• 1. Point-GNN
    • 1.1 Getting Started
      • 1.1.1 Prerequisites
      • 1.1.2 KITTI Dataset
      • 1.1.3 Download Point-GNN
    • 1.2 Inference
      • 1.2.1 Run a checkpoint
      • 1.2.2 Performance
    • 1.3 Training
    • 1.4 License
    • 1.5 工程中文件夹
    • 1.6 术语解释


1. Point-GNN

  This repository contains a reference implementation of our Point-GNN: Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection in a Point Cloud, CVPR 2020.

  If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing our work:

author = {Shi, Weijing and Rajkumar, Ragunathan (Raj)},
title = {Point-GNN: Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection in a Point Cloud},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}

1.1 Getting Started

1.1.1 Prerequisites

  We use Tensorflow 1.15 for this implementation. Please install CUDA if you want GPU support.

pip3 install --user tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0

To install other dependencies:

pip3 install --user opencv-python
pip3 install --user open3d-python==
pip3 install --user scikit-learn
pip3 install --user tqdm
pip3 install --user shapely

1.1.2 KITTI Dataset

  We use the KITTI 3D Object Detection dataset. Please download the dataset from the KITTI website and also download the 3DOP train/val split here. We provide extra split files for seperated classes in splits/. We recommand the following file structure:

├── image                    #  Left color images
│   ├── training
│   │   └── image_2            
│   └── testing
│   │   └── image_2 
├── velodyne                 # Velodyne point cloud files
│   ├── training
│   │   └── velodyne            
│   └── testing
│   │   └── velodyne 
├── calib                    # Calibration files
│   ├── training
│   │   └──calib            
│   └── testing
│   │   └── calib 
├── labels                   # Training labels
│   └── training
│   │   └── label_2
└── 3DOP_splits              # split files.
       ├── train.txt
       ├── train_car.txt
       └── ...


1.1.3 Download Point-GNN

Clone the repository recursively:

git clone https://github.com/WeijingShi/Point-GNN.git --recursive

1.2 Inference

1.2.1 Run a checkpoint

Test on the validation split:

python3 run.py checkpoints/car_auto_T3_train/ --dataset_root_dir DATASET_ROOT_DIR --output_dir DIR_TO_SAVE_RESULTS

Test on the test dataset:

python3 run.py checkpoints/car_auto_T3_trainval/ --test --dataset_root_dir DATASET_ROOT_DIR --output_dir DIR_TO_SAVE_RESULTS
usage: run.py [-h] [-l LEVEL] [--test] [--no-box-merge] [--no-box-score]
              [--dataset_root_dir DATASET_ROOT_DIR]
              [--dataset_split_file DATASET_SPLIT_FILE]
              [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]

Point-GNN inference on KITTI

positional arguments:
  checkpoint_path       Path to checkpoint

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
                        Visualization level, 0 to disable,1 to nonblocking
                        visualization, 2 to block.Default=0
  --test                Enable test model
  --no-box-merge        Disable box merge.
  --no-box-score        Disable box score.
  --dataset_root_dir DATASET_ROOT_DIR
                        Path to KITTI dataset. Default="../dataset/kitti/"
  --dataset_split_file DATASET_SPLIT_FILE
                        Path to KITTI dataset split
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Path to save the detection


  1. 0-不使能可视化,
  2. 1-非阻塞模式可视化(连续显示帧序列的识别结果),
  3. 2-阻塞模式(每识别一帧都将停下等待操作)。若设置为1则需在第一帧显示的点云画面上拖动鼠标调整号视角,然后按q,则设置好了观察视角,程序将会可视化点云序列。


python3 run.py checkpoints/car_auto_T3_train/ --dataset_root_dir '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA EXT/数据集/KITTI/object' --output_dir '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA EXT/数据集/KITTI' --level 1


python3 run.py checkpoints/car_auto_T3_trainval/ --test --dataset_root_dir '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA EXT/数据集/KITTI/object'  --output_dir '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA EXT/数据集/KITTI'  --level 1

1.2.2 Performance

Install kitti_native_evaluation offline evaluation:

cd kitti_native_evaluation
cmake ./

但是由于KITTI只给出了训练集的标注信息,没给出测试集(官方评估用,不对公众开放)训练信息,所以只能在从训练集分出的验证集上进行评估,Evaluate output results on the validation split:

evaluate_object_offline DATASET_ROOT_DIR/labels/training/label_2/ DIR_TO_SAVE_RESULTS


./evaluate_object_offline '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA\ EXT/数据集/KITTI/object/labels/training/label_2' '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA\ EXT/数据集/KITTI/test_model/data' 

1.3 Training

  We put training parameters in a train_config file. To start training, we need both the train_config and config.

usage: train.py [-h] [--dataset_root_dir DATASET_ROOT_DIR]
                [--dataset_split_file DATASET_SPLIT_FILE]
                train_config_path config_path

Training of PointGNN

positional arguments:
  train_config_path     Path to train_config
  config_path           Path to config

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_root_dir DATASET_ROOT_DIR
                        Path to KITTI dataset. Default="../dataset/kitti/"
  --dataset_split_file DATASET_SPLIT_FILE
                        Path to KITTI dataset split file.Default="DATASET_ROOT

For example:

python3 train.py configs/car_auto_T3_train_train_config configs/car_auto_T3_train_config


python3 train.py --dataset_root_dir '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA EXT/数据集/KITTI/object' --dataset_split_file '/home/bit202/Programs/Point-GNN/splits/train_car.txt'  configs/car_auto_T3_train_train_config configs/car_auto_T3_train_config

  We strongly recommand readers to view the train_config before starting the training.
  Some common parameters which you might want to change first:

train_dir     The directory where checkpoints and logs are stored.
train_dataset The dataset split file for training. 
NUM_GPU       The number of GPUs to use. We used two GPUs for the reference model. 
              If you want to use a single GPU, you might also need to reduce the batch size by half to save GPU memory.
              Similarly, you might want to increase the batch size if you want to utilize more GPUs. 
              Check the train.py for details.               

  We also provide an evaluation script to evaluate the checkpoints periodically. For example:

python3 eval.py configs/car_auto_T3_train_eval_config 


python3 eval.py --dataset_root_dir '/media/bit202/TOSHIBA EXT/数据集/KITTI/object' configs/car_auto_T3_train_eval_config 

You can use tensorboard to view the training and evaluation status.

tensorboard --logdir=./train_dir


tensorboard --logdir=./checkpoints/car_auto_T3_train

1.4 License

  This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

1.5 工程中文件夹

├── configs					#存储train.py, run.py和eval.py所需要的配置信息,使用json格式书写,
│   ├── *_config			#存储了MLP的配置参数等
│   ├── *_train_config		#存储了环境的相关配置,如GPU等
│   ├── *_trainval_config	#存储了MLP的配置参数等
│   └── *_eval_config		#应该是评估函数eval.py的配置信息
├── dataset					#
│   └── kitti_dataset.py	#数据集处理函数程序
├── models					#GNN模型的相关程序
│   ├── preprocess.py		#1.前处理函数,增强附加信息s
│   └── crop_aug.py			#2.调用1中的函数,进行数据增强(Data Augmentation)
├── util
│   └── config_util.py		#处理配置文件的相关函数,调用json库处理


1.6 术语解释

loss weights:损失权重,用来计算损失函数总的loss的权重;
learning rate decay:学习率衰减;
stair-case learning-rate decay:阶梯式学习率衰减;
Ablation Study:消融实验;
KITTI Easy, Moderate, Hard:根据目标像素、遮挡和截断情况进行的难易等级分类;
