This blog entry describes how to take an existing custom XML connector to the Search service application, modify the connector to submit security ACLs as claims, install and deploy for SharePoint 2013 and test it. Using this blog post, you can index external sources with its security model within SharePoint itself. Keep reading and we will show you how.
Claims have the potential to simplify authentication logic for external contents in SharePoint 2013. Claims-based identity enables applications to know a few facts about the user's permission to view content. Thus, we can render legacy or different security models into custom claims in SharePoint 2013.
Modifying the XML Connector to send ACL information as claims should be helpful to demonstrate how to "light up" external content in search results, i.e. be able to search securely in any content.
With this XML Connector as a starting point, we need to modify the connector code as it does not send security claims with its document submissions.
The next two sub-sections are "greatly copied" from Anders Fagerhaug's blog post. A huge thank-you and many kudos goes out to him for producing a great starting point for a wonderful custom connector!
When the custom XML connector crawls content, the crawled properties discovered during crawl will have to be added to a crawled property category. You need to create this category. Note: The user that performs this operation has to be an administrator for the Search service application.
$c = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCategory -SearchApplication $searchapp -Identity "<ConnectorName>"
$c.DiscoverNewProperties = $true
where <ConnectorName> is the name you want to give the custom XML connector, for example Custom XML Connector.
To specify what, when and how the XML content should be crawled, you have to create a new content source for your XML content. Note: The user that performs this operation has to be an administrator for the Search service application.
The CustomSecurityConnector folder given with the ZIP archive contains Product.xml, which is a sample of a small product catalog.
It is useful to create a crawl rule if we want to do post-Security trimming for these documents.
<!-- -->
<!-- Product -->
<!-- -->
Finally, start a full crawl of the newly created content source. Then select "View Crawl Logs" when the content source status goes back to the Idle status again. You should see 11 items successfully crawled.
First, we need to change the Model.xml of the connector. To enable sending claims in the connector, we need to submit a binary security descriptor, a boolean to say that we will be providing our own type of security and finally an optional string field (docaclmeta).
Essentially, we need to notify the connector framework of our security field type descriptors plus set a few properties to enable this in the model.
Let's start with the TypeDescriptors first. For every item that we wish to enforce custom security on, we have to set the type descriptors for the following fields:
In the model file itself, the added lines for TypeDescriptors are encapsulated by the XML comments for Claims Security, part 1/2, like this:
<Parameter Name="Return" Direction="Return"> <TypeDescriptor Name="Return" TypeName=... > <TypeDescriptors> <TypeDescriptor Name="Documents" TypeName=...> <TypeDescriptors> <TypeDescriptor Name="Item" TypeName=...> <TypeDescriptors> ... ... <!-- Claims Security Start, part 1/2 --> <TypeDescriptor Name="UsesPluggableAuth" TypeName="System.Boolean" /> <TypeDescriptor Name="SecurityDescriptor" TypeName="System.Byte[]" IsCollection="true"> <TypeDescriptors> <TypeDescriptor Name="Item" TypeName="System.Byte" /> </TypeDescriptors> </TypeDescriptor> <TypeDescriptor Name="docaclmeta" TypeName="System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" /> <!-- Claims Security End , part 1/2 --> ... ...
We are almost done with the model file. The only thing we have left is to supply the field names for the UsesPluggableAuthentication, WindowsSecurityDescriptorField and the DocaclmetaField, like this:
<MethodInstances> <Association Name="GetAllDocuments_Instance" Type="AssociationNavigator" ReturnParameterName="Return" ReturnTypeDescriptorPath="Return.Documents"> <Properties> ... ... <!-- Claims Security Start, part 2/2 --> <Property Name="UsesPluggableAuthentication" Type="System.String">UsesPluggableAuth</Property> <Property Name="WindowsSecurityDescriptorField" Type="System.String">SecurityDescriptor</Property> <Property Name="DocaclmetaField" Type="System.String">docaclmeta</Property> <!-- Claims Security End , part 2/2 --> ... ...
We need to modify the corresponding C# code for the objects (i.e. documents) that the connector will submit with custom security ACLs. We have to adjust the Document class with the same fields as specified in the Model.xml:
Thus, we added these three properties in the Entities.cs file as shown next:
public class Document { private DateTime lastModifiedTime = DateTime.Now; public string Title { get; set; } public string DocumentID { get; set; } public string Url { get; set; } public DateTime LastModifiedTime { get { return this.lastModifiedTime; } set { this.lastModifiedTime = value; } } public DocumentProperty[] DocumentProperties { get; set; } // Security Begin public Byte[] SecurityDescriptor { get; set; } public Boolean UsesPluggableAuth { get; set; } public string docaclmeta { get; set; } // Security End }
Finally, we need to modify the connector code to get the input data for the security data, translate this into a corresponding byte array of claims and set the proper field values of the Document class.
Key points to note:
We modified the input XML from the original connector, adding the claimtype, claimvalue, claimissuer and claimaclmeta field to the input:
<!-- -->
<!-- Product -->
<!-- -->
<Title>Adventure Works Laptop15.4W M1548 White</Title>
<About>Laptop with ... </About>
<Brand>Adventure Works</Brand>
<!-- Security Begin -->
<!-- Security End -->
With this sample input in XML, we have to modify the connector to pick up these extra XML tags.
We will create a GetXml method for this. For instance, we could illustrate one GetXml method where
var claimType = GetXml(documentAclClaimTypeElmName, "", elm); var claimValue = GetXml(documentAclClaimValueElmName, "user1", elm); var claimIssuer = GetXml(documentAclClaimIssuerElmName, "windows", elm); var docAclMeta = GetXml(documentAclMetaElmName, null, elm);
With these variables properly filled out from the XML data, we need a method to transform these variables into a claims byte array. We will call this method GetSecurityAcl:
private static byte[] GetSecurityAcl( string claimtype, string claimvalue, string claimissuer) { Byte[] spAcl = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimtype) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimvalue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimissuer)) { using (var aclStream = new MemoryStream()) { var dest = new BinaryWriter(aclStream); AddClaimAcl(dest, false, claimtype, claimvalue, claimissuer); dest.Flush(); spAcl = aclStream.ToArray(); } } return spAcl; }
We need a method AddClaimAcl to add an encoded claim to a given byte stream:
private static void AddClaimAcl( BinaryWriter dest, bool isDeny, string claimtype, string claimvalue, string claimissuer) { const string datatype = @""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimvalue)) { return; } dest.Write(isDeny ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); // Allow = 0, Deny = 1 dest.Write((byte)1); // Indicate that this is a non-NT claim type // // Claim Value // dest.Write((Int32)claimvalue.Length); dest.Write(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(claimvalue)); // // Claim Type // dest.Write((Int32)claimtype.Length); dest.Write(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(claimtype)); // // Claim Data Value Type // dest.Write((Int32)datatype.Length); dest.Write(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(datatype)); // // Claim Original Issuer // dest.Write((Int32)claimissuer.Length); dest.Write(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(claimissuer)); }
Now we have all our variables filled out. Next, we will set the properties of the Document class using these variables:
var security = GetSecurityAcl(claimType, claimValue, claimIssuer); var doc = new Document { DocumentID = id, LastModifiedTime = fileModifiedTime, UsesPluggableAuth = security != null, SecurityDescriptor = security, docaclmeta = docAclMeta }; docs.Add(doc);
That is really it. The connector will read the XML security information, encode the claims and supply the optional docaclmeta field before sending this to the SharePoint 2013 indexing backend.
The next blog post will outline how to write a custom pre-security trimmer to unlock these documents for users who are entitled to view it.
Author: Sveinar Rasmussen (sveinar)
A huge thank-you goes out to Anders Fagerhaug (andersfa) and Armen Kirakosyan (armenk) for the original Custom XML Connector blog entry.