

What is the use of 10 years of tanshari in the workplace?

有道云笔记 Youdao Cloud Note 2021-12-29 19:17The 2021-12-29 pass,



断舍离已经不仅限于对物品的整理方法,它更是一种让人保持清醒的思维方式和操作指南,在各个领域都非常适用。 Tanshari is no longer just a way of organizing things, but also a way of thinking and a guide to keeping people awake, which is very applicable in all fields. Tanshari is no longer just a way of organizing things, but also a way of thinking and a guide to keeping people awake, which is very applicable in all fields.



At the end of each year, the word Danshari frequently appears in the circle of friends. One of the rituals for young people today to welcome the New Year is to collect things, clean up waste, and renew them.

At the end of each year, the word Danshari frequently appears in the circle of friends. One of the rituals for young people today to welcome the New Year is to collect things, clean up waste, and renew them.

什么是断舍离? What is Danshari? What is Danshari?


Danshari was coined by Japanese debris management consultant Hideko Yamashita. With the publication of her book, Danshari became the word of the year and is still popular today.

Danshari was coined by Japanese debris management consultant Hideko Yamashita. With the publication of her book, Danshari became the word of the year and is still popular today.


The so-called dansheri, "dansheri" refers to the severance of unnecessary things, "she" refers to the abandonment of excess waste, "from" refers to the separation of the obsession with things. The whole idea is to get to know yourself by organizing things, sorting out the chaos in your mind, and having a clear sense of what you need and don't need.

The so-called dansheri, "dansheri" refers to the severance of unnecessary things, "she" refers to the abandonment of excess waste, "from" refers to the separation of the obsession with things. The whole idea is to get to know yourself by organizing things, sorting out the chaos in your mind, and having a clear sense of what you need and don't need.


Therefore, Danshari is not only a way to organize things, but also a way of thinking and a guide to keep people awake, which is very applicable in all fields.


In the workplace, those who have mastered the thinking of danshiri have the speed of growth.


The first is to have a deep understanding of their own needs, with a clear way of thinking; The ability to see the goal with precision and act toward it without distraction; Thirdly, they can see through the essence of problems and solve problems more efficiently.

那么,职场断舍离应该怎么做? So what should danshari do at work?


斩断不必要的自我损耗 Cut out unnecessary wear and tear on yourself


Studies have found that employees' work performance, work behavior, work attitude and so on are related to emotions. The ability to manage emotions in the workplace is pulling people apart.


Emotions are the feelings and reactions of individuals to various situations in themselves or the outside world. Is the so-called joy and sorrow is human nature, we in the face of different scenes of stimulation, will instinctively produce different mood, and the external reaction of this mood is to release positive or negative emotions and behavior.


Negative emotions are subjective experiences of different negative emotions, such as guilt, anxiety, anger and fear [1].


为什么“困”在负面情绪中不可取? Why is it not advisable to "get stuck" in negative emotions?

容易造成自我损耗。 Easy to cause ego wear and tear.

自我损耗意为自我进行意志活动(volitional  action)的能力或者意愿(capacity or willingness)暂时下降的现象,包括控制环境(controlling the environment)、控制自(contolling the self)、做出抉择(making choices)和发起行为(initiating action)等能力[2]。

It is a temporary drop in the capacity or willingness to plug in volitional action, The abilities that initiate action include controlling the environment, contolling the self, making choices, and so on [2].


Studies on ego depletion as an antecedent variable show that people in the state of ego depletion are more likely to engage in behaviors that are not conducive to the development of interpersonal relationships, their ability to perform socially adaptive behaviors is reduced, they may engage in some irrational behaviors and affect their performance in follow-up tasks.

如何斩断自我损耗呢? How do you cut through ego depletion?

不妨试试「心理脱离法」。 Try "mental disengagement."


The concept of "psychological disengagement" originated from the concept of "disengagement" in an article about work stressors and job burnout. The author found that after employees get away from the work situation, they can reduce their work pressure and gain more happiness through a short rest and recovery [3].


When you stop thinking about work, you will stop losing mental resources and start to recover yourself. You will have sufficient energy and a better attitude to work in the future.


In addition, the face of the "emotional garbage can" -- diary talk can be regarded as a solution, in the diary will be all the anger, grievances all recorded, often can alleviate the majority of the negative emotions.


Cut off unnecessary internal wear and tear, quickly get out of negative emotions, make work more pleasant and more efficient.


舍弃低价值的利益 Get rid of low-value benefits

首先要舍弃的,当属无效社交。 The first thing to get rid of is ineffective social interaction.


Dale Carnegie once said, "Professional knowledge accounts for only 15 percent of a person's success. Networking accounts for 85 percent." This sentence has affected thousands of new employees, this sentence is certainly desirable, but in the process of practice, more and more people find that the underlying logic of social relations is -- equal.


Ineffective social interaction can happen every day, but sometimes you don't notice it.


If you are too embarrassed to turn down a chatty colleague, you are always unable to concentrate on your work. Or like to add a lot of industry "big shots", always pay attention to their circle of friends and try to like comments, trying to attract attention with unique views; Or like to attend various "high-end" paid offline networking meetings, hoping to meet some useful network resources.



The truth is that any social interaction without emotional value or benefit value exchange is ineffective, and the so-called network is hard to use at critical moments. Therefore, it is important to abandon ineffective social interactions where the input-output ratio is extremely low.


Can start from the rejection, the rest of the time back to their own, continue to accumulate precipitation.

其次要舍弃的,还有低价值的短期利益。 Then there are the low-value short-term benefits to give up.


Why do we always do low-value, short-term things?


Because it's so good right now.


Stay up late for a while cool, never consider for years to stay up late will the body "empty"; After work drinking beer stroked string is very comfortable, but fatty liver, hypertension in do not know which day began to find; For example, for a salary increase, frequent job-hopping, is not enough to precipitate thinking and start again......


Wang Zhihuan, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, once said in his poem, "If you want to see a thousand miles, you will ascend to a higher level." This also provides a solution that can only see short-term benefits: look at and think about problems from a longer dimension of life.


Pursue activities that have high value in the long run, such as keeping track of records, reading books, exercising, etc. Give up low-value pleasures in the present, such as staying up late, overeating, stopping studying, and settling for the status quo.


脱离无意义的忙碌 Get rid of meaningless busyness


The day begins and ends with the clatter of keyboards as the crowds of commuters rush through the morning rush hour. Busy is the label of every workplace person, rushing about has become a day-to-day state.

可是每天都很忙,究竟在忙什么呢? But every day is busy, what on earth is busy?


Covey, an American management scientist, put forward the four-quadrant time management method, which divides the work into two different degrees: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, neither urgent nor important.


By putting your daily work sheet into a four-quadrant chart, it's clear which quadrant you spend most of your time working on.


80% of people spend most of their time working in the first and third quadrants, while the second quadrants are put off indefinitely by the "not urgent enough, let's do something more urgent first."


But this happens to be an important distinction between the traditionally inefficient and the highly effective. Spending 80 per cent of your time on unimportant tasks is the core cause of fidgeting.


如何脱离无意义的忙碌? How to get rid of meaningless busyness?

用80%的精力做好20%的工作,将工作重点放在“重要但不紧急”的事情上。 Do 20 percent of your work with 80 percent of your energy and focus on what's "important but not urgent."


People's time and energy are limited resources. If they spend too much time and energy on meaningless things, they are unable to deal with the things that are really valuable. In his book on time management, Eat that Frog, Brian Casey offers a way to focus on what matters most: the "Three Frogs" approach.


The "Three frogs" refer to the three most important tasks in a day (week, month, year). If you prioritize the three most important and difficult tasks in a day and stick to them, you can make a huge difference in your life.


Refuse to "fiddle around" and save your limited time for what's most important.



Danshari is not only a way to organize things, but also a way of thinking and a guide to staying awake. But just because of the way of thinking learning and transformation is not overnight, might as well start from the goods to give up.


Youdao Cloud Notes has launched a series of New Year templates, among which the Template "New Year Danshari List" has helped you sort out the six modules of life style, useless information, office, living room, wardrobe, makeup table should be cut off from the things.



Youdao Cloud note template library also has a series of templates such as four-quadrant time management template, "frog" task management template, seven-day diary template, morning and evening thinking template and so on, to help you have the workplace separation thinking as soon as possible.


In addition, the template library has updated a series of New Year templates (2022 Wish List, New Year Flag template, 50 Things to Punch in the New Year, 2022 Reading Plan, personal Year-end Review template, year-end Summary report template, 20222 Work plan OKR template), go and try it!




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