



>>No longer do I have to blindly serve the almighty carrot, ” said Judy. “I can make the world a better place—saving lives, defending the defenseless! I am going to be…” Judy ripped off her robe and stood in a blue uniform “A police officer! ”

>> ZOOTOPIA! Where our ancestors first joined together in peace, and declared that ANYONE CAN BE ANYTHING!

>> “Judy, ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy? ” Stu asked.“Nope, ” Judy answered.“Well, I'll tell ya how, ” Stu continued, as if he hadn't heard Judy. “We gave up on our dreams and we settled, right, Bon? ”“Oh yes, ” Bonnie agreed. “That's right, Stu. We settled hard.”“See, that's the beauty of complacency, Jude. If you don't try anything new, you'll never fail, ” Stu said.“I like trying, actually, ” Judy said.Bonnie looked at their daughter. “What your father means, hon… it's gonna be difficult—impossible, even—for you to become a police officer.”“There's never been a bunny cop, ” Stu said.“I guess I'll have to be the first one! ”said Judy as she parkoured against a fence.“Because I'm gonna make the world a better place.”


>> Judy slapped her police hat back on top of her head, and there was a look of determination in her eye. “Well, he was right about one thing: I don't know when to quit.”


>> Fifteen years later, Judy Hopps worked her tail off in the Zootopia Police Academy. She was small compared to the rest of the cadets—who were mostly elephants, rhinos, and bison—but she was strong-willed.

>> Judy walked across the stage to the sound of deafening applause—the loudest coming from her parents, even as Stu sobbed.

>> “We're real proud of you, Judy, ” said Bonnie.“Yeah. Scared, too, ” said Stu. “Really, it's a proud-scared combo. I mean, Zootopia. It's so far away and such a big city.”“Guys, I've been working for this my whole life, ” Judy told her parents, trying to hide how thrilled she really was.“We know, ” said Bonnie. “And we're just a little excited for you, but terrified.”“‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, '” said Judy.

>> When their faces faded into the distance, Judy climbed to the observation deck and took a deep breath. She pulled out her phone and clicked on some music, feeling like her life was about to begin.


>> Beep. Beep. Beep. At the sound of her morning alarm, Judy sprang out of bed. She washed, brushed, and rinsed. Then she put on her vest, pinned on her badge, and strapped on her belt.

>> Inside the bullpen, rhinos, buffalo, hippos, and elephants prepared for work. They towered over Judy, but she didn't mind. She excitedly climbed up into a massive, elephant-sized chair and gazed around the room.

>> “So I can handle one. You probably forgot, but I was top of my class at the academy.”

“Didn't forget. Just don't care.”

“Sir, I'm not just some token bunny.”

“Well, then writing a hundred tickets a day should be easy, ” said Bogo, walking out and slamming the door behind him.

“A hundred tickets, ” said Judy, stomping her foot. She turned toward the closed door and shouted, “I'm gonna write two hundred tickets! Before noon!


>> Then the sound of a car horn and an angry sheep yelling out his window interrupted her moment. “Watch where you're going, fox! ” the sheep yelled.

Judy saw a red fox across the street and eyed him suspiciously. Then she shook her head and scolded herself for being suspicious without a real reason. But when she saw him look around before slinking into Jumbeaux's Café, she crossed the road and peeked in through the window. He was nowhere to be seen.

>> The fox tousled the boy's fur. “This goofy little stinker—he loves all things elephant. Wants to be one when he grows up. Who the heck am I to crush the little guy's dreams? ”

>> you want to be an elephant when you grow up… you be an elephant—because this is Zootopia, and anyone can be anything.”

>> “Toot-toot! ” said Judy happily. Then she walked off with a spring in her step. It felt great to help somebody in need!


>> Her eyes nearly fell out of her head when she saw Nick's little son get into the driver's seat!

>> Judy was having trouble believing her eyes.

>> Judy appeared in front of Nick, her face burning with anger. “I stood up for you. And you lied to me! You liar! ” she yelled.

>> cute fuzzy wuzzy tail

>> “All right, look, everyone comes to Zootopia thinking they can be anything they want. Well, you can't. You can only be what you are.” He pointed to himself. “Sly fox.”Then he pointed to her. “Dumb bunny.


>> “Tomorrow's another day, ” she said quietly to herself.

“Yeah, but it might be worse! ”


>> Little Rodentia was packed with tiny rodents, and Judy and the weasel looked like giants pounding down its small streets.

>> Out of the corner of her eye, Judy noticed that the weasel was about to get away. She threw the giant donut over his head and around his body, trapping him inside. The weasel was stuck!

>> Judy said, “Sir, I don't want to be a meter maid. I want to be a—”

“Do you think the mayor asked what I wanted before he assigned you to me? ” Bogo interrupted her.

“But, sir—”

“Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true. So let it go.”


>> “Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest, ”Judy said.

Nick smiled, amused. “For what?

“Felony tax evasion, ” she replied.

>> Unfortunately, lying on a federal form is a punishable offense. Five years jail time.”

“Well, it's my word against yours, ” said Nick.

Judy held up a carrot-shaped pen and clicked a button. Suddenly, a recording of Nick's voice played from a speaker inside the pen: “I make two hundred bucks a day, Fluff. Three hundred sixty-five days a year, since I was twelve.”

“Actually, it's your word against yours, ”Judy said. “And if you want this pen, you're going to cooperate with my investigation or the only place you'll be selling pawpsicles is the prison cafeteria.” She grinned. “It's called a hustle, sweetheart.”

From the baby stroller, Finnick laughed hysterically. “She hustled you. She hustled you good. You're a cop now, Nick; you're gonna need one of these! ” Finnick slapped his ZPD badge sticker on Nick. “Have fun working with the fuzz! ” Finnick jumped out of his stroller and walked away.


>> Yax came around from behind the counter, and Judy was unable to complete her sentence when she saw what he was—or wasn't—wearing. “You are naked! ”

“Huh? Oh, for sure, we're a Naturalist Club, ” said Yax nonchalantly.

“Yeah, in Zootopia anyone can be anything…, ” said Nick, grinning, “and these guys, they be naked.”

>> Judy's jaw dropped as she wondered what a pleasure pool was. When they got there, naked animals were sunning themselves, playing, and lounging around. Judy's eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight. Nick leaned over to her. “Does this make you uncomfortable? Because there is no shame in calling it quits. We could end our deal right now.”

“Yes, there is, ” she said. She was determined more than ever to stay on the case.

“Boy, that's the spirit, ” joked Nick.

Out in the courtyard, Judy tried to act normal. Her eyes darted around, looking for a neutral place to land.

“Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird, ” said Yax. “But you know what I say is weird? Clothes on animals!

>> Yax smiled. “Told ya Nanga had a mind like a steel trap. I wish I had a memory like an elephant.”

>> “Well, I had a ball. You are welcome for the clue. And seeing as how any moron can run a plate, I'll take that pen and bid you adieu.”

>> “Rabbit, I did what you asked; you can't keep me on the hook forever, ” said Nick.


>> Inside the Department of Mammal Vehicles, there was a huge line of animals waiting to be helped.

>> Hours after they'd entered, a dot-matrix printer slowly spat out the address for the license plate number.

>> They had been in there for hours! Judy was running out of time.


>> Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life? ”


>> He went crazy. Ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death, and disappeared into the night.

>> “My child, we may be evolved … but deep down, we are still animals.”

>> The chain lock prevented the door from opening all the way. Through the space, they could see that Manchas was a big jaguar and he had been badly beaten, with bruises, scratches,and a black eye.


>> “Never let them see that they get to you, ”said Nick.


>> Lionheart continued through the door, letting it slam right in Bellwether's face. All the files she was carrying were knocked to the floor.

>> Nick barely touched the wool puff on top of Bellwether's head and whispered, “Sooo fluffy! ” He was mesmerized. “Sheep never let me this close—so fluffy—like cotton candy—”


>> “Security, sweep the area.”


>> Mayor Lionheart, you are under arrest for the kidnapping and false imprisonment of innocent citizens, ” Judy said as she cuffed him.

>> Her comment caused a big hubbub. Nick didn't like what he was hearing. Clawhauser looked up. He was feeling uncomfortable, too.

>> “It is possible, ” said Judy. “We must be vigilant. And we at the ZPD are prepared and are here to protect you.”

The press suddenly went into an absolute frenzy, asking questions like “What is being done to prevent it? ” and “Should all predators be quarantined? ”

Bellwether stepped up, eager to put an end to the questions. “Uh, thank you, Officer Hopps. Uh, no more questions.”

>> Judy walked across the lobby to Nick. “That went so fast. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about—”

“Oh, I think you said plenty, ” said Nick, interrupting her.

“What do you mean? ” Judy asked, confused.

“Clearly there's a biological component, ”he said sarcastically, repeating her words.“These predators may be reverting back to their primitive savage ways.” He looked at her incredulously. “Are you serious? ”

“I just stated the facts of the case, ” said Judy. “I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage.”

“No, but a fox could, huh? ”

“Stop it, Nick! You're not like them.”

“There's a them now? ”

“You know what I mean. You're not that kind of predator.”

Nick gestured at all the posters. “The kind that needs to be muzzled? The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent? Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met.”

Nick got angrier and angrier, “So, you scared of me? Think I might go nuts? Go savage? Think I might what… try to eat you? ”


>>  front of them was a pamphlet with a picture of a smiling Judy that read“ZPD, Put Your Trust in Us.” Judy looked at it, confused. “I don't understand.”

“Our city is ninety percent prey, Judy, ”said Bellwether. “And right now, they're just really scared. You're a hero to them. They trust you. And so that's why Chief Bogo and I want you to be the public face of the ZPD.”

“I'm not—I'm not a hero, ” said Judy sadly.“I came here to make the world a better place, but I think I broke it.”

“Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps, ” said Bogo. “The world has always been broken. That's why we need good cops like you.”


>> “You are not fine. Your ears are droopy, ”said Bonnie.

“Why did I think I could make a difference? ”Judy asked.

“Well, because you're a trier, that's why, ”said Stu.


>> Nick emerged from the shadows, holding up her carrot pen. “Cheer up, Carrots. I'll let you erase it… in forty-eight hours.”

Judy's eyes welled up with tears.


>> Judy turned to go, but the sheep blocked their way. Why wouldn't Bellwether let them leave? All of a sudden, it became crystal clear to Judy. Bellwether was the one behind this from the very beginning! That was why she had known where they would be. Judy signaled to Nick and they dashed off down a corridor as Bellwether shouted, “Get them! ”


>> “When I was a kid, I thought Zootopia was this perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything… Turns out, real life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes, which means… hey, glass half full! We all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. No matter what type of animal you are, from the biggest elephant to our first fox, I implore you: Try. Try to make a difference. Try to make the world better. Try to look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us.”
