
Today,we went to The Sea World,the world—famous park of sea life animals. It took two and a half hours to get there. When we arrived there,we first saw some fish show. Then as we were all tired,we had a quick lunch there. I bought a  chicken grilled cheese plus a big cup sprite which cost me over 26 dollars. That would be an incredible price if we change into RMB as it costs over 100 yuan. My mates ate Turkey meat with a really huge one. After lunch,I walked around to find somewhere to sit. But I missed a whale show due to the lack of internet connection. I watched thesealionshow. I was late,so I only watched about the latter half. I saw the sea lion bouncing the ball with excitement and perfection. They also could dance,which I didn't thought off,they danced Jiangnan Style as the last performance. Then I watched dolphin show with Troye and Bob. It was not exciting as that one. I only took some pictures for the dolphins movement. Then I went back to the bus. In the evening,we had self service as usual.  This day is a little bit better than I thought.
