(转)Silverlight Tips of the Day - Summary Outline

原文: http://blogs.silverlight.net/blogs/msnow/archive/2009/01/02/silverlight-tips-of-the-day-summary-outline.aspx?CommentPosted=true

The purpose of this post is to create an outline summary all the blogs from my Silverlight Tips of the Day blog. Hopefully this will be easier than paging through multiple pages of blogs to find what you need. I will be keeping this list up-to-date as I add more blogs so feel free to bookmark this page!

Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for other tips don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or post a comments to this blog. 

In Order by Category.


  • Tip #78 - Animating Objects with DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
  • Tip #76 - Animating objects with DoubleAnimation.
  • Tip #30 - Fast Sprite Animation in Silverlight
  • Tip #17 - How to Animate a Rotating Image
  • Tip #16 - StoryBoard versus DispatcherTimer for Animation and Game Loops.
  • Tip #5 - Timers and the Main Game Loop


  • Tip #106 - Setting Default Browser from within VS
  • Tip #81 - How to Scale your Silverlight Control
  • Tip #79 - How to Disable HTML DOM Access from your Silverlight Application.
  • Tip #63 - How to Monitor HTTP Traffic for Errors
  • Tip #56 - Accessing the HTML DOM from Silverlight.
  • Tip #41 - Using Bookmarks in your Silverlight Application
  • Tip #34 - How to Center your Silverlight Application in your Browser
  • Tip #33 - How to Scale your entire App and its Elements to your Browsers Size
  • Tip #18 - How to Set Browser Cookies.
  • Tip #15 - Communicating between JavaScript & Silverlight
  • Tip #9 - How to Capture the Size of your Browser when it is Resized.


  • Tip #100 - ComponentArt Controls
  • Tip #95 - Working with Strokes in Shapes
  • Tip #84 - How to Dynamically Load a Control from a DLL
  • Tip #80 - How to Crop an Object
  • Tip #72 - How to call Page.xaml.cs from App.xaml.cs
  • Tip #62 - How to Create a Hyperlink
  • Tip #61 - How to Create a Tooltip
  • Tip #60 - How to load a XAML Control From a File or String
  • Tip #57 - How to Dynamically Load a Silverlight Control within another Silverlight Control
  • Tip #53 - MessageBox is now Available in Silverlight 2
  • Tip #52 - How to Popup a Browser Window
  • Tip #51 - How to Enable and Disable Controls
  • Tip #49 - How to Implement a Progress Bar
  • Tip #48 - How to Implement a Combobox
  • Tip #47 - How to Implement a Password Box
  • Tip #39 - How to Create a Zoom Toolbar
  • Tip #37 - How to Dynamically Load and Display Silverlight Applications
  • Tip #32 - How to Declare a Custom User Control from a XAML Page.
  • Tip #29 - Creating a Transparent, Draggable Dialog with Rounded Corners
  • Tip #24 - How to Apply a XAML Template to a Class
  • Tip #11 - How to make your Silverlight Control Transparent.


  • Tip #94 - Reading XML through LINQ with Silverlight
  • Tip #93 - Reading XML with Silverlight
  • Tip #70 - Data Collection Support in Silverlight


  • Tip #96 - The meaning of AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE


  • Tip #74 - Monitoring for App.Current Events - Startup, UnhandledException & Exit.

Game Development

  • Tip #105 - How to Enable GPU Acceleration
  • Tip #103 - Use Integers for Layout Calculations
  • Tip #99 - Silverlight 3 Game Programming Book
  • Tip #50 - Main Game Loop Revisited!
  • Tip #43 - Making it Snow in Silverlight
  • Tip #35 - Full Screen Mode Implementation
  • Tip #4 - Building the Game Interface Using the Grid Control.
  • Silverlight Terrain Tutorial Part 3 - Creating Smooth Tile Transitions using Opacity Masks
  • Silverlight Terrain Tutorial Part 2 – Using Transform Matrices to Create 3D Looking Terrain.
  • Terrain Tutorial Part 1 – Creating a Scrolling Map


  • Tip #102 - Bypassing the Image Cache
  • Tip #97 - How to get an Image’s Source File Name
  • Tip #92 - How to Load Images from a Stream
  • Tip #88 - How to handle image AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR errors
  • Tip #86 - How to Load External Images
  • Tip #13 - How to Get an Images Dimensions in Silverlight.
  • Tip #10 - How to Dynamically Load and Display Images
  • Tip #7 - Creating Transparent PNG files for Silverlight

Isolated Storage

  • Tip #20 - How to Increase your Isolated Storage Quota.
  • Tip #19 - Using Isolated Storage

Mouse and Keyboard

  • Tip #82 - How to Implement Double Click
  • Tip #65 - Adding a Mouse Wheel Event Listener to your Controls
  • Tip #31 - How to Detect Alt, Shift, Control, Windows and Apple keys with Left Mouse Down in Silverlight
  • Tip #28 - How to Implement a Custom Mouse Cursor
  • Tip #27 - How to Change the Mouse Cursor
  • Tip #23 - How to Capture the Mouse Wheel Event
  • Tip #14 - How to Right Click on a Silverlight Application.
  • Tip #6 - Monitoring for Keyboard and Mouse Events.


  • Tip #12 - Full Implementation of a Silverlight Policy Server. 


  • Tip #67 - Silverlight Performance Tips
  • Tip #40 - 1.05 != 1.05 - Peril with Floating Point Comparisons.

Project and Tools

  • Tip #98 - Creating Sprites from 3D Models – EnvyGames
  • Tip #91 - How to Apply Themes from the Silverlight Toolkit
  • Tip #90 - How to Edit your CSPROJ File from VS
  • Tip #87 - How to Change the Startup Class
  • Tip #71 - New Silverlight 2 Web Site Clean Up Check List
  • Tip #66 - How to copy XAML for Silverlight from Expression Designer
  • Tip #54 - How to Develop with Silverlight Tools for Free
  • Tip #26 - How to Change the Output XAP File Name.
  • Tip #25 - How to Build the XAP File to the Debug/Release Folders
  • Tip #2 - Creating a Silverlight Application Project with Visual Studio 2008
  • Tip #1 - Setup and Installation of Silverlight and Silverlight Tools


  • Tip #104 - Cool Silverlight Tutorial Blogs
  • Tip #101 - Silverlight 3 Beta 1 Feature Summary
  • Tip #85 - How to Save $$ on the Silverlight MIX Conference
  • Tip #83 - Go to Mix09
  • Tip #75 - Where to get the Localized Languages of Silverlight 2 Tools
  • Tip #69 - Silverlight 2 Developer Reference
  • Tip #68 - Great Silverlight Sessions to Watch from PDC 2008
  • Tip #38 - How to Customize the Silverlight Install Experience
  • Tip #8 - Silverlight Blogs and Resources
  • Tip #3 - Silverlight Game Support, Limitations and Workarounds

 Sound and Video

  • Tip #22 - How to add Sound Effects, Music and Video to your Silverlight App.


  • Tip #55 - How to Apply Styles in Silverlight – Part I


  • Tip #89 - How to use String Resources
  • Tip #58 - Text Wrapping and Line Breaks in TextBlocks
  • Tip #46 - Font Support in Silverlight
  • Tip #45 - Text Formatting with the TextBlock control
  • Tip #36 - How to Create Reflections and Shadows for Images and Text.


  • Tip #73 - Threading in Silverlight


  • Tip #77 - Creating an Efficient Random Generator

 Web Service

  • Tip #64 - Deploying a Silverlight Application with a Web Service
  • Tip #44 - Silverlight-enabled WCF Services versus ASMX Web Services
  • Tip #42 - How to Create a Web Service for your Silverlight App


  • Tip #59 - How to Display Special Characters in XAML
  • Tip #21 - How to work with Shapes, Brushes and Gradients

In order by Tip #.

  • Tip #106 - Setting Default Browser from within VS
  • Tip #105 - How to Enable GPU Acceleration
  • Tip #104 - Cool Silverlight Tutorial Blogs
  • Tip #103 - Use Integers for Layout Calculations
  • Tip #102 - Bypassing the Image Cache
  • Tip #101 - Silverlight 3 Beta 1 Feature Summary
  • Tip #100 - ComponentArt Controls
  • Tip #99 - Silverlight 3 Game Programming Book
  • Tip #98 - Creating Sprites from 3D Models – EnvyGames
  • Tip #97 - How to get an Image’s Source File Name
  • Tip #96 - The meaning of AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE
  • Tip #95 - Working with Strokes in Shapes
  • Tip #94 - Reading XML through LINQ with Silverlight
  • Tip #93 - Reading XML with Silverlight
  • Tip #92 - How to Load Images from a Stream
  • Tip #91 - How to Apply Themes from the Silverlight Toolkit
  • Tip #90 - How to Edit your CSPROJ File from VS
  • Tip #89 - How to use String Resources
  • Tip #88 - How to handle image AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR errors
  • Tip #87 - How to Change the Startup Class
  • Tip #86 - How to Load External Images
  • Tip #85 - How to Save $$ on the Silverlight MIX Conference
  • Tip #84 - How to Dynamically Load a Control from a DLL
  • Tip #83 - Go to Mix09
  • Tip #82 - How to Implement Double Click
  • Tip #81 - How to Scale your Silverlight Control
  • Tip #80 - How to Crop an Object
  • Tip #79 - How to Disable HTML DOM Access from your Silverlight Application.
  • Tip #78 - Animating Objects with DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
  • Tip #77 - Creating an Efficient Random Generator
  • Tip #76 - Animating objects with DoubleAnimation.
  • Tip #75 - Where to get the Localized Languages of Silverlight 2 Tools
  • Tip #74 - Monitoring for App.Current Events - Startup, UnhandledException & Exit.
  • Tip #72 - How to call Page.xaml.cs from App.xaml.cs
  • Tip #73 - Threading in Silverlight
  • Tip #71 - New Silverlight 2 Web Site Clean Up Check List
  • Tip #70 - Data Collection Support in Silverlight
  • Tip #69 - Silverlight 2 Developer Reference
  • Tip #68 - Great Silverlight Sessions to Watch from PDC 2008
  • Tip #67 - Silverlight Performance Tips
  • Tip #66 - How to copy XAML for Silverlight from Expression Designer
  • Tip #65 - Adding a Mouse Wheel Event Listener to your Controls
  • Tip #64 - Deploying a Silverlight Application with a Web Service
  • Tip #63 - How to Monitor HTTP Traffic for Errors
  • Tip #62 - How to Create a Hyperlink
  • Tip #61 - How to Create a Tooltip
  • Tip #60 - How to load a XAML Control From a File or String
  • Tip #59 - How to Display Special Characters in XAML
  • Tip #58 - Text Wrapping and Line Breaks in TextBlocks
  • Tip #57 - How to Dynamically Load a Silverlight Control within another Silverlight Control
  • Tip #56 - Accessing the HTML DOM from Silverlight.
  • Tip #55 - How to Apply Styles in Silverlight – Part I
  • Tip #54 - How to Develop with Silverlight Tools for Free
  • Tip #53 - MessageBox is now Available in Silverlight 2
  • Tip #52 - How to Popup a Browser Window
  • Tip #51 - How to Enable and Disable Controls
  • Tip #50 - Main Game Loop Revisited!
  • Tip #49 - How to Implement a Progress Bar
  • Tip #48 - How to Implement a Combobox
  • Tip #47 - How to Implement a Password Box
  • Tip #46 - Font Support in Silverlight
  • Tip #45 - Text Formatting with the TextBlock control
  • Tip #44 - Silverlight-enabled WCF Services versus ASMX Web Services
  • Tip #43 - Making it Snow in Silverlight
  • Tip #42 - How to Create a Web Service for your Silverlight App
  • Tip #41 - Using Bookmarks in your Silverlight Application
  • Tip #40 - 1.05 != 1.05 - Peril with Floating Point Comparisons.
  • Tip #39 - How to Create a Zoom Toolbar
  • Tip #38 - How to Customize the Silverlight Install Experience
  • Tip #37 - How to Dynamically Load and Display Silverlight Applications
  • Tip #36 – How to Create Reflections and Shadows for Images and Text.
  • Tip #35 - Full Screen Mode Implementation
  • Tip #34 - How to Center your Silverlight Application in your Browser
  • Tip #33 - How to Scale your entire App and its Elements to your Browsers Size
  • Tip #32 - How to Declare a Custom User Control from a XAML Page.
  • Tip #31 - How to Detect Alt, Shift, Control, Windows and Apple keys with Left Mouse Down in Silverlight
  • Tip #30 - Fast Sprite Animation in Silverlight
  • Tip #29 - Creating a Transparent, Draggable Dialog with Rounded Corners
  • Tip #28 - How to Implement a Custom Mouse Cursor
  • Tip #27 - How to Change the Mouse Cursor
  • Tip #26 - How to Change the Output XAP File Name.
  • Tip #25 - How to Build the XAP File to the Debug/Release Folders
  • Tip #24 - How to Apply a XAML Template to a Class
  • Tip #23 - How to Capture the Mouse Wheel Event
  • Tip #22 - How to add Sound Effects, Music and Video to your Silverlight App.
  • Tip #21 - How to work with Shapes, Brushes and Gradients
  • Tip #20 - How to Increase your Isolated Storage Quota.
  • Tip #19 - Using Isolated Storage
  • Tip #18 - How to Set Browser Cookies.
  • Tip #17 - How to Animate a Rotating Image
  • Tip #16 - StoryBoard versus DispatcherTimer for Animation and Game Loops.
  • Tip #15 - Communicating between JavaScript & Silverlight
  • Tip #14 - How to Right Click on a Silverlight Application.
  • Tip #13 - How to Get an Images Dimensions in Silverlight.
  • Tip #12 - Full Implementation of a Silverlight Policy Server.
  • Tip #11 - How to make your Silverlight Control Transparent.
  • Tip #10 - How to Dynamically Load and Display Images
  • Tip #9 - How to Capture the Size of your Browser when it is Resized.
  • Tip #8 - Silverlight Blogs and Resources
  • Tip #7 - Creating Transparent PNG files for Silverlight
  • Tip #6 - Monitoring for Keyboard and Mouse Events.
  • Tip #5 - Timers and the Main Game Loop
  • Tip #4 - Building the Game Interface Using the Grid Control.
  • Tip #3 - Silverlight Game Support, Limitations and Workarounds
  • Tip #2 - Creating a Silverlight Application Project with Visual Studio 2008
  • Tip #1 - Setup and Installation of Silverlight and Silverlight Tools


  • Silverlight Terrain Tutorial Part 3 - Creating Smooth Tile Transitions using Opacity Masks
  • Silverlight Terrain Tutorial Part 2 – Using Transform Matrices to Create 3D Looking Terrain.
  • Terrain Tutorial Part 1 – Creating a Scrolling Map

