
Samsung Suddenly 'Confirms'  Galaxy S10


Yes, you should start getting excited about the Galaxy S10. 

是的,你应该开始对 Galaxy S10感到兴奋。

Why? Because not only have leaks told us to expect an all-new design, ’ultrasonic’ in-display reader, fast updates and a true Face ID rival.Now Samsung itself has confirmed this 10th-anniversary phone will be much more than a normal upgrade… 

为什么? 因为这次透漏不仅告诉我们可以期待一个全新的设计,超声波屏内识别,快速更新和一个真正的面部识别竞争对手。而且现在三星已经证实,这款十周年纪念手机将不只是普通升级。

The comments come from none other than Samsung Mobile division CEO DJ Koh.

这些评述来自三星移动的首席执行官 DJ Koh。

Speaking to Chinese media this week, he boasted that design changes to the Galaxy S10 design will be “very significant”. And he promised a crowd-pleasing upgrade as well.

本周在接受中国媒体采访时,他夸口称Galaxy S10设计的设计变化将"非常重大"。 他还保证将进行受人欢迎的升级。

When pushed for specific details Koh declined, but his statement not only means Samsung has officially confirmed the device for the first time. It also lends considerable credence to multiple reports that Samsung will cut away almost all bezels from the phone and dramatically increase its size.

当被要求提供具体细节时,Koh 拒绝了(采访),但是他的声明不仅意味着三星已经首次官方正式确认了这一设备。而且也使得很多报道相当可信,即三星将切断手机上几乎所有的面包圈,并大幅增加其尺寸。

Furthermore, Koh did give away one extra titbit revealing the Galaxy S10 will be released in “amazing” colors.

此外,Koh 的确给出了一个额外的趣闻,揭露 Galaxy S10将以"惊人的"颜色发布。 

Koh was speaking in China, and Chinese brand Huawei has recently received a lot of praise for the gradient color scheme on its P20 Pro, I suspect this means we can expect similar gradient finishes for the Galaxy S10.

在中国发表演讲时,中国品牌华为最近也因其 P20 Pro 上的渐变配色方案而受到很多赞誉,我猜想这意味着我们可以期待类似的梯度完成对星系 S10。

After all, the P20 Pro also has a well-received triple camera and supply chain leaks have all but confirmed a Galaxy S10 triple camera too.

 毕竟,P20 Pro 也有一个受欢迎的三摄,供应链的泄漏也几乎证实了 Galaxy S10的三摄。

the Galaxy S10 is shaping up to be a veritable wishlist of fan’s biggest hopes with the only downside being the eye-watering price of the top model.

Galaxy S10正在成为一个名副其实的粉丝们最大希望的愿望清单,唯一的缺点就是顶级机型贵的离谱的价格。 

Today's Word:


词汇:crowd-pleasing 受人欢迎的、讨人喜欢的


例句:One of her crowd-pleasing new songs is called "Hombres," Spanish for "men".她的其中一首受欢迎的歌曲叫Hombres,在西班牙语中意思是"男人"。


n,相信 If you give credence to a theory or story, you believe it.

例句:You're surely not giving any credence to this story of Hythe's?你真的一点都不相信关于海斯的这个故事吗?



n,趣闻,You can refer to a small piece of information about someone's private affairs as a titbit, especially when it is interesting and shocking. 

例句:They have collected some interesting linguistic titbits. 他们收集了一些有趣的语言学趣闻。

涤生老师讲解:titbit,来来来,老师和你拆解一下。先看tit:n,山雀,引申指一些小东西,然后bit:n,一小部分,大家都熟悉的a bit of。所以tit和bit都是指小东西。titbit就引申指小趣闻。


n,斜坡,倾斜度、梯度 A gradient is a slope, or the degree to which the ground slopes.

例句:The car slid down the steep gradient into the river.汽车滑下陡峭的斜坡掉入河中。



adj,确实的,名副其实的 You can use veritable to emphasize the size, amount, or nature of something. 

例句:a book that is a veritable feast for the mind.一本给心灵带来真正快乐的书

涤生老师记忆法:很多人看到veritable觉得像是“very”去“y”变“i”+“table”。还真被你说对了,“very”表示强调,very good,very beautiful,都是在强调。事实上英文释义也是说“emphasize”,表示在强调某物的真实。veritable:可以记为“名副其实的桌子”。
