idkit_extension Flutter 类功能扩展


一、 简介

idkit_extensionIDKit 系列 Flutter 包中的一员。它主要是对 Flutter 的一些类进行开发中常用功能的扩展。


1. String

2. List

3. num

三、 扩展类功能

1. String

1. 去除字符串中所有的空格
2. 将字符串转化为数字,包括 Int 和 double。
3. 将字符串转化为集合
4. 判断字符串是否是合法的身份证
5. 判断字符串是否全部是汉字
6. 判断字符串是否是合法的手机号
7. 判断字符串是否全部是数字
8. 字符串金额格式化
9. 数字字符串保留指定位数的小数,并可控制是否四舍五入


1. 将集合元素转化为字符串


1. 将数字转化为指定小数位个数的字符串,并可控制是否四舍五入

四、 实例

/// 1. Remove all spaces in the string.
void removeAllSpaces() {
  const String testStr = ' aa bb  cc dd  ';

/// 2. Convert a string to a number.
void toNumber() {
  const String value = '110';
  print(value.toInt()); // 110
  print(value.toDouble()); // 110.0

/// 3. Convert string to collection.
void toCollection() {
  const String testStr = 'abcd';
  print(testStr.toList()); // [a,b,c,d]

  const String testStr1 = '1,2,10,21';
  print(testStr1.toList(patternSplit: ',')); // [1,2,10,21]

/// 4. ID card verification.
void toID() {
  const String id1 = '53010219200508011X';
  print(id1.isIDCard()); // true

  const String id2 = '53010219200508012X';
  print(id2.isIDCard()); // false

/// 5. Verify that the string is all Chinese characters.
void toCC() {
  const String txt1 = '我是who';
  print(txt1.isChineseCharacters()); // false

  const String txt2 = '我是 大鲨鱼,是吗';
  print(txt2.isChineseCharacters()); // true

/// 6. Verify that the string is a qualified phone number.
void toPhone() {
  const String phone = '18801210281';
  print(phone.isPhoneNumber()); // true

  const String phone1 = '12801210281';
  print(phone1.isPhoneNumber()); // false

/// 7. Verify whether it is a string composed of 0-9.
void toVerifyNumber() {
  const String phone = '18801210281';
  print(phone.isAllNumber()); // true

  const String phone1 = '12801210281#';
  print(phone1.isAllNumber()); // false

/// 8. Amount formatted in thousandths.
void toAmount() {
  const String amount = '12345';
  print(amount.thousands()); // 12,345

  const String amount1 = '12345.087';
  print(amount1.thousands()); // 12,345.087

/// 9. Splicing between collection elements.
void toStringFromList() {
  const List list = ['T', 'h', 'i', 's'];
  print(list.splicing()); // This

  const List list1 = ['2021', '11', '17'];
  print(list1.splicing('-')); // 2021-11-17

/// 11. Convert a string of numbers to a number with specified decimal places
void formStringToKeepPoint() {
  final String a = '111.03'.keepFractionDigits(0);
  print(a); // 111

  final String b = '111.03'.keepFractionDigits(1);
  print(b); // 111.0

  final String c = '111.03'.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(c); // 111.03

  final String d = '111.03'.keepFractionDigits(3);
  print(d); // 111.030

  final String e = '111'.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(e); // 111.00

  final String f = '111.034'.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(f); // 111.03

  final String f1 = '111.036'.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(f1); // 111.04

  final String f2 = '111.036'.keepFractionDigits(2, round: false);
  print(f2); // 111.03

  final String g = '111.996'.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(g); // 112.00

  final String g1 = '111.994'.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(g1); // 111.99

  final String h = 'xx23343'.keepFractionDigits(3);
  print(h); // 0.000

/// 12. Convert a string of numbers to a number with specified decimal places
void formNumToKeepPoint() {
  final String a = 111.03.keepFractionDigits(0);
  print(a); // 111

  final String b = 111.03.keepFractionDigits(1);
  print(b); // 111.0

  final String c = 111.03.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(c); // 111.03

  final String d = 111.03.keepFractionDigits(3);
  print(d); // 111.030

  final String e = 111.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(e); // 111.00

  final String f = 111.034.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(f);// 111.03

  final String f1 = 111.036.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(f1);// 111.04

  final String f2 = 111.036.keepFractionDigits(2, round: false);
  print(f2);// 111.03

  final String g = 111.996.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(g);// 112.00

  final String g1 = 111.994.keepFractionDigits(2);
  print(g1); // 111.99

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