习惯孤独—something about along






Recently I watched a woodpecker insects along a tree trunk outside my window. The wind tossed the boughs, mostly swept clean except for a few clinging yellowed leaves. 最近我曾观察一只啄木鸟在我窗外的树干上找虫吃。风刮着树枝,枝条被吹得只剩几片不肯离开的黄叶

The scene was so delightful and mesmerising that I wanted to holler to someone in the next room, “Hey, come see this!” I live alone, though. And who cares about my avian neighbours? That autumn evening it seemed most likely the small, golden moment would, like much of my life, go unshared. 这一幕如此欢快并使人着迷,让我想对着隔壁房间里的人喊:“哎,快来看!”不过,我独居。谁真的在乎我的鸟类邻居?那个秋天的傍晚,这个微小的、金色的瞬间,看上去很可能会像我生命中的许多时光一样,无人分享。

A wide circle of acquaintances, which I have, cannot deliver a person from loneliness. The pandemic showed me that for most people, I am a “nice to have”, not a necessary part of their emotional infrastructure.


I may endure the consequences of living in a society that values working 10 hours a day and fetishises marriage at the expense of all other relationships, but just because it’s my problem doesn’t mean it’s my fault. It doesn’t have anything to do with me at all.



mesmerize[ˈmezməraɪz] (vt) 吸引;迷住

这个词其实来自于一个人的名字Franz Mesmer,19世纪的时候发明了一种催眠术(mesmerism),以他的名字命名。


【1】If you ever start to feel mesmerized, maybe it’s because you find someone fascinating, or maybe you’ve been hypnotized by a magician. 这种催眠,可以是你发现某人很有魅力,或者你被一个魔术师催眠了。

【2】Your words, your thoughts are deep and intoxicating. Your words mesmerize me and pull me into them as a bee gets pulled into a flower 你的话语,你的思念,深沉而醉人。你的话让我着迷,让我陷入其中,就像一只蜜蜂被拉入一朵花里


Jobs had a bravado that helped him get things done, occasionally by manipulating people. He could be charismatic, even mesmerizing, but also cold and brutal. 乔布斯有虚张声势的本事,这让他可以做成事情,虽然有时候要利用别人。他有时候极富魅力,能让你着迷,但他也可以冷酷、残忍。

holler(vi)叫喊; 诉苦,常跟介词“to”,引申词义叫喊。


【1】《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner) 里面就有这么一段话

I could hear the runners now, hollering as they ran the streets. Someone shouted reports of a fight breaking out two streets down.我能听得见那些追风筝的人,高声叫嚷,奔过大街小巷。有人扯开喉咙,报告说有两条街上爆发冲突了。

【2】Marriage is survived just on the basis of ordinary etiquette, day in and day out. Like cooking together helps a lot... I've seen all these marriages that failed. Those people are always hollering at each other. That doesn't work. 婚姻能够持久,也是要靠彼此间的礼仪规矩,而且不能间断。比如一起做饭就很有帮助……我见过那么多失败的婚姻。那些人总是对彼此大喊大叫,这根本没用!

acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] 意为"了解,熟悉",这种了解可以是针对人,也可以是针对一个抽象的事物。

make sb's acquaintance 初次相识;结识(某人) ,我们遇到一个陌生人,经常喜欢说:很高兴遇到你,就可以这么表达:Nice to make your acquaintance. 幸会

对于抽象事物的“熟悉”:A slender acquaintance with the worldmust convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends. George Washington 对世界的浅薄了解一定会使每个人相信,行为,而不是言语是判断朋友关系的真正标准。乔治---华盛顿

deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)] 发(货),发(快递)deliver goods;解救;拯救 deliver sb (from sth)


【1】Kindness and intelligence don't always deliver us from the pitfalls and traps: there are always failures of love, of will, of imagination. There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships.善良和智慧并不总是能把我们从陷阱中解救出来:爱、意志和想象力的失败总是存在的。没有办法消除人际关系中的危险



(2)We cannot stress the importance of doing sth too much

(3)be hard put to name one thing more important than

(4)Sth is of great significance, without it, nothing could ......everything could.....


【1】And just like any man, I wrestle with my conscience, but what do you do when everything you value in this world is under attack?和所有人一样,我也在良心上挣扎,但当你在这个世界上珍视的一切都受到攻击时,你会怎么做?

fetishise/fetishize [ˈfetɪʃaɪz] vt. 盲目迷恋,以…为偶像

这个词来自于fetish [ˈfetɪʃ] 迷恋;痴迷(n),也就是对一些东西的强烈执念(A fetish is an extremely strong devotion to something),就等于obsession [əbˈseʃn] 痴迷;着魔


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