

More and more people buy a wide range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?





During the hot summer days, we keep cool with the companion of air-conditioners; when we want to do our laundry, we turn to the washing machine in the corner; if we feel bored, we can turn on the wide screen HD super thin TV in the living room, and the list can go on and on. Nowadays we turn to bring home increasing number of household electronic appliances. From my point of view, this trend indicates both positive and negative development.(本段作者我避免模版,从三样典型家电切入引出话题。)

2、主体#1 段

On the one hand, more household goods provide us modern earth inhabitants with more convenience and comfort. In the past, we have to cook meal with coal or wood, which is quite complex and time-consuming, while right now we can use microwave oven and rice cooker to prepare delicious food in no time and with least effort. What we need to do is just put the raw food ingredients in the container and switch on the power button of the electronic kitchenware. Besides, just about 5 years ago, we still have to sweep the floor with broom, nevertheless we have floor cleaning robot to do the tidious job for us. Hence modern household consumer commodities like the ones mentioned above really help to liberate us from repetitive housework and at the same time offer us more leisure and welfare. (本段正面讨论家电的优势。)


Despite the benefits household appliances present to us modern global villagers, some people argue that too many electronic gadgets translate into more downsides than upsides. For instance, we used to wash the dishes with our own hands, yet now we can hand the tough and dirty job to the dishwasher. Superficially this is rather positive in terms of lessen the burden of the housewives or househusbands, it actually very energy inefficient, creat huge amount of greenhouse gases and cause a lot of harm to the eco-system we rely on so heavily for a healthy life style. On top of that, apart from the ridiculous high bills we have to pay for those electronic appliances, when our life is packed with a variety of media novelties such as home movie screening system, video players, iPad, computer game player like Xbox of the Microsoft company, we tend to get addicted to them and ignor our study, work and workout commitment. Therefore, all these downsides of more than enough household gadgets call for our serious rethinking to invite them to our life. (本段从反面论证过多家电的弊端。论证时采用了对比对照和举例说明的方式。其中游戏机的例子我不太确定是不是微软的产品,但在考试作文中引用应该问题不大,因为这不是要求信息准确的新闻报道。不过在修改稿中我会去百度一下相关信息,作为一项知识积累在以后备用。)


In conclusion, the availability of greater number of household items brings about both advantages and disadvantages for our modern people, which is like a double-edged sword in our life. It makes senses that we give full play to the strengthes of them, such as time-saving, convenience and labor-efficiency, while at the same time guard against its weaknesses like large carbon footprint, high cost and unhealthy psychological obsession. (本段总结全文,得出结论。)
