掌握 yolo - 解码核心思想,v3、v4、v5上手不是梦....


  • 0x01 背景
  • 0x02 编解码
    • 2.1 编码
    • 2.2 解码
    • 2.3 小脑袋有大大的问号
  • 0x03 Coding
    • 3.1 加载图片 & 推理
    • 3.2 解码
    • 3.3 置信度
      • 3.3.1 单个类别且只需要一个框
      • 3.3.2 多个类别
  • 参考资料

0x01 背景


仅讨论 yolo 编解码,以及解码实现方式,不讨论nms以及其他

在用 darknet 训练出一个 yolo-s 的轻轻轻量级(291.9KB)目标检测神经网络之后,我以为事情到这,就结束了了了了了

后面填了了个坑,darknet 转 keras model,

model = keras.model.load_model(model_path)
yolo_output = model.predict(img_path)


掌握 yolo - 解码核心思想,v3、v4、v5上手不是梦...._第1张图片

查阅了网上大佬+小佬说的之后,原因在于目标检测模型训练的并不是 box 的(x, y, w, h), 而是(tx, ty, tw, th)


至于为什么要用偏移量和缩放来训练,而不是 box 直接训练,目前并没有看到一篇很有说服力的文章,等下周有时间了看一下论文原文。

0x02 编解码

掌握 yolo - 解码核心思想,v3、v4、v5上手不是梦...._第2张图片



​ cx, cy 是 feature map 中每一个 grid cell 的左上角坐标,在yolov3中每个grid cell在feature map中的宽和高均为1。如上图,grid 为第二行第二列的 grid cell,因此左上角坐标为(1, 1),cx=1,cy=1。

​ pw, ph 是 anchor 映射到 feature map 中的宽和高人为界定

​ bx, by, bw, bh 是 box 相对于 feature map 的位置和大小,为真实输出坐标

​ tx, ty, tw, tw, th 是网络学习到的4个 offsets, 前两个是坐标偏移值,后两个是尺度缩放。

​ 习惯性的将 box --> offsets 视作编码,将 offsets --> box 视作解码

2.1 编码


假设输入的原图大小(height, weight):(500,600)

  1. 假设(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)=(50, 100, 250, 300)

  2. 计算(x, y, w, h) 真实像素值
    center_x = (x_{min}+x_{max}) / 2 = 150 \

    center_y = (y_{min}+y_{max}) / 2 = 200 \

    w = x_{min}-x_{max}= 200 \

    h = y_{min}-y_{max}= 200

  3. 归一化,相对于原图尺寸的相对值
    x = center_x/ weight = 0.25 \

    y = center_y / height = 0.4 \

    w = w / weight = 0.33 \

    h = h / height = 0.4

  4. 此时获取到box=(x, y, w, h) = (0.25, 0.4, 0.33, 0.4), 同时也是gx, gy, gw, gh

  5. 相对于单元格的索引,13 是将一张图片分割成13*13个grid cell

    yolo v3 中:

    • t x = G x − C x t_x = G_x - C_x tx=GxCx

    • t y = G y − C y t_y = G_y- C_y ty=GyCy

    其中 Gx, Gy, Gw, Gh 是 ground truth 映射在这个 feature map 的4个坐标,

    Cx, Cy 是每个 grid 的左上角坐标,tx, ty 是相对于单元格左上角坐标的偏移
    G x , G y = [ x , y , w , h ] ∗ [ 13 , 13 ] = [ 3.25 , 5.2 ] c x = 3   x 取 整 数 单 元 格 x 索 引 c y = 5   y 取 整 数 单 元 格 y 索 引 t x = 0.25   x 取 小 数 s i g m o i d 逆 函 数 : t x = l o g ( t x / ( 1 − t x ) ) = − 1.10 t y = 0.2   y 取 小 数 t y = l o g ( t y / ( 1 − t y ) ) = − 1.39 G_x, G_y = [x, y, w, h] * [13, 13] = [3.25, 5.2] \\ c_x = 3 \ x取整数 单元格x索引 \\ c_y = 5 \ y取整数 单元格y索引 \\ t_x = 0.25 \ x取小数 \\ \\ sigmoid 逆函数: t_x = log(t_x/(1-t_x)) = -1.10 \\ t_y = 0.2 \ y取小数 \\ t_y = log(t_y/(1-t_y)) = -1.39 Gx,Gy=[x,y,w,h][13,13]=[3.25,5.2]cx=3 xxcy=5 yytx=0.25 xsigmoid:tx=log(tx/(1tx))=1.10ty=0.2 yty=log(ty/(1ty))=1.39

  6. 相对于原图的w和h,假设anchor = (68, 118),

    则: (pw, ph) = anchor/(weight, height) = (0.113, 0.236)

    • t w = l o g ( G w / P w ) = 1.07 t_w = log(G_w/P_w) = 1.07 tw=log(Gw/Pw)=1.07
    • t h = l o g ( G h / P h ) = 0.528 t_h = log(G_h/P_h) = 0.528 th=log(Gh/Ph)=0.528

所以,编码之后的结果:(tx, ty, tw, ty) = (0.25, 0.2, 1.07, 0.528)

2.2 解码

  1. box_xy
    b x = σ ( t x ) + c x b y = σ ( t y ) + c y b_x = \sigma(t_x) + c_x \\ b_y = \sigma(t_y) + c_y \\ bx=σ(tx)+cxby=σ(ty)+cy

  2. box_wh
    b w = p w ∗ e t w b h = p h ∗ e t h b_w = p_w*e^{t_w} \\ b_h = p_h*e^{t_h} bw=pwetwbh=pheth
    其中, σ \sigma σ 是 sigmoid 函数:
    σ ( x ) = 1 / ( 1 + e − x ) \sigma(x) = 1 / (1 + e^{-x}) σ(x)=1/(1+ex)

2.3 小脑袋有大大的问号

A:前面讲到了在yolov3中没有让Gx - Cx后除以Pw得到tx,而是直接Gx - Cx得到tx,这样会有问题是导致tx比较大且很可能>1.(因为没有除以Pw归一化尺度。一旦tx,ty算出来大于1就会落入必须其他真实框中,而不能出现在它旁边网格中,引起矛盾,因而必须归一化。


Q: 为什么要用偏移量和尺度缩放做训练,而不是直接用坐标?

A: 待解决

Q: 为什么yolov2 要引进anchor

A: 待解决

0x03 Coding




  • input:(160,160,1)

  • output: (5, 5, 30)

  • class: person, only 1 class

  • anchors: [[13, 24], [33, 42], [36, 87], [94, 63], [68, 118]]

  • tensorflow: 2.4.0

  • 网络结构是yolo-fasteset 的阉割版,少了n层,去掉多尺度输出,在本地,没有上传,有需要的请私信我

  • test picture:

    掌握 yolo - 解码核心思想,v3、v4、v5上手不是梦...._第3张图片

3.1 加载图片 & 推理

import cv2
from tensorflow import keras
import time

def inference(img_path, model_path):
    ''' 加载图片, 且推理'''
    img_raw = cv2.imread(str(img_path))
    # 我的网络的输入是 (160,160,1)
    # 灰度图 resize
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # shape: (160, 160)
    img = cv2.resize(img, (160, 160), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR )
    # RGB 图 resize
    # image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    # img = cv2.resize(image_rgb, (320, 320),
    #                            interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

    # normalize
    img = img / 255.0
    img = np.asarray(img).astype('float32')

    # expand channel
    img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=-1)

    # expand batch --> (1, 160, 160, 1)
    input = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)

    # output shape: (1, 5, 5, 30)
    # load model
    model = keras.models.load_model(model_path)
    # pred = time.time()
    yolo_output = model.predict(input)
    # print(f"true inference time: {time.time()-pred} s...")

    return img_raw, yolo_output

img_path = "./example/person.jpg"
model_path = './weights/yolo-s.h5'
img, yolo_output = inference(img_path, model_path)
# 别瞎logging,少了这一步你会发现啥也没有打印

3.2 解码

import numpy as np

def yolo_decode(prediction, anchors, num_classes, input_dims, use_softmax=False):
    '''Decode final layer features to bounding box parameters.'''
    num_anchors = len(anchors)  # anchor 的数量
    # prediction shape: (1, 5, 5, 30)
    grid_size = prediction.shape[1:3]  # 将一张图片分割成5*5

    # shape: (125, 6)
    prediction = np.reshape(prediction,
                            (grid_size[0] * grid_size[1] * num_anchors, num_classes + 5))

    # generate x_y_offset grid map
    x_y_offset = [[[j, i]] * grid_size[0] for i in range(grid_size[0]) for j in range(grid_size[0])]
    x_y_offset = np.array(x_y_offset).reshape(grid_size[0] * grid_size[1] * num_anchors , 2)

    # get xy 
    # sigmoid function
    x_y_tmp = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-prediction[..., :2]))
    # shape: (125, 2)
    box_xy = (x_y_tmp + x_y_offset) / np.array(grid_size)[::-1]

    # Log space transform of the height and width
    anchors = np.array(anchors*(grid_size[0] * grid_size[1]))
    # shape: (125, 2)
    box_wh = (np.exp(prediction[..., 2:4]) * anchors) / np.array(input_dims)[::-1]

    # sigmoid function
    # shape: (125,)
    objectness = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-prediction[..., 4]))

    if use_softmax:
        # softmax function
        class_scores = np.exp(prediction[..., 5:]) / np.sum(np.exp(prediction[..., 5:]))
        # sigmoid function
        # shape: (125, 2)
        class_scores = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-prediction[..., 5:]))

    return np.concatenate((box_xy, box_wh), axis=-1), objectness, class_scores

# 预选框
anchor = [[13, 24], [33, 42], [36, 87], [94, 63], [68, 118]]
# start_time2 = time.time()
pred_xywh, objectness, class_scores = yolo_decode(yolo_output, anchor, num_classes=1,
                                                  input_dims=(160, 160),
# logging.info(f"decode time: {time.time()-start_time2} s...")

3.3 置信度

网络的输出:[x, y, w, h, c, P(class1), P(class2), …]

S c o r e s = c ∗ P ( c l a s s ) Scores = c * P(class) Scores=cP(class)

3.3.1 单个类别且只需要一个框


def filter(pred_xywh, objectness, class_scores, confidence=0.1):
    """ 得到真正的置信度,并且过滤 """
    # shape: (125, 1) --> (125)
    class_scores = np.squeeze(class_scores)
    # shape: (125)
    box_scores = objectness * class_scores
    # filter
    pos = np.where(box_scores >= confidence)
    if not pos:
        logging.info("No person detected!!!")
    # get all valid scores and boxes
    scores = box_scores[pos]
    boxes = pred_xywh[pos]
    # get max index
    max_score_index = np.argmax(scores)
    # get max pred box
    person_box = boxes[max_score_index]

    return person_box[..., :2], person_box[..., 2:], scores[max_score_index]

# start_time3 = time.time()
xy, wh, scores = filter(pred_xywh, objectness, class_scores)
# logging.info(f"filter time: {time.time()-start_time3} s...")
# logging.info(f"person scores: {scores}")
# draw_img(xy, wh, img)

3.3.2 多个类别

def yolo_handle_predictions(predictions, image_shape, max_boxes=100, confidence=0.1, iou_threshold=0.4, use_cluster_nms=False, use_wbf=False):
    # 此处的predictions: [1, x, x, x], 是四维
    boxes = predictions[:, :, :4]
    box_confidences = np.expand_dims(predictions[:, :, 4], -1)
    box_class_probs = predictions[:, :, 5:]

    # filter boxes with confidence threshold
    box_scores = box_confidences * box_class_probs
    # 每个类别的置信度中最大概率的索引,即类别
    box_classes = np.argmax(box_scores, axis=-1)
    # 每个类别的置信度中最大概率值
    box_class_scores = np.max(box_scores, axis=-1)
    # 过滤掉 小于confidence的box
    pos = np.where(box_class_scores >= confidence)

    # 过滤之后的boxes、classes、scores
    boxes = boxes[pos]
    classes = box_classes[pos]
    scores = box_class_scores[pos]
    # 后面就是nms 处理了,网上教程一抓一大把...
    # 在这之后我就没有关注了... 
    # 等啥时候有时间再更一波nms的文章吧,我只懂最基础的nms...
    # 毕竟nms是目标检测面试必考题,还是要花点时间的
    if use_cluster_nms:
        # use Fast/Cluster NMS for boxes postprocess
        n_boxes, n_classes, n_scores = fast_cluster_nms_boxes(boxes, classes, scores, iou_threshold, confidence=confidence)
    elif use_wbf:
        # use Weighted-Boxes-Fusion for boxes postprocess
        n_boxes, n_classes, n_scores = weighted_boxes_fusion([boxes], [classes], [scores], image_shape, weights=None, iou_thr=iou_threshold)
        # Boxes, Classes and Scores returned from NMS
        n_boxes, n_classes, n_scores = nms_boxes(boxes, classes, scores, iou_threshold, confidence=confidence)

    if n_boxes:
        boxes = np.concatenate(n_boxes)
        classes = np.concatenate(n_classes).astype('int32')
        scores = np.concatenate(n_scores)
        boxes, classes, scores = filter_boxes(boxes, classes, scores, max_boxes)

        return boxes, classes, scores

        return [], [], []


  • YOLO-V2 输入和输出数据的编码和解码
  • 超详细的Yolov3边框预测分析
  • 说说优秀的目标识别yolov3算法
