
AutoNavi——Weather API Usage


I need information of weather forecast ,so I choose AutoNavi API as it is widely used in China

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厦门市	350200	0592
厦门市市辖区	350201	0592
思明区	350203	0592
海沧区	350205	0592
湖里区	350206	0592
集美区	350211	0592
同安区	350212	0592
翔安区	350213	0592
API format
Json Entities Class
public class WeatherDTO {
    private String status;
    private String count;
    private String info;
    private String infocode;
    private ArrayList<Forecast> forecasts;

public class Forecast {
   private String city;
   private String adcode;
   private String province;
   private String reporttime;
   private ArrayList<Cast> casts;

public class Cast {
    private String date;
    private String week;
    private String dayweather;
    private String nightweather;
    private String daytemp;
    private String nighttemp;
    private String daywind;
    private String nightwind;
    private String daypower;
    private String nightpower;
Code Reference
private static final OkHtppUtil OU = new OkHtppUtil();
 private static final String AMAP_KEY = "***************";
     * 区号
     * @param adCode
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
public static WeatherDTO getWeatherObj(String adCode) throws IOException {
        // OkHtppUtil ou1 = new OkHtppUtil();
//        湖里区	350206	0592
//        集美区	350211	0592
//        同安区	350212	0592
        String response3 = OU.getMethod("https://restapi.amap.com/v3/weather/weatherInfo?city=" + adCode + "&key=" + AMAP_KEY + "&extensions=all");
        return JSON.parseObject(response3, WeatherDTO.class);

     * 将json对象转为可读的html文本,+br处理
     * @param adCode
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static String getWeather(String adCode) {
        try {
            WeatherDTO weatherDTO = getWeatherObj(adCode);
            ArrayList<Forecast> forecasts = weatherDTO.getForecasts();
            Forecast one = forecasts.get(0);
            ArrayList<Cast> casts = one.getCasts();
            String content = "";
            if (casts == null) {
                content = "上方云层异常,疯狂布朗运动ing,暂无天气预报更新!————404";
                return content;
            content = "地区:" + one.getCity() + ",更新时间:" + one.getReporttime() + "
; for (Cast cast : casts) { content += cast.getDate() + "————天气:" + cast.getDayweather() + ";气温:" + cast.getNighttemp() + "~" + cast.getDaytemp() + "℃;风力:" + cast.getDaypower() + "级" + cast.getDaywind() + "风
; } return content; } catch (IOException e) { return "上方云层异常,疯狂布朗运动ing,暂无天气预报更新!————403"; } }


It is no exaggeration to say that it’s easy to use. There are many other APIs in AutoNavi, hope I could use some of them in the future if possible.

