论文阅读 [TPAMI-2022] YOLACT++ Better Real-Time Instance Segmentation

论文阅读 [TPAMI-2022] YOLACT++ Better Real-Time Instance Segmentation


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Prototypes; Real-time systems; Image segmentation; Object detection; Detectors; Task analysis; Shape; Instance segmentation; real time




We present a simple, fully-convolutional model for real-time ( > 30 >30 >30>30 fps) instance segmentation that achieves competitive results on MS COCO evaluated on a single Titan Xp, which is significantly faster than any previous state-of-the-art approach.

我们为实时( > 30 >30 >30>30 fps)实例分割提供了一个简单的、完全卷积的模型,该模型在MS COCO上实现了在单个Titan Xp上评估的竞争结果,比以前任何最先进的方法都要快得多。.

Moreover, we obtain this result after training on only one GPU.


We accomplish this by breaking instance segmentation into two parallel subtasks: (1) generating a set of prototype masks and (2) predicting per-instance mask coefficients.


Then we produce instance masks by linearly combining the prototypes with the mask coefficients.


We find that because this process doesn’t depend on repooling, this approach produces very high-quality masks and exhibits temporal stability for free.


Furthermore, we analyze the emergent behavior of our prototypes and show they learn to localize instances on their own in a translation variant manner, despite being fully-convolutional.


We also propose Fast NMS, a drop-in 12 ms faster replacement for standard NMS that only has a marginal performance penalty.


Finally, by incorporating deformable convolutions into the backbone network, optimizing the prediction head with better anchor scales and aspect ratios, and adding a novel fast mask re-scoring branch, our YOLACT++ model can achieve 34.1 mAP on MS COCO at 33.5 fps, which is fairly close to the state-of-the-art approaches while still running at real-time…

最后,通过将可变形卷积合并到主干网络中,优化具有更好锚定尺度和纵横比的预测头,并添加一个新的快速掩码重新计分分支,我们的YOLACT++模型可以在MS COCO上以33.5 fps的速度实现34.1 mAP,这相当接近最先进的方法,同时仍然实时运行。。.


[‘Daniel Bolya’, ‘Chong Zhou’, ‘Fanyi Xiao’, ‘Yong Jae Lee’]
