The top 10 things people have done on the internet in the last month (all countries)

The top 10 things people have done on the internet in the last month (all countries)
81% 利用搜索引擎寻找信息
used a search engine to find information
76% 查找新闻
looked up the news
74% 使用在线银行
used online banking
65% 查找天气
looked up the weather
63% 在购买前研究一种产品或服务
researched a product or service before buying it
61% 访问一个品牌或产品的网站
visited a brand or product website
56% 支付账单
paid bills
51% 观看视频片段
watched a video clip
50% 使用一个价格比较网站
used a price comparison site
