在RNAseq 等二代测序数据的分析中,总会遇到各种各样的基因表达单位:RPM, RPKM, FPKM, TPM, TMM, DESeq, SCnorm, GeTMM, ComBat-Seq 和 Raw Reads Counts等(就像长度单位厘米)。Expression units 提供了基因或转录本等相对丰度的数学度量。大多数时候很难理解这些Expression units怎么从Raw count算来的。
RPM:Reads per million mapped reads ;CPM: Counts per million mapped reads
R P M o r C P M = R e a d s N u m b e r o f a G e n e × 1 0 6 T o t a l n u m b e r o f M a p p e d R e a d s RPM or CPM = \frac{Reads\,Number\,of\,a\,Gene\times 10^6}{Total\,number\,of\,Mapped\, Reads } RPMorCPM=TotalnumberofMappedReadsReadsNumberofaGene×106
比如: 测 5 Million(M) reads 的库,其中 4 M 比对到基因组上并且5000 Reads 匹配到某基因。此时RPM or CPM: 5000 × 1 0 6 4 × 1 0 6 = 1250 \frac{5000 \times 10^6} {4 \times 10^6} = 1250 4×1065000×106=1250
from bioinfokit.analys import norm, get_data
# 载入甘蔗的RNAseq原始基因表达矩阵(Bedre et al.,2019)
df = get_data('sc_exp').data
# 输出
gene ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3 length
0 Sobic.001G000200 338 324 246 291 202 168 1982.0
1 Sobic.001G000400 49 21 53 16 16 11 4769.0
# 矩阵中有长度这一列,先删掉
df = df.drop(['length'], axis=1)
# 将gene列作为索引列
df = df.set_index('gene')
# 输出
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 338 324 246 291 202 168
Sobic.001G000400 49 21 53 16 16 11
# now, normalize raw counts using CPM method
nm = norm()
# get CPM normalized dataframe
cpm_df = nm.cpm_norm
# 输出
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 100.695004 101.731189 74.721094 92.633828 74.270713 95.314714
Sobic.001G000400 14.597796 6.593688 16.098447 5.093269 5.882829 6.240844
R P K M = R e a d s N u m b e r o f g e n e × 1 0 3 × 1 0 6 T o t a l n u m b e r o f M a p p e d R e a d s × g e n e l e n g t h i n b p RPKM = \frac{Reads\,Number\,of gene \times10^3\times10^6}{Total\,number\,of\,Mapped\, Reads \times gene\,length\,in\,bp} RPKM=TotalnumberofMappedReads×genelengthinbpReadsNumberofgene×103×106
1 0 3 10^3 103对基因长度normalize, 1 0 6 10^6 106针对测序深度的因素,RPKM 单端
FPKM (Fragments per kilo base per million mapped reads) 与RPKM 类似,针对双端测序数据,在双端测序中,(左右)两条Reads来自同一个DNA Fragment,双端数据做比对时,一个Fragment中的两条Reads 或者只有一个高质量的Reads可以比对到参考基因组上。为了避免混淆和重复计数,对两个或单个Reads比对上的Fragment进行Count,并用于FPKM计算。
测了一个5 Million(M) Reads 的库,其中,共 4 M 比对到基因组上,并且5000 Reads 匹配到某基因,该基因长度为2000bp。那么,RPKM的计算方式为: 5000 × 1 0 3 × 1 0 6 4 × 1 0 6 × 2000 = 625 \frac{5000 \times10^3\times 10^6} {4 \times 10^6\times2000} = 625 4×106×20005000×103×106=625
Tips: RPKM/FPKM不代表相对RNA摩尔浓度(rmc)的真值,由于每个样本的总标准化计数将不同,此方法倾向应用于差异表达基因的鉴定。建议使用TPM作为RPKM的替代方法。
# 还是前面的数据
# output
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3 length
Sobic.001G000200 338 324 246 291 202 168 1982.0
Sobic.001G000400 49 21 53 16 16 11 4769.0
# now, normalize raw counts using RPKM method
# gene的长度单位必须是bp
nm = norm()
nm.rpkm(df=df, gl='length')
# get RPKM normalized dataframe
rpkm_df = nm.rpkm_norm
# output
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 50.804745 51.327542 37.699846 46.737552 37.472610 48.090169
Sobic.001G000400 3.060976 1.382614 3.375644 1.067995 1.233556 1.308627
PS:…有人认为RPKM/FPKM 没有意义,不是很合理,简书上黄树嘉 的文章做了总结……
T P M = A ∑ A × 1 0 6 TPM = \frac{A}{\sum A} \times 10^6 TPM=∑AA×106
W h e r e A = R e a d s N u m b e r o f g e n e × 1 0 3 g e n e l e n g t h i n b p Where A = \frac{Reads\,Number\,of\,gene\times10^3}{gene\,length\,in\,bp} WhereA=genelengthinbpReadsNumberofgene×103
T P M = R P K M ∑ R P K M × 1 0 6 TPM = \frac{RPKM}{\sum RPKM} \times10^6 TPM=∑RPKMRPKM×106
# 接前面
nm.tpm(df=df, gl='length')
# get TPM normalized dataframe
tpm_df = nm.tpm_norm
# output
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 99.730156 97.641941 72.361658 89.606265 69.447237 90.643338
Sobic.001G000400 6.008723 2.630189 6.479263 2.047584 2.286125 2.466582
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def read_counts2tpm(df, sample_name):
convert read counts to TPM (transcripts per million)
:param df: a dataFrame contains the result coming from featureCounts
:param sample_name: a list, all sample names, same as the result of featureCounts
:return: TPM
result = df
sample_reads = result.loc[:, sample_name].copy()
gene_len = result.loc[:, ['Length']]
rate = sample_reads.values / gene_len.values
tpm = rate / np.sum(rate, axis=0).reshape(1, -1) * 1e6
return pd.DataFrame(data=tpm, columns=sample_name, index=df['Gene'])
def read_counts2rpkm(df, sample_name):
result = df
sample_reads = result.loc[:, sample_name].copy()
gene_len = result.loc[:, ['Length']]
total_reads = np.sum(sample_reads.values, axis=0).reshape(1, -1)
rate = sample_reads.values / gene_len.values
tpm = rate / total_reads * 1e6
return pd.DataFrame(data=tpm, columns=sample_name, index=df['Gene'])
# raw data
a = pd.DataFrame(data = {
'Gene': ("A","B","C","D","E"),
'Length': (100, 50, 25, 5, 1),
'S1': (80, 10, 6, 3, 1),
'S2': (20, 20, 10, 50, 400)
tpm = read_counts2tpm(a, ['S1', 'S2'])
rpkm = read_counts2rpkm(df=a, sample_name=['S1', 'S2'])
Gene S1 S2
A 281690.140845 486.618005
B 70422.535211 973.236010
C 84507.042254 973.236010
D 211267.605634 24330.900243
E 352112.676056 973236.009732
Gene S1 S2
A 8000.0 400.0
B 2000.0 800.0
C 2400.0 800.0
D 6000.0 20000.0
E 10000.0 800000.0
b = pd.DataFrame(data = {
'RPKM_col_sum': (rpkm['S1'].sum(),
'TPM_col_sum': (tpm['S1'].sum(),
# 比较就可以发现TPM的优势,每个样本总的TPM值是相同的,这样的结果便于样本间差异的比较
RPKM_col_sum TPM_col_sum
0 28400.0 1000000.0
1 822000.0 1000000.0
# load library
x <- read.csv("https://reneshbedre.github.io/assets/posts/gexp/df_sc.csv",row.names="gene")
# delete last column (gene length column)
x <- x[,-7]
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 338 324 246 291 202 168
Sobic.001G000400 49 21 53 16 16 11
Sobic.001G000700 39 49 30 46 52 25
Sobic.001G000800 530 530 499 499 386 264
Sobic.001G001000 12 3 4 3 10 7
Sobic.001G001132 4 2 2 3 4 1
group <- factor(c('c','c', 'c', 't', 't', 't'))
y <- DGEList(counts=x, group=group)
# normalize for library size by cacluating scaling factor using TMM (default method)
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
# normalization factors for each library
group lib.size norm.factors
ctr1 c 3357347 1.0290290
ctr2 c 3185467 0.9918449
ctr3 c 3292872 1.0479952
trt1 t 3141934 0.9651681
trt2 t 2720231 0.9819187
trt3 t 1762881 0.9864858
# count per million read (normalized count)
norm_counts <- cpm(y)
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 97.860339 102.5561297 71.3023988 95.9799323 75.634827 96.6223700
Sobic.001G000400 14.186854 6.6471566 15.3618989 5.2772471 5.990877 6.3264647
Sobic.001G000700 11.291578 15.5100320 8.6954145 15.1720855 19.470352 14.3783289
Sobic.001G000800 153.449643 167.7615701 144.6337277 164.5841451 144.529917 151.8351528
Sobic.001G001000 3.474332 0.9495938 1.1593886 0.9894838 3.744298 4.0259321
Sobic.001G001132 1.158111 0.6330625 0.5796943 0.9894838 1.497719 0.5751332
Note: 使用 DESeq2 进行分析的时候,需要整数形式的数据作为输入。如果用RSEM(RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization),建议使用
执行接下来的基因表达水平分析。此外,也可以使用 RSEM 的近似整数矩阵,但会失去tximport
x <-read.csv("https://reneshbedre.github.io/assets/posts/gexp/df_sc.csv",row.names="gene")
cond <- read.csv("https://reneshbedre.github.io/assets/posts/gexp/condition.csv",row.names="sample")
cond$condition <- factor(cond$condition)
x <- x[, rownames(cond)]
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 338 324 246 291 202 168
Sobic.001G000400 49 21 53 16 16 11
Sobic.001G000700 39 49 30 46 52 25
Sobic.001G000800 530 530 499 499 386 264
Sobic.001G001000 12 3 4 3 10 7
Sobic.001G001132 4 2 2 3 4 1
# get dds
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = x, colData = cond, design = ~ condition)
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
# DESeq2 normalization counts
y <- counts(dds, normalized = TRUE)
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2
Sobic.001G000200 272.483741 290.412982 199.133348 272.915069 211.917896
Sobic.001G000400 39.502081 18.823064 42.902713 15.005640 16.785576
Sobic.001G000700 31.440432 43.920482 24.284555 43.141214 54.553122
Sobic.001G000800 427.267404 475.058273 403.933092 467.988384 404.952020
Sobic.001G001000 9.673979 2.689009 3.237941 2.813557 10.490985
Sobic.001G001132 3.224660 1.792673 1.618970 2.813557 4.196394
Sobic.001G000200 271.037655
Sobic.001G000400 17.746513
Sobic.001G000700 40.332984
Sobic.001G000800 425.916314
Sobic.001G001000 11.293236
Sobic.001G001132 1.613319
# get size factors
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
1.2404410 1.1156526 1.2353531 1.0662658 0.9531993 0.6198401
**** featureCounts
****或者 **HTSeq
load library
x <- read.csv("https://reneshbedre.github.io/assets/posts/gexp/df_sc.csv",row.names="gene")
# calculate reads per Kbp of gene length (corrected for gene length)
# gene length is in bp in exppression dataset and converted to Kbp
rpk <- ( (x[,1:6]*10^3 )/x[,7])
# comparing groups
group <- factor(c('c','c', 'c', 't', 't', 't'))
y <- DGEList(counts=rpk, group=group)
# normalize for library size by cacluating scaling factor using TMM (default method)
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
# normalization factors for each library
group lib.size norm.factors
ctr1 c 1709962.4 1.0768821
ctr2 c 1674190.8 0.9843634
ctr3 c 1715232.3 1.0496310
trt1 t 1638517.0 0.9841989
trt2 t 1467549.5 0.9432728
trt3 t 935125.2 0.9680985
# count per million read (normalized count)
norm_counts <- cpm(y)
ctr1 ctr2 ctr3 trt1 trt2 trt3
Sobic.001G000200 92.610097 99.192986 68.940090 91.044874 73.623702 93.630285
Sobic.001G000400 5.579741 2.671970 6.172896 2.080457 2.423609 2.547863
Sobic.001G000700 19.324103 27.128459 15.203763 26.026360 34.273836 25.196497
Sobic.001G000800 74.410581 83.143635 71.656315 79.998205 72.089293 75.392505
Sobic.001G001000 9.283023 2.593127 3.164924 2.650027 10.290413 11.014674
Sobic.001G001132 7.464699 4.170389 3.817485 6.392849 9.929718 3.795926