multi-scale net

1. A Real-Time Face Detector Based on an End-to-End CNN_2017


In this paper, a real-time approach for face detection was proposed by utilizing a single end-to-end deep neural network withmulti-scale feature maps, multi-scale prior aspect ratios as well as confidence rectification.Multi-scale feature maps overcome the difficulties of detecting small face, and meanwhile, multiscale prior aspect ratios reduce the computing cost and the confidence rectification

2. A Unified Multi-scale Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Object Detection_2016

In the proposal sub-network, detection is performed at multiple output layers, so that receptive fields match objects of different scales. These complementary scale-specific detectors are combined to produce a strong multi-scale object detector.

The first is to learn a single classifier and rescale the image multiple times, so that the classifier can match all possible object sizes.this strategy requires feature computation at multiple image scales. While it usually produces the most accurate detection, it tends to be very costly.在图像的不同尺度下计算特征然后组合起来,计算量大

multiple classifiers to a single input image avoids the repeated computation of feature maps and tends to be efficient. However, it requires an individual classifier for each object scale and usually fails to produce good detectors.








3. Pedestrian Detection by Using CNN Features with Skip Connection

用于行人检测的层间连接,在VGG16上训练每层通过RPN网络得到128个框,将每层进行ROIpooling,得到13*13的featuremap为了得到更多的环境信息然后通过卷积进行stride= 2,送入全连接。这样做不会增大很多计算量吗?



4. MFR-CNN: Incorporating Multi-Scale Features and Global Information for Traffic Object Detection

The proposed model consists of two components: a region proposal network that generates candidate object regions and an object detection network that incorporates multi-scale features and global information, namely MFR-CNN.


5. Salient object detection via multi-scale attention CNN_2018

Moreover, the information loss of downsampling operations of FCN-based models results in the loss of details of the final saliency map, such as edges of the saliency object. In this paper, we proposed a novel deep convolutional neural network (CNN) by introducing a spatial and channel-wise attention layer into a multi-scale encoder-decoder framework.

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