from fear, worries, feeling overwhelmed, guilt depression and freedom from the traps of consumer cultures that we are used to. As you know in modern life, it's hard to chase real freedom we are in a limited way of living life. However, there are ways to make our life more meaningful easier and happier. As I continue to find answers and get good explanations about the reasons to be a minimalist, I tend to find it fascinating because it's a great escape to the world's excess consumerism, distractions, and too much noise. Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non essential in order to focus on what's truly important life's true joy.

I want to share two stories with you today based on my experiences. Last month, because I changed my job I needed to move to the center of Chengdu. While I was packing my things I was shocked to find out that I needed to use seven textile bag and a big luggage to fit them all and also I even called a Yidao driver to help me transport my things to my new place. I spent the whole afternoon unpacking and I've come to realize that I rarely use these things except for the essentials and they have occupied most of the space of my new house and I thought to myself that if I were a minimalist, things wouldn't be the same.

Another scenario that I have noticed is whenever I am working and hear some notification tones on my mobile phone, my focus on working will be interrupted because of my curiosity of that notification and the same if I post something on my SNS. I tend to check it and see if either someone liked my post, commented on it or what people think about it. It makes me lose my focus and the result is not doing my job right and my work is delayed. For a minimalist, this situation is the other way around.

I shared with you what I usually do and would have done If I were a minimalist. Sometimes we do things in our daily lives that are inadequate and useless whenever we have come to realize it and what could have happened if we did things differently but that's part of living life, you do things tp gain experience and learn from it so next time you'll do better and improve yourself.

Simplify your life with Minimalism

What on earth is minimalism.

Attention please, Being a Minimalist will light up your life and send you a bright future.

Amazing, It’s quite simple to be a minimalist, you must live with less than 100 things, you can’t own a car or a television, you’d better not decorate your house with any extra goods. A white wall is be most important. you must simplify you life like an ascetic monk. Sorry, I am joking obviously.

Minimalism is a tool that can assist us in finding what real freedom is.

Freedom from fear, worries, feeling overwhelmed, guilt depression and freedom from the traps of consumer cultures.

You will have more time accompany family members. focus on your work, enjoy outing, party, and ToastMaster Meeting too.

which makes our life more meaningful easier and happier. Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non-essential in order to focus on what's truly important in our life.

There are three stories that impressed me very much although I am not a minimalist.

“Double 11” is a modern festival in China, which hold by Alibaba company. not for single dogs like me. but for thousands of crazy and impulsive online shopper.such as “败家娘们儿”. At that day, I used to buy discount goods as much as I can. such as So-called pop cloth\pants\and shoes. However,when some of cloth come into use, I find it have a poor quality and too ugly.although I am such a cool guy. dressing that close makes me like a poor vagrant, in the end, I have to get rid of them reluctantly. it is also a waste of money.If I were a minimalist, I prefer to buy the durable and smart clothes. even it is a little expensive. it is in fashion.

There is a motto:Easier said than done, especially when I moved my house last year. While packing my things, I was shocked to find out I used seven hug textile bags and a big luggage to fit all of them. even called a driver to help me transport my things to my new place. I was exhausted Because I spent a whole afternoon unpacking goods.which I rarely put in to use,such as bed table.variety of bottles,useless book, it's hard for me to throw them away because am a nostalgic person. but all of them occupied most space of my living room. if I were a minimalist, It will be much better to devote unnecessary goods to others. so I would use few time to arrange living goods, more time to enjoy my life.

Last but not least, it is all about a young man. I am full of ambition.I want my life being fantastic every moment. I want to get a overall development this year. I want to become better and I need to finish my dream step by step. try to finish my goals as much as possible.guadually. I fragment my time and make every expend accurate.

some for work: correct some bug in my Apps, develovp the website,

some for hobby: playing ping-pong in the morning, riding half an hour:running in the evening,

some for fun: have dinner with my friend. listening to music.

a wonderful day with wonderfal plan,that's a greate.

In fact, when I excute my percedule.busy and feeling frustrating.

I want to spend more time to imporve my pingpong skill, but many job is waiting for me.

programming needs patience. but in order to finish it in time.I submit a poor quality code. even cause potential error.

When have dinner with your best friends, it’ s not easy to say good bye.waking, sing,or dancing in night club is gorgous.unfortunetely.You need to say no reluctantly.

If I were a minimalist. it’s impossible to finish all things in one day with high efficience.even own such idea. focus on few things may have a great job and easily get satisfied.

All in all. I shared with you what I usually do and would have done If I were a minimalist. The word is full of attraction.all of us just like a baby full of curiosity. we want to discover more and harvest more. inevitably, we may waste our time in the unmeaning things unless we realize it. minimalism is such a good solution organize your daily life and finally make us have less but own more. worry less but contribute more. disturbed less but devote more. once you realized what is important in your life. being a minimalist can help you speed up!


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