
Verbose: Anything and everything you might want to know about a running block of code.
Debug: Internal system events that aren't necessarily observable from the outside.
Information: The lifeblood of operational intelligence - things happen.
Warning: Service is degraded or endangered.
Error: Functionality is unavailable, invariants are broken or data is lost.
Fatal: If you have a pager, it goes off when one of these occurs.

verbose 和 fatal 比较夸张,我可能根本不需要 用不上
像textractor的输出 调试期 我就可以用debug

info 等级比较灵活 一定要把握好,可能需要记录,知道用户的动作。但是我想不能是经常使用的操作,而导致不停的记录.

warning 是在正常的操作,效果却不好的时候使用?不清楚

error 不应该发生的,完完全全的错误等级
