人工智能——Chapter03 Logic问题


Q1:How Agents acquire knowledge?
Agents acquire knowledge through perception, learning, language

  • Knowledge of the effects of actions (“transition model”)
  • Knowledge of how the world affects sensors (“sensor model”)
  • Knowledge of the current state of the world

Q2:Logic contains ?

  • Syntax: What sentences are allowed?
  • Semantics:
    What are the possible worlds?
    Which sentences are true in which worlds? (i.e., definition of truth)
    人工智能——Chapter03 Logic问题_第1张图片
    (1)Knowledge base
    Knowledge base= set of sentences in a formal language
    (2)Example:Analyze the Pacman’s knowledge base
    人工智能——Chapter03 Logic问题_第2张图片
  • the Knowledge Base of Wall
    Wall_0,0 ∧ Wall_0,1 ∧ Wall_0,2 ∧ Wall_0,3 ∧ Wall_0,4 ∧ Wall_1,4 ∧ …
  • the Knowledge Base of Pacman’s location —— Initial state
    At_1,1_0 v At_1,2_0 v At_1,3_0 v At_2,1_0 v …
  • the Knowledge Base of sensor model at T=0
    Blocked_W_0 <=> ((At_1,1_0 ∧ Wall_0,1) v
    (At_1,2_0 ∧ Wall_0,2) v
    (At_1,3_0 ∧ Wall_0,3) v …. )
  • the transition model for Pacman’s location At_3,3_17
    At_3,3_17 <=> [At_3,3_16 ∧ ⌝((⌝Wall_3,4 ∧ N_16) v (⌝Wall_4,3 ∧ E_16) v …)]
    v [⌝At_3,3_16 ∧ ((At_3,2_16 ∧ ⌝ Wall_3,3 ∧ N_16) v
    (At_2,3_16 ∧ ⌝ Wall_3,3 ∧ E_16) v …)]
    上述案例是未限制条件的答案,因此展示了所有可能的情况。解答此类型的题目时,需要根据题目前提条件进行分析求解,要在题目已给的条件下进行分析,例如题目已给定Pacman的起始位置,那么the Knowledge Base of Pacman’s location —— Initial state就只有一种情况。
