EDA开源仿真工具verilator入门8:verilator 5.0 最新版本仿真玄铁性能对比

verilator最新已经升级到到了5.005,新版本的verilator在功能上更加完善,加入对Semantic Scheduling算法标准的支持,但因此效率肯定会有所损失,本节将接上一节测试最新版本性能变化,首先测试原始版本verilator的性能,我们先看下目前的verilator版本,输入:

verilator --version


Verilator 4.220 2022-03-12 rev v4.220


// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog example module
// This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for
// any use, without warranty, 2017 by Wilson Snyder.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
// For std::unique_ptr

// Include common routines

// Include model header, generated from Verilating "top.v"
#include "Vtop.h"


// Legacy function required only so linking works on Cygwin and MSVC++
double sc_time_stamp() { return 0; }

int main(int argc, char** argv, char** env) {
    // This is a more complicated example, please also see the simpler examples/make_hello_c.

    // Prevent unused variable warnings
    if (false && argc && argv && env) {}

    // Create logs/ directory in case we have traces to put under it

    // Construct a VerilatedContext to hold simulation time, etc.
    // Multiple modules (made later below with Vtop) may share the same
    // context to share time, or modules may have different contexts if
    // they should be independent from each other.

    // Using unique_ptr is similar to
    // "VerilatedContext* contextp = new VerilatedContext" then deleting at end.
    const std::unique_ptr contextp{new VerilatedContext};

    // Set debug level, 0 is off, 9 is highest presently used
    // May be overridden by commandArgs argument parsing

    // Randomization reset policy
    // May be overridden by commandArgs argument parsing

    // Verilator must compute traced signals

    // Pass arguments so Verilated code can see them, e.g. $value$plusargs
    // This needs to be called before you create any model
    contextp->commandArgs(argc, argv);

    // Construct the Verilated model, from Vtop.h generated from Verilating "top.v".
    // Using unique_ptr is similar to "Vtop* top = new Vtop" then deleting at end.
    // "TOP" will be the hierarchical name of the module.
    const std::unique_ptr top{new Vtop{contextp.get(), "TOP"}};

    // Set Vtop's input signals
    int cntNum = 100000;
    top->clk = 0;
    int i = 0;
    struct timeval StartTime;
    struct timeval EndTime;
    double TimeUse=0;

    gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);

    // Simulate until $finish
    while (!contextp->gotFinish()) {
        // Historical note, before Verilator 4.200 Verilated::gotFinish()
        // was used above in place of contextp->gotFinish().
        // Most of the contextp-> calls can use Verilated:: calls instead;
        // the Verilated:: versions simply assume there's a single context
        // being used (per thread).  It's faster and clearer to use the
        // newer contextp-> versions.

        contextp->timeInc(1);  // 1 timeprecision period passes...
        // Historical note, before Verilator 4.200 a sc_time_stamp()
        // function was required instead of using timeInc.  Once timeInc()
        // is called (with non-zero), the Verilated libraries assume the
        // new API, and sc_time_stamp() will no longer work.

        // Toggle a fast (time/2 period) clock
        top->clk = !top->clk;

        // Toggle control signals on an edge that doesn't correspond
        // to where the controls are sampled; in this example we do
        // this only on a negedge of clk, because we know
        // reset is not sampled there.
        //if (!top->clk) {
        //    if (contextp->time() > 1 && contextp->time() < 10) {
        //        top->reset_l = !1;  // Assert reset
        //    } else {
        //        top->reset_l = !0;  // Deassert reset
        //    }
        //    // Assign some other inputs
        //    top->in_quad += 0x12;

        // Evaluate model
        // (If you have multiple models being simulated in the same
        // timestep then instead of eval(), call eval_step() on each, then
        // eval_end_step() on each. See the manual.)
        if (i > cntNum)
        if ( (i % 1000) == 0) {
            std::cout << i << " cycles have run" << std::endl;
        // Read outputs
        //VL_PRINTF("[%" VL_PRI64 "d] clk=%x rstl=%x iquad=%" VL_PRI64 "x"
        //          " -> oquad=%" VL_PRI64 "x owide=%x_%08x_%08x\n",
        //          contextp->time(), top->clk, top->reset_l, top->in_quad, top->out_quad,
        //          top->out_wide[2], top->out_wide[1], top->out_wide[0]);
    gettimeofday(&EndTime, NULL);
    TimeUse = 1000000*(EndTime.tv_sec-StartTime.tv_sec)+EndTime.tv_usec-StartTime.tv_usec;
    std::cout << "The time was: " <<  (double)(TimeUse / 1000000) << "s"<< std::endl;
    // Final model cleanup

    // Coverage analysis (calling write only after the test is known to pass)

    // Return good completion status
    // Don't use exit() or destructor won't get called
    return 0;


-Info: /home/s/shenzhou/xuantie_test/openc910/smart_run/logical/tb/tb_verilator.v:371: $dumpvar ignored, as Verilated without --trace
	********* Init Program *********
	********* Wipe memory to 0 *********
	********* Read program *********
%Warning: inst.pat:0: $readmem file not found
%Warning: data.pat:0: $readmem file not found
	********* Load program to memory *********
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100000 cycles have run
The time was: 10.9586s



git pull


git tag




Verilator 5.005 devel rev v5.004-58-g5fce23e90


verilator --no-timing --timescale 1ns/100fs -Os -x-assign 0 --threads 4 -Wno-fatal  --cc --exe --top-module top ../vrlt_cfg.vlt -f ../logical/filelists/sim_verilator.fl ../logical/tb/sim_main1.cpp


split_var -module "ct_ifu_ipctrl" -var "missigned_bry_vld"
split_var -module "ct_idu_dep_reg_src2_entry" -var "x_read_data"
split_var -module "ct_l2c_data" -var "data_ram_cen"
split_var -module "ct_cp0_regs" -var "local_icg_en"
split_var -module "plic_hreg_busif" -var "hart_int_cmplt_vld_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_hreg_busif" -var "hart_int_claim_vld_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_hreg_busif" -var "mie_lst_read_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_hreg_busif" -var "sie_lst_read_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_32to1_arb" -var "tmp_sel_out"
split_var -module "plic_kid_busif" -var "prio_lst_read_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_granu_arb" -var "tmp_out"
split_var -module "plic_hreg_busif" -var "hart_claim_read_data_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_hreg_busif" -var "hart_ict_read_data_tmp"
split_var -module "csky_apb_1tox_matrix" -var "slv_pready_data_pre"
split_var -module "csky_apb_1tox_matrix" -var "slv_pready_pslverr_pre"
split_var -module "plic_kid_busif" -var "ip_read_data_tmp"
split_var -module "plic_granu_arb" -var "tmp_pos_out"
split_var -module "ct_idu_rf_pipe0_decd" -var "decd_imm_sel"
split_var -module "ct_idu_rf_pipe1_decd" -var "decd_imm_sel"
split_var -module "ct_idu_rf_prf_eregfile" -var "fesr_acc_with_fcr"
split_var -module "ct_idu_id_decd" -var "decd_sel"
split_var -module "ct_iu_bju_pcfifo" -var "pcfifo_pop2_bypass_sel"
split_var -module "ct_iu_bju_pcfifo" -var "pcfifo_pop1_bypass_sel"
split_var -module "ct_iu_bju_pcfifo" -var "pcfifo_pop0_bypass_sel"


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100000 cycles have run
The time was: 13.2089s

