



Modality是名词,形式、模态;在iOS规范里App Architecture下对Modality的描述是:

Modality creates focus by preventing people from doing other things until they complete a task or dismiss a message or view. Action sheets, alerts, and activity views provide modal experiences.When a modal view appears onscreen, the user must make a choice by tapping a button or otherwise exiting the modal experience.



而Modal呢?Modal是形容词,模式的、情态的、形式的。如上面iOS规范里有所提及的Modal,后面都会跟一个词,如Modal experiences, Modal view等,在维基百科里有一个词叫Modal widow,对此描述如下:

In user interface design for computer applications, a modal window is a graphical control element subordinate to an application's main window. It creates a mode that disables the main window, but keeps it visible with the modal window as a child window in front of it. Users must interact with the modal window before they can return to the parent application. This avoids interrupting the workflow on the main window.  Modal windows are sometimes called heavy windows or modal dialogs because they often display a dialog box.



Mode我觉得这个比较好理解些,模式。生活中经常遇到的,如Fast mode(快捷模式),打游戏里面还有什么难易模式等。维基百科官方描述如下:

In user interface design,a mode is a distinct setting within a computer program or any physical machine interface, in which the same user input will produce perceived results different to those that it would in other settings. The best-known modal interface components are probably the Caps lock and Insert keys on the standard computer keyboard, both of which put the user's typing into a different mode after being pressed, then return it to the regular mode after being re-pressed.



所以简而言之,在Modality模态下,有很多模态的控件,如Modal view, Action sheets, Alerts等。而模式只是一种基于软件或硬件在不同设置下的不同输出而已。在了解了基础内容之后,我们可以接下来看看另一篇翻译:模态和非模态对话框:什么时候(什么时候不)使用它们?
