
The kindness of strangers

Bruce Hood

We often help others in situations where there is no immediate benefit to ourselves or indeed there is no reward in the future. We are even willing to help strangers. Young children start to help strangers surprisingly early. At 18 months, they will spontaneously pick up dropped items and open doors or boxes to help an experimenter even when they are not told to do so or given a reward. In fact, rewarding children makes them less helpful because we generally do not like having our acts of kindness reduced to something that was done for obvious gain. It is unlikely that children have been trained to help, but rather, they do so because it is in our human nature. Animals can help other members of their own species, but the observations of helping in non-human primates are sporadic and open to alternative interpretations that divide the scientific community. In fact, some argue that the basic principle of helping others out of good will is uniquely human.


Chimpanzees will reliably help a human retrieve an out-of-reach object, but the helping may have been shaped during their captivity. Whenever we see domesticated animals performing feats that are not observed regularly in their natural habitat, we have to ask whether those abilities are part of their repertoire or rather demonstrations of the power of learning and expectations. After all, researchers have been arguing that domestication changes brains and behavior. Semi-wild chimpanzees and other non-human primates appear to cooperate, but they do not necessarily think of helping as a selfless act. There are many reports of animals working in collaboration but ultimately these are strategies to benefit the individual.


Chimpanzees will lend a hand to help another gain access to food, but not if they have to give up food that is already in their possession. Not only do chimpanzees fail to share food with non-relatives but that selfishness also applies to mothers and their babies. When their baby is begging for food, it has been observed that mothers will pass on a morsel, but when they do, it is usually done reluctantly and she gives the less nutritious and appetizing parts of the plant to her baby. Of course, chimpanzee mothers possess a maternal instinct to protect their babies, but apparently that nurturing does not reliably extend to readily giving up a treat or two. Can you imagine a human mother behaving like that at the local nursery group?


For humans, helping is all about emotions. We help others out of the goodness of our hearts. As Abraham Lincoln said, "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." The kindness of strangers reminds us that humans are an altruistic species willing to help others even when there is no obvious payoff. We do so because it seems right but also because we feel better about ourselves and worse when we do not. When we help others we get a "warm glow"— an experience that registers in the pleasure centers of our brain.


The other mechanism that promotes altruism is not pride, but the fear of criticism from others for not helping. Two famous economists, Ernst Fehr and Simon Gächter developed a cunning game to test people's motives to help the group. They had teams of adults play a game where they were given tokens worth money that they could either keep or put into a collective pot as an investment that would be paid out to everyone irrespective of whether they contributed to the pot or not. The best strategy is for everyone to contribute, but someone who wants to get the most out of game — in other words, to be a freeloader — should not contribute any of their own money and just reap the benefits of all the other players willing to make a contribution. The game was played anonymously, but after each round of the game it was revealed who had contributed what Now players were given the chance to "fine " those who had not contributed sufficiently to the pot. The twist was that whoever imposed the fine also had to pay for the privilege even though they would not get their money back.

另一个促进利他主义的机制不是骄傲,而是害怕别人因为不帮忙而批评。两位著名的经济学家恩斯特·费尔(Ernst Fehr)和西蒙Gächter开发了一个狡猾的游戏来测试人们帮助群体的动机。他们让一组成年人玩一个游戏,在游戏中,他们得到了价值不菲的代币,他们可以把这些代币保存起来,也可以把它们作为一种投资放入一个集体的罐子里,无论他们是否为这个罐子做出了贡献,这些代币都会被支付给所有人。最好的策略是对每个人都做出贡献,但是有人想要的游戏——换句话说,是一个不速之客——不应该贡献任何他们自己的钱,获得收益的其他玩家愿意做出贡献。游戏是匿名,但在每一轮的比赛是揭示造成现在玩家有机会“罚款”那些没有做出了足够的贡献。转折是谁实施罚款还必须支付特权,即使他们不会把钱拿回来。

As the study progressed, something interesting happened. Even though it came at a cost to impose a fine, players were more willing to pay up in order to punish freeloaders. Over time, freeloaders started to contribute more to the pot as the rounds continued. Punishment was changing their behavior. We prefer to punish transgressors even when it comes at a cost to ourselves, but that punishment eventually changes selfish people's behavior.

