


$ javac
$ java HelloWorld


  • What is a Java class?
    ➢ A template for a new data type (一种数据类型,即对象类型)
      – If you write a class, objects of that class’s type can be constructed and used.
    ➢ A code module(模块)
        - Class是面相对象程序设计中 最基本的程序单元。
      – A module is a unit of program code.
      – Putting code in separate classes separates your program’s functionality.
    ➢ Arrays in Java
      – Not pointers, like C, but first-class objects 
        – Checked at run-time for safety
      – Covered later
  • Object

    Everything is an Object.
  • Literals

    - Boolean Literals
    ➢ There are only two: true 、 false
    - Underscores (_) in Numeric Literals
    ➢ any number of underscore characters (_) can appear anywhere between digits in a numerical literal
      – cannotplaceunderscoresinthefollowingplaces:
      ➢ At the beginning or end of a number
      ➢ Adjacent to a decimal point in a floating point literal ➢ Prior to an F or L suffix
      ➢ In positions where a string of digits is expected
    - Binary Literals
    ➢ the integral types (byte, short, int, and long) can also be expressed using the binary number system.   – Java SE 7
    ➢ add the prefix 0b or 0B to the number
  • static Method

    ➢ What if you want a method that can be called for the class, without an object? (“class method”)
        class StaticFun {
           static void incr() {       WithStaticData.x++;     }   // 不可被重写,不能是抽象方法
  • Annotations

    ➢ @Override:限定重写父类
    ➢ @Deprecated:标记已过时
    ➢ @SuppressWarning:抑制编译器警告 
  • Overloading 重载

    - Unique combinations of argument types distinguish overloaded methods
    ➢ One word, many meanings: overloaded
    - Overloading with primitives
    ➢ if you have a data type that is smaller than the argument in the method, that data type is promoted 
    ➢ if your argument is bigger than the argument expected by the overloaded method, you must cast to the necessary type by placing the type name inside parentheses.
      – If you don’t do this, the compiler will issue an error message
      – narrowing conversion
    - no Overloading on return values
    - Default constructors: Takes no Arguments
    ➢ Compiler automatically creates one for you if you write no constructors
    if you define any constructors (with or without arguments), the compiler will not synthesize(合成) one for you
  • The meaning of static

    ➢ there is no this for that particular method // 不支持this
    ➢ cannot call non-static methods from inside static methods   // psvm
    ➢ you can call a static method for the class itself, without any object 类名调用static方法
    if you find yourself using a lot of static methods, you should probably rethink your strategy // 尽可能少地使用static方法
  • finalize()

    ➢ Using finalize() to detect an object that hasn't been properly cleaned up.
    ➢ finalize() is only useful for obscure memory cleanup that most programmers will never use. // 善后

包 Package

➢ A package is a collection of functionally related 'classes' and 'interfaces' providing access protection and namespace management.    (定义)

➢ Managing “name spaces”
– Class members are already hidden inside class
– Class names could clash(类名冲突)
– Need completely unique name even over the Internet(名称唯一)

➢ Creating unique package names (独一无二的包名)
– Location on disk encoded into package name
– (Note change to lowercase 'com') 
    package com.bruceeckel.util;
➢ Legalizing Package Names  ('域名'与'包名'完全逆序)
    Domain Name → Package Name Prefix → org.example.hyphenated_name → int_.example

➢ 'import' the constants and static methods
    – do not need to prefix the name of their class (无需重写包名as前缀)

➢ “Friendly”  (同一个包内,任意调用类方法或类成员)
    - Default access, has no keyword (Also referred to as "package access")
    - public to other members of the same package, private to anyone outside the package
 ➢ AccessControl
 public: Interface Access
 private: Can’t Touch That!
 protected: deals with inheritance
Modifier Class Package Subclass World
public Y Y Y Y
protected Y Y Y N
no modifier Y Y N N
private Y N N N

继承 inheritance



子类可以继承父类中访问权限设定为public、 protected、 default的成员变量和方法。

方法覆盖(overriding)指子类对 父类的方法进行改写
子类覆盖的方法同父类的方法要保持名称、返回值类型、 参数列表的统一。
• 改写后的方法不能比被覆盖的方法 有更严格的访问权限
• 改写后的方法不能比被覆盖的方法 产生更多的异常
  • Upcasting ("向上"类型转换)

  • The final Keyword

    ➢ "This cannot be changed"
    ➢ A bit confusing: two reasons for using it 
      – Design
      – Efficiency
    ➢ final data ➢ 修饰变量,变量就变成了常量;
    ➢ final methods ➢ 修饰方法,方法就'不'能再'覆盖'; 
    ➢ final class ➢ 修饰类,类就'不'能再'继承'.
    ➢ final arguments
      void f(final int i) { // ...
        - Primitives can’t be changed inside method
              void g(final Bob b) {
                    b = new Bob(); (错 × ) // 不可更改
        - References can’t be rebound inside method
        - Generally, neither one is used
  • Pure Inheritance vs. Extension

    -  Pure Inheritance  “Is a” 
      •Cannot extend the interface (不扩展)
    - Extension
      • Extending the interface (扩展,加入新方法)

多态 polymorphism

➢ Dynamic Binding in Java
binding occurs at run time, based on the type of object. Late binding is also called dynamic binding or run-time binding.
 * 隐式调用 super() 时,radius为0  (父类调用重写方法,子类成员变量还未初始化)
 * 子类重写后,new子类对象--调用子类重写后的方法
➢ 执行顺序
1. 主函数所在类中的static字段\代码块(而非static 方法),若该类为子类,则先执行父类中的static字段,再执行该类的static字段
2. main()主函数
3. new Cat()  
     3.1> 隐含调用 Animal() 父类构造方法 (先加载父类成员\代码块(先static后non-static);后加载构造函数)
     3.2> 加载 Cat类的成员变量、代码块 (先static后non-static)
     3.3> 顺序执行 Cat() 的构造方法  // 构造函数总是类的最后被调用,类中的方法不加载

抽象类 abstract class

 definition: Java classes that cannot be instantiated! 
 conceptually: a hybrid(混合) of a Java class and interface  

* 一个类只能继承一个抽象类,而一个类却可以实现多个接口
  • 抽象方法
- bstract关键字同样可以用来声明抽象方法,抽象方法只包含一个方法名,而没有方法体。
- 抽象方法没有定义,方法名后面直接跟一个分号,而不是花括号

- 如果一个类包含抽象方法,那么该类'必须是抽象类'
- 任何子类必须重写父类的抽象方法,或者声明自身为抽象类

- 抽象类的非抽象子类必须实现抽象类中的抽象方法
  • Summary
1. 抽象类不能被实例化,如果被实例化,就会报错,编译无法通过。只有抽象类的非抽象子类可以创建对象。
2. 抽象类中不一定包含抽象方法,但是有抽象方法的类必定是抽象类。
3. 抽象类中的抽象方法只是声明,不包含方法体,就是不给出方法的具体实现也就是方法的具体功能。
4. 构造方法,类方法(用static修饰的方法)不能声明为抽象方法。 // important
5. 抽象类的子类必须给出抽象类中的抽象方法的具体实现,除非该子类也是抽象类。

接口 Interface

- 接口(英文:Interface),在JAVA编程语言中是一个抽象类型,是'抽象方法'的集合,接口通常以interface来声明。一个类通过实现接口的方式,从而来继承接口的抽象方法 
- 一个实现接口的类,必须实现接口内所描述的'所有方法',否则就必须声明为'抽象类'.

- 接口特性
    - 接口'无法实例化对象'.
    - 接口'没有构造方法'.
    - 接口中所有的方法必须是'抽象方法'.(方法'隐式抽象'为 public abstract,不能在接口中实现)
        and default and static methods (需实现)
    - 接口'不能包含成员变量',除了 static 和 final 变量.(隐式指定为 public static final members)
    - 接口不是被类继承了,而是要被类'实现'.
    - 接口支持'多“继承”'(via 'implements'关键字). (补充:一个接口能继承另一个接口(使用'extends'关键字))
- Using an Interface as a Type
    public static void t(CanFight x) { x.fight(); }     // CanFight is interface

- 接口可以嵌套在类中,也可以嵌套在其他接口中
  • Default Methods (可以被重写)

  • Static Methods (不可被继承)


class NewPair {   // Notice!(class)
        private S first;
        private T second;

        public NewPair(S a, T b) {
            first = a;
            second = b;

        public S getFirst() {
            return first;

        public T getSecond() {
            return second;

    public static >   
        int countGreaterThan(T[] anArray, T elem) {    //  > (method)
        int count = 0;
        for (T e : anArray)
            if (e.compareTo(elem) > 0)      // e.compareTo(elem)
        return count;
-  >

Inner Classes

/** 内部类其实严重破坏了良好的代码结构,但为什么还要使用内部类呢?

Out.In in = new Out().new In(); //class Out{ class In{ } }  // 内部类的基本结构
Out.In in = new Out.In();   //class Out{ static class In{ } }   // 静态内部类
Out out = new Out(); out.outPrint();    // 私有内部类
/*class Out{ 
    private class In{ 
        public void print() {
    public void outPrint() {
        new In().print();
Out out = new Out();  out.Print(3);     // 方法内部类
//class Out{ public void Print(final int x) { class In{ } } }


  • Exception 类是 Throwable 类的子类。除了Exception类外,Throwable还有一个子类Error

    异常类有两个主要的子类:IOException 类和 RuntimeException 类.

  • finally关键字

    无论是否发生异常,finally 代码块中的代码总会被执行。
    - 在 try/catch 后面添加 finally 块并非强制性要求的。
    - try 代码后不能既没 catch 块也没 finally 块
  • try-with-resources

    try-with-resources语句是一个声明了1到多个资源的try语句。资源是指这个try执行完成后必需close掉的对象,比如connection, resultset等。
    try-with-resources 语句会确保在try语句结束时关闭所有资源。实现了java.lang.AutoCloseable或的对象都可以做为资源。



// 声明数组  - Null reference
double[] myList;         // 首选的方法 
double myList[];         //  效果相同,但不是首选方法

// 创建数组
dataType[] arrayRefVar = new dataType[arraySize];
dataType[] arrayRefVar = {value0, value1, ..., valuek};

//Variable Size Array:
     int x[][] = new int[3][];
     x[0] = new int[2];
     x[1] = new int[4];
     x[2] = new int[3];

// wrong example
int table[][]={0,0,0,1,1,1};    (×)
int table[2][3]={0,0,0,1,1,1};  (×)
// Right example
int table[ ][ ]={{0,0,0},{1,1,1}}; (√)

//- Once initialized, the array size is fixed
- Arrays.equals(int[] a, int[] a2): compare two arrays for equality  "比较值相等"
– Arrays.copyOf(int[] original, int newLength): copy specified array
- Arrays.asList((T... a): takes any array and turns it into a List container
- Arrays.fill(int[] a, int val) 
- Arrays.sort(int[] a)
- Arrays.binarySearch(int[] a, int key)     // array must be sorted ; return the index of key


- Strings → Numbers
    float a = (Float.valueOf("1")).floatValue();
    float b = Float.parseFloat("1");    // a == b (1.0)
- Numbers → Strings
    String s1 = "" + i;
    String s2 = String.valueOf(i);
    String s3 = Integer.toString(i);


- Java集合框架为程序员提供了预先包装的数据结构和算法来操纵他们。
- 集合是一个对象,可容纳其他对象的引用。集合接口声明对每一种类型的集合可以执行的操作。
- 集合框架的类和接口均在java.util包中。
- 任何对象加入集合类后,自动转变为Object类型,所以在取出的时候,需要进行强制类型转换。
Container taxonomy - simplified.png
  • 遍历 ArrayList

    public class Test{
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         List list=new ArrayList();
         for (String str : list) {  //或 for(inti=0;i ite = list.iterator();
  • 遍历 Map

    public class Test{
         public static void main(String[] args) {
          Map map = new HashMap();
          map.put("1", "value1");
          map.put("2", "value2");
          map.put("3", "value3");
          for (String key : map.keySet()) {
           System.out.println("key= "+ key + " and value= " + map.get(key));
          Iterator> it= map.entrySet().iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
           Map.Entry entry =;
           System.out.println("key= " + entry.getKey() + " and value= " + entry.getValue());
          for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
           System.out.println("key= " + entry.getKey() + " and value= " + entry.getValue());
          for (String v : map.values()) {
           System.out.println("value= " + v);

Java IO系统

// InputStreamReader
public static void main(String[] args) {
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(; 
    int c;
        try {
            while ((c = != -1)
                System.out.println((char) c);
        } catch(IOException e) {

// BufferedReader
public static void main(String[] args) { 
    BufferedReader br =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; 
    String s;
    try {
        while ((s = br.readLine()).length() != 0) 
         } catch(IOException e) {


// Serialization Example - Reading
try {
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream(“file.txt”);
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
    ArrayList someList = (ArrayList)ois.readObject();
  } catch (Exception e) { ... }

// Serialization Example - Writing
try {
    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(“file.txt”);
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);
  } catch (IOException ioe) { ... }


AWT, Swing

public class FrameTester {      //  JFrame Example
            public static void main(String args[]) {
                JFrame f = new JFrame("JFrame Example");
                Container c = f.getContentPane();   
                c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());  // default BorderLayout
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    c.add(new JButton("No"));
                    c.add(new Button("Batter"));
                c.add(new JLabel("Swing"));
                f.setSize(300, 200);
class Addition {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

// obtain user input from JOptionPane input dialogs

        String firstNumber =
                JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter first integer");

        String secondNumber =
                JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter second integer");

        // convert String inputs to int values for use in a calculation
        int number1 = Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);
        int number2 = Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);

        int sum = number1 + number2; // add numbers

        // display result in a JOptionPane message dialog
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The sum is " + sum,
                "Sum of Two Integers", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    } // end method main



import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class DbUtil {   // conn.createStatement()

    public static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/imooc";
    public static final String USER = "liulx";
    public static final String PASSWORD = "123456";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //1.加载驱动程序 load database driver class
        //2. 获得数据库连接 connect to database
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, PASSWORD);
        //3.Create a SQL statement object)
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        // 4. Getting data from a table
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT user_name, age FROM imooc_goddess");
        //5. Use methods of ResultSet (如果有数据,返回true)
            System.out.println(rs.getString("user_name")+" 年龄:"+rs.getInt("age"));  // rs.getString("user_name") / rs.getInt("age")
public class TestDB {   // conn.preparedStatement(sql)

    public static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/imooc";
    public static final String USER = "liulx";
    public static final String PASSWORD = "123456";
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        //1.加载驱动程序 load database driver class

        //2. 获得数据库连接 connect to database
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, PASSWORD);

        //3.Create a SQL statement object)
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM TODO");

        // 4. Getting data from a table
        ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();

        //5. Use methods of ResultSet (如果有数据,返回true)
        while ( {


class Thread implements Runnable{}
- 实现 Runnable 接口来创建线程 
new Thread(Runnable threadOb,String threadName).start;
Talker talker = new Talker(); 
Thread t = new Thread(talker); 
     class Talker implements Runnable {
       public void run() {
         while (true) {

- 继承Thread来创建线程
ThreadDemo T1 = new ThreadDemo( );

void start()
    – Creates a new thread and makes it runnable (包含于Thread,继承的类亦可重写)
void run()
    – The new thread begins its life inside this method (继承的类必须实现)
- synchronized methods

class Account {
        private int balance;

        public synchronized void deposit(int val) {
            int newBal;
            newBal = balance + val;
            balance = newBal;

        public void withdraw(int val) {
            synchronized(this) {
            int newBal;
            newBal = balance - val;
            balance = newBal;
- Four Conditions of Deadlock
- Avoiding Deadlock
    - The easiest way to prevent deadlock is to break the fourth condition.
- Wait/Notify Sequence  (均在Object中定义)

1. synchronized(lock){
2.      lock.wait();
9.      consumeResource();
10. }

3. produceResource()
4. synchronized(lock){
5.      lock.notify(); 

7. Reacquire lock // 重新唤醒锁
8. Return from wait()
//  ForkJoin Framework
    ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();

    RecursiveTask> recursiveTaskInstance = CountByForkJoin.getInstance(list, 5);   // 实例化

    ForkJoinTask> future = pool.submit(recursiveTaskInstance);     // 提交可分解的ForkJoinTask任务

        // do something



TCP Socket

protocol localAddr,localPort remoteAddr, remotePort
conn-oriented server ServerSocket() accept()
conn-oriented client Socket()
connectionless server DatagramSocket() receive()
connectionless client DatagramSocket() send()
conn-oriented server
// 1. Create ServerSocket object
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);  

// 2. Server listens for client connection  (多于client的步骤)
Socket server = serverSocket.accept();
System.out.println("远程主机地址:" + server.getRemoteSocketAddress());

// 3. Sending and receiving data    (先read后write)
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(server.getInputStream());
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(server.getOutputStream());

// 4. Server and Client communicate via streams
System.out.println(in.readUTF());   // in.readUTF()
out.writeUTF("谢谢连接我:" + server.getLocalSocketAddress() + "\nGoodbye!");     //out.writeUTF("something")  

// 5. Close streams and connections
conn-oriented client
// 1. Create a Socket to connect to server
Socket client = new Socket(serverName, port);   
System.out.println("远程主机地址:" + client.getRemoteSocketAddress());

// 2. Obtain Socket’s InputStream and Outputstream (先write后read)
OutputStream outToServer = client.getOutputStream();
InputStream inFromServer = client.getInputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(outToServer);
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(inFromServer);

// 3. Process information communicated
out.writeUTF("Hello from " + client.getLocalSocketAddress());   //out.writeUTF("something")
System.out.println("服务器响应: " + in.readUTF()); // in.readUTF()

// 4. Close streams and connection

Lambda 表达式

public void printSighting(Sighting record){System.out.println(record.getDetails()); }
(Sighting record) ->
{ System.out.println(record.getDetails()); }      

for(Sighting record : sightings) { printSighting(record);}
sightings.forEach((Sighting record) ->                               {System.out.println(record.getDetails()); }

➢ infer type (缺省type)
sightings.forEach((record) ->
    {System.out.println(record.getDetails()); }
➢ single parameter (缺省参数括号)
sightings.forEach(record ->
    {System.out.println(record.getDetails()); }
➢ single statement (缺省body大括号)
sightings.forEach(record -> System.out.println(record.getDetails()));
➢ Aggregate Operations 
        p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE
            && p.getAge() >= 18
            && p.getAge() <= 25) 
    .map(p -> p.getEmailAddress())
    .forEach(email -> System.out.println(email));


There are three common types of operation:
– Filter: select items from the input stream to pass on to the output stream
– Map: replace items from the input stream with different items in the output stream
– Reduce: collapse the multiple elements of the input stream into a single element
A stream pipeline .png


  • Summary of Initialization & Cleanup

    ➢ Initialization is critical for objects, thus Java guarantees it with the constructor
    ➢ Knowing when to clean up can be difficult in complex systems
    ➢ Java GC releases memory only: any other cleanup must be done explicitly!
    ➢ Arrays also have Java-style safety

  • Summary of Hiding the Implementation

    ➢ Access control tells users what they can & can‟t use (shows the area of interest)
    ➢ Also separates interface & implementation
    ➢ Allows the class creator to change the implementation later without disturbing client code
    ➢ An important design & implementation flexibility
    ➢ Design guideline: always make elements “as private as possible”
  • Summary of Reusing Classes

    ➢ Easy to think that OOP is only about inheritance
    ➢ Often easier and more flexible to start with composition. Remember to say “has-a” and “is-a”
    ➢ Use inheritance when it’s clear that a new type is a kind of a base type
    ➢ ... and especially when you discover a need for polymorphism (next chapter)
  • Summary: The Key to OOP

  • AbstractClass & Interfaces

    ➢ abstract类定义方法,实现公共的方法。
    ➢ 接口(interface)就是'方法声明'和'常量值'的集合。 
    – An interface defines a protocol of communication between two objects.
    – 从本质上讲,接口是一种特殊的抽象类,这种抽象类中只包含常量的定义( public static final members)和方法的声明(public abstract),而没有变量和方法的实现。
    – (Java 8: default and static methods)
    ➢ 不相关的类可以实现(implement)同一个接口, 同一个类可以实现多个不相关的接口。
  • Inner Classes

    ➢ 允许一个类的定义在另一个类/方法里
    ➢ 集中使用某些共同特性 → GUI event handlers
  • Arrays

    ➢ An array associates numerical indices to objects – most efficient choice
    ➢ Arrays in Java are objects which belongs to class Array.
    ➢ Array objects implements only static arrays
    ➢ Java follows strict bound checking for referencing array elements.
    ➢ Array elements can be referenced from 0 to length-1.
    ➢ Java also follows strict type checking for Array elements.
    ➢ length is the attribute of each array which can be referenced by arrayreference.length
  • Collections Of Objects

    • An array associates numerical indices toobjects

      • A Collection holds single elements, anda Map holds associated pairs

      • Like an array, a List also associates numerical indices to objects

      – Use an ArrayList if you’re doing a lot of random accesses

      – but a LinkedList if you will be doing a lot of insertions and removals in the middle of the list

      • The behavior of queues, deques, and stacks can be provided via the LinkedList

      • A Map is a way to associate not numbers, but objects with other objects

      • HashMap is focused on rapid access

      • TreeMap keeps its keys in sorted order, and thus is not as fast as a HashMap.

      • – A LinkedHashMap keeps its elements in insertion order, but may also reorder them with its LRUalgorithm

      • A Set only accepts one of each type ofobject.

      • HashSets provide maximally fast lookups

      • TreeSets keep the elements in sorted order

      • LinkedHashSets keep elements in insertion order

  • IO

    ➢ Stream
    – 输入流只能读不能写,输出流只能写不能读;
    – 程序通过输入流读入数据,输出流写数据;
    ➢ I/O is hard
      – deals with real world beyond programmers control 
      – Output easier than input (programmer knows more) 
        – System.out.println() is straightforward
      – Juno Terminal wraps hard to use
    ➢ package provides lots of useful classes
    ➢ I/O programs may throw many Exceptions
    ➢ Even good tools are hard to use when materials are recalcitrant
    ➢ Count on borrowing from code that works
  • NIO

     Useful and long awaited addition to Java
     New I/O has been widely hailed as an important step forward in getting serious performance out of the Java platform.
     Besides raw performance, it provides the most critical I/O and networking functionalities that were absent in earlier versions of Java.


  • .next()

    • random.nextInt(int bound )

      int x = rd.nextInt(36) + 1;  //  Random rd = new Random(); 

    • iterator

     List list = new ArrayList<>();
            Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())  // hasNext()
                System.out.println(;    // next()

    • 数据库

      while ( {

  • keyword: 不包含sizeof、status

  • FileOutPutStream

     public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                String s = "ABCDE";
                byte b[] = s.getBytes();
                FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream("test.txt",true);
            }catch (IOException e)

  • BufferedReader、FileReader、PrintWriter、FileWriter

     public static void main(String[] args)
            File file = new File("./src/Exam/in.txt");
            File file1 = new File("./src/Exam/out.txt");
            try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));    // 
                 PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file1)))
                int i = 0;
                String line;
                while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)      // br.readLine()
                    pw.println("line " + (++i) + "=" + line);  // pw.println()
            catch (IOException e)

 new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(“file.txt”))

DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(server.getOutputStream());
out.writeUTF("something") // 网络编程
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(server.getInputStream());

 new BufferedReader(new FilerReader(“file.txt”));     
 new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; 
