多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)




         1 APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参默认值

2  Copter Home

3  调参各部分的解析示意图

4  在飞行中调roll和pitch(以遥控输入第六通道调参为例)



P ID到底是个什么东西?






通通这些在mission planner都是有限制的。也就是说你不可能无限制的调整微分积分比例。有的是相互引用的关系。一个确定了,下一个可能只能调小而无法克服上限。这些都是在计算后所进行的系统的限定。总体是会趋向与保证系统的稳定性。




1 APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参默认值

多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第1张图片

多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第2张图片

自动翻译如图。多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第3张图片部分参数含义 多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第4张图片


雷迅创新 © www.cuav.net与ardupilot具有合作关系,在ardupilot官方网站https://ardupilot.org/copter/index.html


2  Copter Home


Success with ArduPilot requires that the 'First Time Setup' and 'First Flight/Drive and Tuning' sections of this documentation be read and followed!


Keep up with the latest ArduPilot related blogs on ArduPilot.org!


This is the full-featured, open-source multicopter UAV controller that won the Sparkfun 2013 and 2014 Autonomous Vehicle Competition (dominating with the top five spots). A team of developers from around the globe are constantly improving and refining the performance and capabilities of ArduCopter.


Copter is capable of the full range of flight requirements from fast paced FPV racing to smooth aerial photography, and fully autonomous complex missions which can be programmed through a number of compatible software ground stations. The entire package is designed to be safe, feature rich, open-ended for custom applications, and is increasingly easy to use even for the novice.


System components

  • A Pixhawk or other autopilot loaded with the latest version of the Copter firmware.
  • Mission Planner software – gives you an easy point-and-click setup/configuration, and a full-featured ground control interface.
  • This Copter Wiki provides all the information you need to set up and operate a multicopter or traditional helicopter.
  • A suitable MultiCopter or Helicopter for your mission.
  • Plus many other useful options: e.g. data radios, which allow two-way wireless telemetry and control between the vehicle and your computer.

Rotor Craft types


  • Utilize differential thrust management of independent motor-prop units to provide lift and directional control
  • Benefit from mechanical simplicity and design flexibility
  • A capable payload lifter that’s functional in strong wind conditions
  • Redundant lift sources can give increased margin of safety
  • Varied form factor allows convenient options for payload mounting.


  • Typically use a single lifting rotor with two or more blades
  • Maintain directional control by varying blade pitch via servo-actuated mechanical linkage (many versions of these craft exist and it is beyond the scope of this manual to cover them all – the mechanical systems used in helicopters warrant special study and consideration)
  • Strong, fast and efficient – a proven-worker suitable to many missions.

Because of its open design, Copter also supports more unusual frame types including the Single and Coax-Copters. Put this together with Plane, Rover and Antenna Tracker and you have a system of robotic vehicles that can be controlled through very similar interfaces to accomplish a wide variety of tasks.

多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第5张图片

Getting more info

  • Continue to the Introduction section of this wiki.
  • Use the ArduPilot Discuss Server Forums to ask support questions and advice.
  • To get involved with the development of the software platform, visit the ArduPilot development guide.


For a simplified chinese 简体中文 version abstract of this wiki please check ArduPilot.org partner CUAV!

以下内容引自 雷迅创新 © www.cuav.net 有着清晰的图像表述。

3  调参各部分的解析示意图

多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第6张图片


4  在飞行中调roll和pitch(以遥控输入第六通道调参为例)

首先需要在遥控器校准的时候把第六通道校准,然后设置第六通道为Rate Roll / Pitch kP,设最小值为0.08,最大值为0.20(一般飞机在该范围),点击写入。

将遥控器的ch6旋钮扭转到最小的位置,按刷新参数按钮,确保速率roll p和速率pitch P变为0.08(或非常接近)


多旋翼无人机APM(PIX)飞控ardupilot missionplanner扩展调参、基本调参(PID调参)_第7张图片






