Enforcing law

Let's now turn to enforcement part. The guards were not trained on how to be a guard. They were given any authorities to do whatever they could within limits. However they were warned of the potential seriousness of their mission and of possible dangers in the situation they were about to enter.

As with real prioners, they have signed informed consent agreement when they volunteered which allowed them to stand harassment and other form of civil rights violated.

What would a guard look like? All guards were dressed in identical uniforms of Khaki, carrying a whistle around neck and a billy club borrowed from police. They also wore sun-glasses used to prevent prisoners from seeting their eyes to read emotions.And of course author need to study gurads who found themselves in a new power-laden role.

This experiment started with 9 guards and 9 prisoners. 3 guards worked each of three 8-hour shift while 3 prisoners occupied each of the three barren cells around the clock.

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